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Into doses?

[Apr 19,2005 12:21pm - wakeoftears ""]
Who here is into the blotto? Got any crazy ass stories? I just dropped a tab, and now im waiting. I will report back later with some nonsense for your entertainment, I'm sure.
[Apr 19,2005 12:24pm - powerkok ""]
been there, done that. Never going back .
I have TOO many acid stories.
[Apr 19,2005 12:26pm - wakeoftears ""]
I've done it a couple times, and ive got some stories, but its been quite a while.
[Apr 19,2005 12:30pm - powerkok ""]
Like one time,
my Budiies and I were trippin, on really good liquid, and it was wicked laughy shit. So, we smoke a doobie, and my buddy Hoover, puts the roach in his beer.
Im like...'wtf'
he goes 'oh ya, I put em in my beer and eat em when Im done the beer"
Im like ok...a little eccentric, but ok whatever.
The night goes on a bit, and Hoover is finishing his beer.
As hes shaking the can around upside down, into his mouth, to get the roach out, hes tapping me on the shoulder, to show me.
I have a disguted look on my face, so he feels the need to pull the roach out of his mouth to show me.
It was a cigarette butt.
[Apr 19,2005 12:31pm - DreamingInExile ""]
HAAHAHAHA, that's nasty
[Apr 19,2005 12:32pm - powerkok ""]
Dood, I thought I was gonna die laughing.
He fuckin turned green instantly and dry heaved for like 3 minutes straight.
I must say I admired that he didnt puke.
[Apr 19,2005 12:40pm - killerkadoogan ""]
christmas lights in my mom's perm

nuff said
[Apr 19,2005 12:56pm - Christraper ""]
One time...

I was at my dads house after school on acid and he came home early and made me do a religion report that Id been putting off for like a week.

I was at a new years/xmas party around a bunch of people i didnt know and this dude hooked me up with a shit load of liquid. After it kicked in I took over the CD player and demanded that only morbid angel be played for the rest of the night because that was the only cd i had on me. I ended up spazzing out and locked myself in the bathroom for about 12 hours.

I ended up getting locked into the providence place mall long after it fucking closed and had to convince the police with a head full of acid that I just didnt notice.

I was on acid, shrooms and cough syrup and watched Dawn of the Dead. Then i decided itd be a cool idea to walk to the mall. It wasnt a cool idea.

Thats all i can think of so far. I dont really like acid all that much. Shrooms are way better.
[Apr 19,2005 1:08pm - wakeoftears ""]
hahaha you got locked in Providence Place on acid? Thats awesome hahahahaha. I tripped with a few friends at my dads house once, and my buddy Nick broke my dads charcoal grill when he sat on it cuz he thought it was a chair. Then we tried to roll a joint out of receipt paper for some reason, which took an entire hour. Needless to say it didnt work. Then I went home and ate dinner with my Mother and Grandmother.
Everyone seems to like shrooms better than acid, but I like it much better and I dont know why. Shrooms makes me feel too strange, I like feeling self control while im fucked up.
[Apr 19,2005 4:16pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
shrooooooooooooooms, microdots, or mescaline !

and if you're in control on acid, you haven't had good acid !
[Apr 19,2005 4:39pm - Blue ""]
[Apr 19,2005 4:42pm - pisscup ""]
It's been a good ten years since I've done acid. I kept getting into fights while I was tripping balls, it was turning me into a very mean person. Shrooms on the other hand...
[Apr 20,2005 1:35pm - wakeoftears ""]
Im thinkin it was good acid, I just dont take alot of it. Only 2 hits.
[Apr 20,2005 1:37pm - killerkadoogan ""]
who wants to get some for me and bring it to the show on the 29th?
[Apr 20,2005 1:54pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
wakeoftears said:Im thinkin it was good acid, I just dont take alot of it. Only 2 hits.

if you're taking two hits and in control....it's some really low grade crap. you're taking more pesticides then actual lsd.
[Apr 20,2005 3:05pm - Christraper ""]
its true
[Apr 20,2005 3:05pm - Christraper ""]
acid is the devil
[Apr 20,2005 3:09pm - nate ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:wakeoftears said:Im thinkin it was good acid, I just dont take alot of it. Only 2 hits.

if you're taking two hits and in control....it's some really low grade crap. you're taking more pesticides then actual lsd.

yeah no shit dude... if anyone took 2 hits of any sort of good acid you certanly wouldn't be hanging around a message board or being able to post on such message board... I wouldn't be able to type at all... but last time I tripped was about 11 years ago so what do I know anymore....

