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help these touring bands for mass dates in may/june

[Apr 13,2005 12:42am - adam_time ""]
I've had some guys in michigan called fleshandbloodrobot (http://www.myspace.com/fleshandbloodrobot) ask for help on a date along with a band called analog. these guys are pretty sick, and since i don't really have the connections i really hope someone out there might be interrested in putting them on a bill on may 25th (the date they're asking for), they asked about all ages shows specifically, but if not they said no problem. seriously check these guys out though, they're nasty. they asked about all ages shows specifically.

also, from pittsburgh a band called dakota (http://www.myspace.com/dakoda) asked about a possible date in the first few weeks of june. these guys seem pretty interresting, so i'd like to help them out too.

if anyone comes across information that could help them out let me know or talk to them directly via myspace. i can be instant messaged at donkeypuncher II. also if there's room for within the fray on any possible bills, we're always up to play and meet people and bands. thanks. :NEWHORNS:
[Apr 13,2005 12:45am - adam_time ""]
uh, oh yea. http://www.myspace.com/withinthefray or something.
blah blah promotion blah push blah i'm gay.
[Apr 13,2005 12:56am - hells_half_acre ""]
im prolly doing the fleshandbloodrobot show..

as soon as im not stressed out and doing a million other things..
[Apr 13,2005 1:00am - adam_time ""]
yesss, that would be sick... BCCA? i went to your page and saw you were taking a break so i didn't want to bother you directly and ask. you do a ton of work for folks like us. fireworks and trumpets to you my friend, fireworks and trumpets to you.
[Apr 13,2005 1:02am - hells_half_acre ""]
er, this is jonah posting on my girlfriends account cause im too lazy to log out
[Apr 13,2005 1:04am - hells_half_acre ""]
but it looks like you figured that out!

yeah I really dont want to book any shows right now cause i have other shit on my mind, but at the same time I kind of can't stop myself. I talked to the dude from analog over a month ago and said I'd try and help, but i've been too busy to put anything together. eh.. maybe this week i'll work on it..
[Apr 13,2005 11:52am - blue nli  ""]
flesh and blood robot are awesome. i wouldve helped them out with a date that day, but its the same day as the impaled/aborted/leng tche/rotten sound tour in mass, so id be fucking them over as far as attendance goes.
[Apr 13,2005 11:52am - blue nli  ""]
flesh and blood robot are awesome. i wouldve helped them out with a date that day, but its the same day as the impaled/aborted/leng tche/rotten sound tour in mass, so id be fucking them over as far as attendance goes.
[Apr 13,2005 5:09pm - adam_time ""]
jonah if you need me to do anything to help let me know.
[Apr 13,2005 5:44pm - Hooker ""]
i contacted dakota. waiting for a reply for now.
[Apr 13,2005 10:20pm - adam_time ""]
awesome, thanks for all your help everyone.

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