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Hello, I just wanted to say you have a very informative site which really made me think, thanks very much! Have a nice Day!!

[Apr 8,2005 11:25am - litacore ""]
Our guestbook is now almost all SPAM, probably from the same work-at-home-for-a-nominal-fee individual.

pretty weird, that our guestbook is now but a portal for Online Phramacies.

if you feel like it, post something of similar uselessness onto our guestbook, hahaha

[Apr 8,2005 11:33am - paganmegan ""]
I think the bare ass spanking spam is the best one up there ha

I'll also take the time to state my co-workers are being total cunts for no apparent reason
[Apr 8,2005 11:44am - litacore ""]
damn! that sux
tell 'em to lighten up and blast some bathory!
[Apr 8,2005 11:49am - ~Carina  ""]
i hate that
you should look at my message board a lot of spam/bots singing up
form kiddie porn to russian brides to drugs
i gotta figure out how to delete them
[Apr 8,2005 11:55am - litacore ""]
that's terrible, too

I'm considering just taking the whole damn thing down, but I do need a web page for each navigation bar demon!
[Apr 8,2005 11:59am - ~Carina  ""]
there\'s something we can do...
i\'ll ask aaron about your page and i know for my board i gotta go on their admin site and read, but the 2 times i tried it was down =(
[Apr 8,2005 12:03pm - litacore ""]
I tried editing the spam off one time but it fucked up the CGI script and I had to have the host totally redo the page
[Apr 8,2005 12:53pm - grundlegremlin ""]
It's a toss up between nursing home jobs and vicodin........

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