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SMOKEYOURFUCKINGEYESOUTFEST 4:20 -- Pillory, Unholy Trinity, Elder Moose, Cryptic Warning - cheap - all ages - 6:30pm

the Library (Allston, Ma) - [cryptic_warning][elder_moose][pillory][unholy_trinity]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Apr 19,2005 4:47pm - swamplorddvm ""]

Wed. april 20th 6:30pm

More info on events page. (e-mail):satancross:
[Apr 19,2005 4:51pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Cool, it's on Hitler's birthday.
[Apr 19,2005 4:51pm - Blue ""]
im all over this.
[Apr 19,2005 4:54pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Whoa today's the shooting of ze school day?
[Apr 19,2005 4:54pm - Soloman nli  ""]
word up. gonna be a fun time. ya gotta love metal in the middle of the week. \m/
[Apr 19,2005 4:56pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Blue said:im all over this.

Like jizz on your mom's face? OH SNAP!
[Apr 19,2005 10:00pm - swamplorddvm ""]

[Apr 19,2005 10:01pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Could someone just send me the address of the Library through myspace mail?
[Apr 19,2005 10:02pm - Hooker ""]
I would be there. But I'll be at work. Sniffing penis.
[Apr 19,2005 10:02pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
And how cheap is "cheap", under $7?
[Apr 19,2005 10:40pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I am pretty sure it's under $7.

probably $6 sober/$5 if you're high
[Apr 20,2005 12:46pm - Anthony nli  ""]

Come celebrate Pillory's UL signing.
[Apr 20,2005 12:46pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

if you can find the place and love Unholy Trinity come see them again with a bunch of losers.
[Apr 20,2005 12:52pm - ArrowHead ""]
What's the adress? I got a ton of people who SAY they want to go, but I can't give em directions. Course, my freinds are gay and probably won't show up anyways.
[Apr 20,2005 12:57pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Email prestoj@wit.edu for the address and directions.
[Apr 20,2005 1:04pm - swamplorddvm ""]
ArrowHead said:What's the adress? I got a ton of people who SAY they want to go, but I can't give em directions. Course, my freinds are gay and probably won't show up anyways.

You must e-mail them.

You don't want "the man" on our backs, do you?:wiggam:
[Apr 20,2005 2:19pm - jay-ganihm ""]
go to this!!!!
[Apr 20,2005 2:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I'll be there.
[Apr 20,2005 2:36pm - cdan ""]
ArrowHead said:What's the adress? I got a ton of people who SAY they want to go, but I can't give em directions. Course, my freinds are gay and probably won't show up anyways.

rrrright...."tons" of "friends" who? your mom and the retarded guy you work with? :krusty:
[Apr 20,2005 2:44pm - Soloman nli  ""]
remember the one time he brought that hot chick to the chopping block? This arrowhead character has been holding out on us.

Or he killed her. Turned her into a pizza perhaps.
[Apr 20,2005 2:47pm - cdan ""]
that chick was probly his distant cousin
[Apr 20,2005 5:07pm - blue nli  ""]
oh snap. im so heading out to this in a bit.
[Apr 20,2005 6:12pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
im goin to get pre-show burritos. sick.
[Apr 20,2005 7:29pm - the_reverend ""]
I've been doing a lot of pre-show waiting outside.
it's really nice out.
[Apr 20,2005 9:35pm - the_reverend ""]
cryptic warning and elder moose played.
it's starting to rain
[Apr 20,2005 10:17pm - the_reverend ""]
and now, pillory
[Apr 21,2005 12:32am - the_reverend ""]
back and working on pictures.
[Apr 21,2005 12:39am - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploadin'
[Apr 21,2005 12:50am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Apr 21,2005 1:01am - cdan ""]
great show. big variety of people, from old school punks to death metal doodz to under-age asian girls.

i had some shitty technical difficulties, but still an awesome time.
[Apr 21,2005 1:03am - goratory nli  ""]
i want to lick your balls
[Apr 21,2005 8:57am - asian girl  ""]
fyi i am not underaged but good show anyway
[Apr 21,2005 9:03am - guy who fingerbanged asian girl  ""]
phew thank god.
[Apr 21,2005 9:21am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Apr 21,2005 9:29am - PilloryDan@work  ""]
I think asian girl is in love with Darren
[Apr 21,2005 10:18am - Lisa  ""]
You know, I do have a name.
[Apr 21,2005 10:40am - succubus ""]
Yeesh Nick! review review review!
Give my man a break! He's works for a living you know. HE got back late and was already sleepy from the show, he'll psot it when he gets a chance.
Don't make me bite you! =)
[Apr 21,2005 10:43am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
you do a review! coo coo cachoo!

Anyone can do the review, I mostly am curious how Elder Moose was.
[Apr 21,2005 10:43am - the_reverend ""]
I work hard for my money.
so hard for it, honey.

and I love when you say something about a random person or band on the internet and they read it and reply. Sometimes it's like 2 years later, but it's still funny.
[Apr 21,2005 10:44am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Carina -

What's your man got to do with me? I got a man.