[Apr 20,2005 3:18pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
The day Super Mario 64 was released back in 1996...................
Holy shit..... nuff said.
[Apr 20,2005 3:29pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Distrust-Kevin said:The day Super Mario 64 was released back in 1996...................
Holy shit..... nuff said.

i found playing video games and being on a lot of acid doesn't help you out at all. i just remember going to take a piss and seeing the video game playing on the wall, that was some good acid.
[Apr 20,2005 3:54pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i've never done drugs, but my girlfriend used to experiment. she tripped on acid for 19 hours one time, and for a good portion she was at the dentist, hahahah
[Apr 20,2005 3:56pm - killerkadoogan ""]
the dentist?

i cant imagine a worse place to be while on acid, other than a police station
[Apr 20,2005 3:56pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Distrust-Kevin said:The day Super Mario 64 was released back in 1996...................
Holy shit..... nuff said.

Haha, you bought an N64. How were those three games for the first five months the thing was out? Pilot Wings 64,Mario 64, and Cruisin USA?:spineyes:
[Apr 20,2005 3:57pm - Josh_Martin ""]
The hardest I ever tripped was on Halloween 1996. I was on tour, playing a show in Albuquerque. This indian dude gave us a shitload of mushrooms.
By the time the show was over I was completely out of mind. A bunch of kids came back to our motel room and this one kid had a moustache and was wearing a cape. I don't remember too much but apparantly I made fun of him so bad he left.
The only other things I remember are having a complete jibberish conversation with Seth that made perfect sense to both of us but everyone else thought we were retarded and going back to the dude with the mushrooms place and staring at his pet lizards.

Also, if you are ever on tour with other bands and get sick of seeing them night after night after night, watch them while tripping, Incantation was like a completely different, and better, band.
[Apr 20,2005 4:18pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Distrust-Kevin said:The day Super Mario 64 was released back in 1996...................
Holy shit..... nuff said.

Haha, you bought an N64. How were those three games for the first five months the thing was out? Pilot Wings 64,Mario 64, and Cruisin USA?:spineyes:

Wave Race 64 was the 3rd game, but anyway, I loved them. Some people tried telling me that Playstation had better graphics. WRONG! Better cinematics perhaps, but the N64 ruled in terms of actual game graphics.
If you disagree with this, take the challenge. Put on the playstation version of DOOM and compare it with DOOM 64. There is no contest. The Nintendo version dominated.
[Apr 20,2005 4:31pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
haha i love you
[Apr 20,2005 4:34pm - Doomkid ""]
chemical hallucinagens>shrooms+acid

Fourase, 2cb, 2ci....

thumbs down for AMT and DMT though.
[Apr 20,2005 4:39pm - Christraper ""]
I have no idea what any of those are
[Apr 20,2005 4:47pm - anonymous  ""]
Distrust-Kevin said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Distrust-Kevin said:The day Super Mario 64 was released back in 1996...................
Holy shit..... nuff said.

Haha, you bought an N64. How were those three games for the first five months the thing was out? Pilot Wings 64,Mario 64, and Cruisin USA?:spineyes:

Wave Race 64 was the 3rd game, but anyway, I loved them. Some people tried telling me that Playstation had better graphics. WRONG! Better cinematics perhaps, but the N64 ruled in terms of actual game graphics.
If you disagree with this, take the challenge. Put on the playstation version of DOOM and compare it with DOOM 64. There is no contest. The Nintendo version dominated.

Haha, yeah DOOM 64 does look better than PS DOOM but not enough to justify spending 70 dollars for a game that was already out on SNES and PC. I don't see how people could tell you that Playstation had better graphics than N64 at the time in 1996 although I always thought the vibrant textures of later ps games such as FF8, Chrono Cross, and MGS looked better than the textures in later N64 games which always looked sort of washed out. Plus N64 didn't have any great 2d games or rpgs.

However, I still loved playing Goldeneye, Mario Kart, No Mercy, and the two LoZ games on N64.
[Apr 20,2005 4:52pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I'm such a dork that I talk about videogames when everyone else is talking about acid.
[Apr 20,2005 5:08pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
If you were being sarcastic, then I must ask, who is the dork? Who is the one who quoted me and started this conversation about video games?
But if you were actually calling yourself a dork, then never mind.
[Apr 20,2005 5:24pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I was actually calling myself a dork. Man, today hasn't been a good day for people understanding what I'm writing when I mean to be sarcastic people are taking it seriously and when I'm self-depreciating people think I'm sarcastic. I'd better start using a colored font system, red for serious white for humor.
[Apr 20,2005 5:33pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
Hey man, I don't think it's ever a good day round these parts. LOL
That color system just might work out though...........

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