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messed up free ondemand movies

[Mar 26,2005 2:21pm - succubus ""]
so i'm cleaning the house head to toe
nd figured why not have the tv on and see what's on freeondemand

first movie ..now i forget the title but it was about this couple meeting once a week to have anonymous sex and then the guy decides to find out about the woman and it leads to ...drama...

but i couldn't watch all of the first sex scene and then i picked another movie called obsession or obsessed
and it's about this man who feels responsible for his wife and daughter's death ... you see they were kidnapped and he involved the police and they ended up dead...15 yrs later he meets this girl who looks a lot like his wife..
they are going to get married

i REALLY hope it's not his long lost daughter

it's a movie from the 70's...

right now the girl is in his house looking at the things and seeing photos of the mom and daughter...

i didn't catch much else because i'm also vacuuming so i couldn'tt hear everything

i just stopped to make myself a remy martin grape and red berry on the rocks drink and figured i'd post
[Mar 26,2005 2:50pm - succubus ""]
don't bother...
[Mar 26,2005 11:34pm - anonymous  ""]
If you hae HBO, check out " Dope sick in love"..... under HBO-Documentaries. Crazy.

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