I'm not trying to hear that, see.

(that's an old rap song)
[Apr 21,2005 10:48am - succubus ""]
ugh why is my honey quoting Donna Summer?
I blame Nick!
[Apr 21,2005 10:51am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
go ahead, everyone else does
[Apr 21,2005 10:53am - cdan ""]
goratory nli said:i want to lick your balls

get in line
[Apr 21,2005 11:43am - the_reverend ""]
I had an awesome walk around boston before the show and ate 3 veggie spike dogs. I think next time, I can do 4.

cryptic warning: it's been a while since i've seen these guys. it was awesome. they should have turned everything up louder so it mixed together better.

elder moose: good from what I heard.. sort of like tides, but I don't think nearly as interesting (I like the more space-rock direction of tides). People formed a ring of power around them and the band faced away from the audience. ie: my pictures are all from crappy angles or are the same pictures.

unholy trinity(ma): a whole band full of drummers? I guess alex (sd) is going to be playing on their record... which makes them and unholy qu.. ity.. whatever the hell 4 people being unholy is.

pillory: much better than the last time I saw them. pretty tight and crazy to listen to. even the cryptic parents that where there seemed to love it. They signed/are signing to Unique leader.. which is completely weird since they aren't staight up cookie monster vocals. good stuff none the less. hopefully, this gets them out on tour around the US. in the basement, I thought Darren was back their re-enacting a scene from beyond the thunderdome... where's tina tuner?
[Apr 21,2005 11:46am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
nice. Yeah I see Justin all the time at Guitar Center and remembered him from The Doppler Effect, so I was interested in knowing what Elder Moose was like.

rock out, thanks 44R0N
[Apr 21,2005 11:50am - jay-ganihm ""]
oh my god aaron, you are so off....

ok, yes, we are a band full of drummers. myself, mike, and frado all play drums. alex from disaster strikes has been learning songs and is almost a member of the band. when he learns the rest, we will decide his fate. i am doing the disaster strikes cd with alex, because they needed a drummer.

grundar and the unholy trinity will probably be the new name. probably not. i dunno. cryptic warning, eldermoose, and pillory were all awesome. i almost threw up in the bathroom after our set becasue it got really hot in that basement.
[Apr 21,2005 11:53am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 21,2005 11:57am - cdan ""]
cryptic warning: my first time seeing these guys, and they fucking shred! i haven't seen good live thrash in a long time. the guitar playing is out of hand and they're all super tight. can't wait for the CD

elder moose: slow rock/metal stuff very Isis-like, I didn't watch the whole set, but they're good at what they do

unholy trinity: old school grind/punk, i liked them a lot, way fun to watch. wish they had a cd

pillory: aside from my technical issues, i think we played pretty well. born so vile kept flashing horns right in front of my face the whole time, that cocksucka.

thanks Alex for the sick show, especially for letting us finish our set past 11.
[Apr 21,2005 12:41pm - Soloman ""]
oh and josh, thanks for picking up the warm beer. it was wicked pissah. \m/
[Apr 21,2005 2:34pm - Anthony ""]

CW: We had a great time and want to come back again. Thanks to Alex for this show!

Elder Moose: Had the biggest crowd of the night. I liked them but wasn't too interested in their style of music. Nevertheless, good guys and good band.

Unholy Trinity: Excellent stuff. Cool riffs, awesome drumming, very old school and raw.

Pillory: Trying to describe how much I enjoyed this wouldnt do it justice. So much respect goes to all the guys in that band for doing what they do musically.

[Apr 21,2005 2:51pm - Hooker ""]

[Apr 21,2005 3:22pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Good show. I caught afew songs from Pillory but had to leave to cath the T. Some dude was acting nutty and now I have a bruisem on my hip. Most whack.
[Apr 21,2005 4:08pm - swamplorddvm ""]

BLAP! hahaha the look on that dude's face.
[Apr 21,2005 4:35pm - Soloman ""]
ha ha yeah I thought that pic in general was pretty funny. To the left Alex is practicing his pelvic thrust, in the center that sick death metal dude is shoving that weird spazz in the blue shirt. I thought he was going to punch that kid for sure last night. And then dread locked dude is trying to keep his head from exploding over to the right.
[Apr 21,2005 4:44pm - cdan ""]
hahaha, not to mention that black chick is about to punch that dude in the brown hat in the back of tha head.
[Apr 21,2005 4:56pm - Soloman ""]
ha ha ha. missed that one. rev, your pics are stories.
[Apr 21,2005 6:18pm - Blue ""]
my lungs hurt.

unholy quartet.
[Apr 22,2005 2:36pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Soloman said: I thought he was going to punch that kid for sure last night.

haha he did and now has a swollen hand.

[Apr 22,2005 3:31pm - Soloman ""]
ha ha. guess i thought correctly.

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