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BETHLEHEM - Dictius Te Necare vs. BETHLEHEM - S.U.I.Z.I.D.

[Apr 6,2005 11:19am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have a soft spot for Dictius Te Necare but I bet most people would pick S.U.I.Z.I.D. - opinions?

[Apr 6,2005 11:40am - Christraper ""]
dark metal
[Apr 6,2005 11:50am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Oh come on, that is #3 no matter how you slice it.
[Apr 6,2005 11:57am - Christraper ""]
I like pretty much everything that band has come out with. Even the wierd shit. Now if only I could fucking find anything by them anywhere....
[Apr 6,2005 2:13pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
when i was in high school this was my absolute fucking favorite band. I think I like dictius te necare the most.
[Apr 6,2005 4:28pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I usually have their stuff in my distro, I am actually sold out at the moment. I will restock soon.
[Apr 6,2005 5:30pm - dunwich ""]
I like them both but I prefer SUIZID between the two as the material is a little more diverse and I prefer the vocals & production. Still haven't heard Mein Weg.
[Apr 19,2007 7:45am - Bartsch  ""]
Hi Guys. We´ve created a new BETHLEHEM Forum. Please check under: WWW.STAHLMANTEL.COM. You also find lotsa music + tons of photos there. Greetings - J. Bartsch
[Apr 19,2007 10:30am - This_Is_Heresy ""]
Dictius Te Necare! All the Way. Because really...REALLY... Schatten Aus Der Alexander Welt. I fuckin love that song so much. Everything from these guys is cool, but I love this CD.
[Apr 19,2007 10:44am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Dictius Te Necare gets my vote. Only thing I have heard that comes close is Silencer. Fucking TORTURED.
[Apr 19,2007 10:47am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
holy shit. jurgen bartsch just posted here.

[Apr 19,2007 12:35pm - paganmegan ""]
Dictius Te Necare
[Apr 19,2007 1:33pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Dictus for sure....and Dark Metal is next.
[Apr 19,2007 3:38pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have...

Dark Metal
Dictius Te Necare

all back in stock...

[Apr 19,2007 4:04pm - Strep Cunt  ""]
I like the early 3 pretty much the same, can't say one's better, just different.
[Apr 26,2007 10:12pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Apr 26,2007 10:15pm - Troll ""]
Dictius Te Necare

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