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anyone in the greater boston area wanna go up to Haverhill to see the new Pray For a Plague / Shaniqua band?

[Apr 22,2005 6:00pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'm bored. send email to thetasteofsilver@yahoo.com if you do.

[Apr 22,2005 6:01pm - denis ""]
shaniqua? what the fuck?
[Apr 22,2005 7:17pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Shaniqua & The Skullfuckers

there's pictures on here of them.

we're not too late if someone wants to go.
[Apr 22,2005 7:19pm - Hooker ""]
you click on this.

[Apr 22,2005 8:58pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
you're all poseurs.

hooker - how easy/hard was it to get your Robot Project show?
[Apr 22,2005 9:20pm - Hooker ""]
Not hard. They are nice.
[Apr 22,2005 9:31pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hmmm did you have to email them a lot to follow up? they said they'd mail the date out to promoters on their list or something, but I haven't heard anything in a while.
[Apr 22,2005 9:42pm - Hooker ""]
get back to them after a week.
[Apr 23,2005 4:25pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Nick sorry you couldn't make it, the show was a blast, the venue was cool and the place was huge. The only thing that sucked was the whole christian thing,but other than that it was a great show. It is a totally free venue though, which is fucking awesome in it self,and it is all ages.We are going to play there again,and You guys(ttos) should play with us. I'll give you a date soon. Thanx to everyone who skipped overrated fest this year!
[Apr 23,2005 4:46pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah I tried my pinnacle off

glad it went well

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