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April 29th The Accursed CD release party

[Mar 29,2005 9:16am - theaccursed ""]
:nuke:-CD RELEASE PARTY-:nuke:
04/29/2005 08:00 PM - NEW WAVE CAFE
, NEW BEDFORD, MA 02740, - The Accursed have booked their CD Release Party for the release of "Seasons of the Scythe" (on Screaming Ferret Wreckords) with special guests and labelmates Beyond The Flesh & Divinity Destroyed also apperaing are The Accursed's drinking mates Inflicted and Polaris...... this is a 21+ show only 5 bucks!!! There will also be a raffle for t-shirts, cd's and other cool shit!
[Mar 29,2005 5:58pm - Al Ravage  ""]
maybe I'll take a road trip down theya
[Mar 30,2005 8:22am - theaccursed ""]
you should! beyond the flesh is one tight technically amazing band!
[Mar 30,2005 8:24am - ~Carina~  ""]
ohhh I haven\'t seen the accursed play live in too long, I\'m gonna try to go to this, with camera in hand of course =)
[Mar 30,2005 8:26am - theaccursed ""]
i hope so!
you know what? you should have killed that guy with the video camera!
[Mar 30,2005 8:39am - ~Carina~  ""]
hahahaha I was telling aaron that story last night!
btw does your computer have a DVD rom in it?
[Mar 30,2005 8:40am - theaccursed ""]
nope, its old. why?
[Mar 30,2005 8:43am - ~Carina~  ""]
oh ok
then I guess you prefer if we burn the pics on CD\'s then?
We wanted to be all fancy and put them on a DVD.
We can put them on a CD, though I think it\'ll be more than one.
[Mar 30,2005 8:45am - theaccursed ""]
yeah cd's might be a little easier to handle as far as printing pictures too, thats cool, thanks for the fancy offer though!!!
[Mar 30,2005 9:47am - ~Carina~  ""]
ok cool =)
[Mar 30,2005 12:50pm - theaccursed ""]
yeah you guys did a fantastic fucking job, let me tell you
[Apr 25,2005 9:21pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i think i am actually gonna be at this show, after i swing by the library for a few.
[Apr 25,2005 9:46pm - Phil from NewB  ""]
Ill be thier alone
Ill be the kid that looks 16 even though Im 21
[Apr 26,2005 12:20am - dyingmuse ""]
i am going to try to make this show, depending on if we are recording or not. \m/
[Apr 26,2005 12:53am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I guess that means that none of you people are going to STABFEST at Dee Dee's then, damn it!
[Apr 26,2005 12:55am - RichHorror ""]
Damn, lotta shows on this night.
[Apr 26,2005 12:59am - RichHorror ""]
And if I still lived in NB I'd be there for sure. Now it all depends on what shift I'm working that night.
[Apr 29,2005 3:40pm - KeithMutiny ""]
am i actually the only person i know going to this?

i need drinking partners
[Apr 29,2005 3:48pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
I'm not going to this, but congrats on the CD release, boys. \m/
[Apr 29,2005 6:21pm - BSV  ""]
fuck, i was planning on going to this but i got work in the morning, new bedford is a haul for me, my pop is in fairhaven to bad i couldn't ride with him.
[Apr 29,2005 7:11pm - the_reverend ""]
carina decided to go to green day instead of coming with me..
so I'm at jonah's
[Apr 29,2005 11:33pm - succubus ""]
i was asked to shoot the show and forgot it was the same day :(
i was asked a while back sorry
[Apr 30,2005 9:35am - Aegathis nli  ""]
Such an awsome show! All the bands were great , I got soo drunk and stoned yet some how I made it to work this morning

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