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fucktard photographer hopefully rots in jail

[Apr 1,2005 6:15pm - succubus ""]
i just found out about this fuxxor


he went into a morgue and without anyone's permission and took pics of corpses again withut permission and without telling anyone

an example of something he did:
19 yr old girl naked, autopsied and posed her with objects
he touched every part of her body and photographed it, all shown by the pics
ex skelton key btwn her lips
he wrote sheet music on her "make love to me"

sick fuck i hope you get anally raped in jail


[Apr 1,2005 6:20pm - KeithMutiny ""]
"I never got along with the girls at my school
Filling me up with all their morals and their rules
They'd pile all their problems on my head
I'd rather go out and fuck the dead
'Cause I can do what I want and they won't complain
I wanna fuck I wanna fuck the dead
Middle of the night so silently
I creep on over to the mortuary
Lift up the casket and fiddle with the dead
Their cold blue flesh makes me turn red
'Cause I can do what I want and they won't complain
I wanna fuck I wanna fuck the dead
And I don't even care how she died...
But I like it better if she smells of formaldehyde!
Never on the rag or say leave me alone
They don't scream and they don't moan
Don't even cry if I shoot in their hair
Lying on the table she smiles and she stares"
[Apr 1,2005 6:21pm - dugoxistance  ""]
what? no pix?
[Apr 1,2005 9:16pm - Scoracrasia ""]
That guy is funny.
[Apr 1,2005 9:20pm - Dissector ""]
KeithMutiny said:"I never got along with the girls at my school
Filling me up with all their morals and their rules
They'd pile all their problems on my head
I'd rather go out and fuck the dead
'Cause I can do what I want and they won't complain
I wanna fuck I wanna fuck the dead
Middle of the night so silently
I creep on over to the mortuary
Lift up the casket and fiddle with the dead
Their cold blue flesh makes me turn red
'Cause I can do what I want and they won't complain
I wanna fuck I wanna fuck the dead
And I don't even care how she died...
But I like it better if she smells of formaldehyde!
Never on the rag or say leave me alone
They don't scream and they don't moan
Don't even cry if I shoot in their hair
Lying on the table she smiles and she stares"

CODE BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TSOL rules.

[Apr 1,2005 9:25pm - KeithMutiny ""]
fuckin right
[Apr 1,2005 10:17pm - dread_104 ""]
T S O L are sissies!!!!
[Apr 1,2005 10:46pm - Christoph ""]
[Apr 1,2005 10:48pm - Scoracrasia ""]
Corpse abuse. How cute.

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