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happy dead anniversary

[Apr 5,2005 9:23pm - succubus ""]
11 yrs ago today

K. Cobain whom i met and hung out with a couple of months BEFORE "nevermind" came out
and my firend has the crazyiness on video

[Apr 5,2005 9:30pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
didn't Layne Stanley die today as well !
[Apr 6,2005 9:23am - ~Carina  ""]
dunno, not a fan
[Apr 6,2005 9:31am - SUBJUGATE ""]
a good day indeed
[Apr 6,2005 9:35am - litacore ""]
really? I met him when they played what was then Axis, then after their Providence show I hung out with them at their hotel; Nevermind had just come out, but not big yet. This was just during the Mary Lou Lord scandal too.

Kurt was a nice guy. I miss this band, but have the memories.
[Apr 6,2005 9:45am - ~~Carina  ""]
hah so cool
I was at there hotel in Montreal, well a few of us..they were are really cool. I\'m trying to think ... was it 1989?
[Apr 6,2005 9:46am - litacore ""]
for us it was like '91
[Apr 6,2005 9:49am - ~Carina  ""]
ok then it was summer of 90 for me i think...
[Apr 6,2005 12:28pm - litacore ""]
ah....my twenties.........

apart from having fun with the bands I played in, meeting Nirvana was the high point of my twenties, the rest of that decade SUCKED FOR ME!

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