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has there ever been a girl...

[Apr 2,2005 3:29am - KeithMutiny ""]
... that you wanted sooo fuckin bad its retarded... as she tells you she wants you as well, but she has a boyfriend, so moral standings interfere....

i fuckin hate that shit... but i.... oh man, you dont even know.......
[Apr 2,2005 3:39am - succubus ""]
nope, can't relate...
but if she has a bf and has these feelings for you...hopefully she dumps him instead of cheating on him and then if she does dump him for you, you gotta worry about what if she does that to you

*sorry if i sound negative...
[Apr 2,2005 3:42am - KeithMutiny ""]
no no, i totally agree, but i feel like a dick, cause i didnt know, and as i was making out with her tonight, he showed up... and i was lost... then she told me.
[Apr 2,2005 4:14am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You fucking whore!
[Apr 2,2005 5:08am - KeithMutiny ""]
i just went throught s bunch of shit my ex sent me, back when she loved me... that solved the problem... now i just want to die, or kill...
[Apr 2,2005 7:44am - neoclassical ""]
No, but retarded girls get me hot.
[Apr 2,2005 7:54am - Scoracrasia ""]
Ha, you said Moral standards.
[Apr 2,2005 8:15am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Moral standards are for wusses.
[Apr 2,2005 11:33am - neoclassical ""]
Moral standards are for subtards.
[Apr 2,2005 12:17pm - dreadkill ""]
2 of my friends kind of went through something like that. they realized they wanted to be more than friends, but the girl had a boyfriend and we were all friends with him. she ended up breaking up with him and has been with our other friend for almost 5 years now.

this girl might be ready for a change. don't back off because of the boyfriend. she is probably sick of him anyway if she wants to hook up with you.
[Apr 2,2005 12:20pm - sinistas ""]
Life ain't nothin' but bitches & money
[Apr 2,2005 12:37pm - swamplorddvm ""]
ALL hot chicks with boyfriends want me. They just never tell me.
[Apr 2,2005 1:18pm - psychogirl ""]
yeah, i agree. big problem. if you have bf nearly everone's interested. but if you don't have nobody's taking a look....
it's often hard to say no to others, but if you love the one, you'll stay hard :whipper:
[Apr 2,2005 1:26pm - Robdeadskin ""]
im in a possition where a girl finally broke up with the boyfriend (as far as i know) and wants me...but not right now...sometime in the future....how gay is that one!
[Apr 2,2005 1:27pm - dreadkill ""]
pretty gay. is she worth waiting for?
[Apr 2,2005 1:29pm - Robdeadskin ""]
im torn on that...doesnt feel worth it...but i dont want to throw a opportunity away. We talk everyday..but i only get to see her once in a while..like tonite. Butr she is only meeting me at a show...we arent goin together....gay!
[Apr 2,2005 1:32pm - Paulll  ""]
lol she has a boyfriend and thats stopping you?
[Apr 2,2005 1:33pm - psychogirl ""]
Robdeadskin said:im in a possition where a girl finally broke up with the boyfriend (as far as i know) and wants me...but not right now...sometime in the future....how gay is that one!

fuck, that sucks.
[Apr 2,2005 1:34pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i know how you can see it that way.... her family forbids it so....i dont know
[Apr 2,2005 2:10pm - dreadkill ""]
just go out and bang some chicks until she is ready for you, and if you still want her at that point, go for it.
[Apr 2,2005 2:12pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
to answer your question: yes.

that's where i am right now. it blows.
[Apr 2,2005 2:22pm - dread_104 ""]
rob and keith - you gotta push the envelope. this may seem gay, but you gotta come up with a new girl in your life...make it up. don't get too creative, the less you say the better. the truth is, the moment there's this new name around in conversation, she'll go crazy. suddenly you're not around as much. now she's the one whose afraid SHE might be passing up an opportunity... she'll either break it off with her unwanted boyfriend/ex/whatever the scenario and come to you, or she'll give up and stay with the idiot (which basically says that she never really thought you were worth it in the first place and was only dicking you around cuz it was a fun distraction from her boring relationship)
i know this might sound kinda pathetic, but really, what's more pathetic than waiting for some girl who won't fuck you...besides, while this is going on, maybe you'll meet someone who isn't into these games that you're subjecting yourselves to. -Dr. Scott, Armchair Psychiatrist
[Apr 2,2005 3:14pm - KeithMutiny ""]
thanks dr scott, i realised i was drunk, and its not that much of a moral delema right now
[Apr 2,2005 3:27pm - dread_104 ""]
anytime. i'm here to help.
[Apr 2,2005 3:31pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
yup i had that and she dumped him 2 months later we started dating and have now been together for a year and a half
[Apr 2,2005 6:09pm - Horror_Tang ""]
Get drunk! That will solve all of your problems.
[Apr 3,2005 10:00am - neoclassical ""]

[Apr 3,2005 10:08am - handinjury ""]
Robdeadskin said:im in a possition where a girl finally broke up with the boyfriend (as far as i know) and wants me...but not right now...sometime in the future....how gay is that one!

She's off the buss dude!!!!!
[Apr 3,2005 10:11am - KeithMutiny ""]
update... i just brought the one that i was talking about too work, i havent slept yet, shes hott... i didnt sleep with her... but i have nothing else too say after a night of awsome fun
[Apr 3,2005 1:06pm - Doomkid ""]
RTTP is infected with the emo. You all know how dangerous this is...
[Apr 3,2005 1:09pm - Abbath ""]
masterbation is the key to not complaining about girls
[Apr 3,2005 3:36pm - KeithMutiny ""]
rowan, remind me to punch you in the dick next time i see you
[Apr 3,2005 4:16pm - Doomkid ""]
remind me to puke on you before/after you slam me in the cock.
[Apr 3,2005 4:17pm - Blue ""]
been there, done that, whoops.
[Apr 4,2005 9:18am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
morals are for the birds. fuck her.
[Apr 4,2005 9:26am - RichHorror ""]
psychogirl said:but if you love the one, you'll stay hard :whipper:

Love makes my penis soft.

[Apr 4,2005 9:45am - pisscup ""]
KeithMutiny said:... that you wanted sooo fuckin bad its retarded... as she tells you she wants you as well, but she has a boyfriend, so moral standings interfere....

I know a girl like that, she just got knocked up too. Every couple of months one of us breaks down and calls the other and we end up hanging out, pretending that we're just friends. Then we end up making out for a few hours... After that I go on a week long whiskey and country music binge that always ends up with me damaging some part of my body (besides my liver).

Moral standings???? You can't make me feel bad for something that feels so good.
[Apr 4,2005 10:27am - strangles kittens  ""]
Donkey punch the bitch

then bust in her eye
[Apr 4,2005 10:50am - Christraper ""]
he's got a point

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