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Attn: BobNOMAAMRooney

[Mar 30,2005 3:59pm - Abbath ""]
talked to the boys in Valhalla and they're down with the July 4th show if you still wanna do something for your b-day, holler back \m/
[Mar 30,2005 4:00pm - KeithMutiny ""]
HAHA, im not him, but i looked... AND responded... feel my wrath
[Mar 30,2005 4:01pm - Abbath ""]
i <3 you too keithypoo
[Mar 30,2005 4:24pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i am so not BobNOMAAMRooney
[Mar 30,2005 8:09pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I really want to do a show for my b-day but I have no money to get the hall. Dangit.

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