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Vlad the Impaler

[Apr 1,2005 2:46pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Im watching his bio on the History channel, even though i've seen it at least a dozen times... he was credited for murdering tens of thousands of people.

If you didnt know, he would impale people with a 8-10ft stake and leave them sticking up out of ground until they rotted away, sometimes doing it to a thousand people at a time...

why cant we impale people as a form of capital punishment, id pay to watch that.
[Apr 1,2005 2:47pm - litacore ""]
I have a tattoo of him on my right arm
[Apr 1,2005 2:47pm - goratory nli  ""]
history channel owns my life
[Apr 1,2005 2:48pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
we should impale muslims for wanting to kill all of us for not living life according to allah
[Apr 1,2005 2:49pm - KeithMutiny ""]
goratory nli said:history channel owns my life

its the only thing i watch, in the rare occasion i watch tv.
[Apr 1,2005 7:53pm - niccolai ""]
They still do impalations in parts of the world. Taliban-era Afghanistan being one of them.
I think the stake is called a sicca or something and they insert it in the anus and push it about up to your stomach, than they lift you on it and you slide down. Hours of fun.
[Apr 1,2005 7:56pm - BSV  ""]
litacore said:I have a tattoo of him on my right arm

you and legion!
[Apr 2,2005 3:35am - the_reverend ""]
where did you get the image of him from?
[Apr 2,2005 3:44am - the_reverend ""]
Apr 2 1459

Vlad the Impaler impales thousands of merchants and burghers of the town of Brasov, in Transylvania. Some estimate as many as 30,000 impalements, but it was probably more on the order of 2,000.
[Apr 2,2005 3:46am - KeithMutiny ""]
my family is speculated to have evolved from the dragul desendants....
[Apr 2,2005 12:42pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yeah I saw that. that was awsome.

.....should'a been a waiter.
[Apr 2,2005 1:33pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i saw a good one on gangus khan...i might have spelled that wrong..i want to see this vlad one damnit!

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