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WZBC 90.3 FM and "Taste of Flesh" Presents...(free show)

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Apr 22,2005 10:42am - ZBC Metal  ""]
Genghis Tron
Devil in the Kitchen
Kill It

Thursday, April 28
Vandeslice Game Room @ Boston College
doors are at 6:30 and the show is free for everyone!

Should be a great time so come out and suppport metal at the Z!!

[Apr 22,2005 10:56am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'll most likely be there
[Apr 22,2005 11:00am - the_reverend ""]
I think the girl on um... whatever show was on before no comercial potential talked about this show yesterday.

that and a wedding present show... oh man!
[Apr 22,2005 11:05am - ZBC Metal  ""]
Yeah, it is kind of lame that it's on the same night as the Wedding Present (it was the only night we could swing it), but it should be over by 10-ish or so, which means people who want to might be able to make it out to the Middle East just in time to catch Mr. Gedge without having to sit through Crystal Skulls. Here's to hoping!
[Apr 22,2005 11:09am - litacore ""]
ZBC is one of my reasons for living

seriously folks, they play some of the best metal and ambient
[Apr 23,2005 12:12am - FiddleTilDeath  ""]
[Apr 27,2005 10:02pm - ZBC Metal  ""]
Shameless bump for tomorrow night!
[Apr 27,2005 10:15pm - powerkok ""]
Kill it is a cool fucking band name.
Its also the name of a 'Fight' song.
So, I'm torn.
[Apr 27,2005 10:24pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hey can I give you a copy of the Aganihm split at the DitK show, ZBC, for your radio program?

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