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does anyone know where i can get photos mounted quick and cheap?

[Apr 26,2005 7:22pm - succubus ""]
I have an art show coming up and am ordering the prints from my usual place but they don't do mounts ..

i'm wondering if anyone here can help

thanks a lot!

[Apr 26,2005 7:25pm - Hooker ""]
Normally anything with the words "mounted, quick, and cheap" ... I'd be the man to talk to. Emphasis on quick. The whole photos thing... I dunno.
[Apr 26,2005 7:30pm - succubus ""]
[Apr 26,2005 8:51pm - succubus ""]
[Apr 26,2005 9:02pm - Lynne too lazy to log in  ""]
Carina do it yourself..... you can go to AC moore and buy really cheap mat board.... cut it with an xacto knife and u can get 11x14 frames from walmart for 5.99

[Apr 26,2005 9:27pm - succubus ""]
i don't want the photos framed though..maybe mount is the wrong word...
ummmm instead of framing it i want it on hard background...

ok i checked it is called mounting...
i think they use a machine to embed the photo into the "Cardboard" or whatever material is used...

you still think it's something i can do LYnne?
[Apr 27,2005 9:00am - ~Carina~  ""]
[Apr 27,2005 9:08am - adam_time ""]
yea it's not too difficult. you can cut the edges with a ruler and exacto blade, and they have cans of spray adhesive that stick shit tight without bubbles or bleeding through (unlike rubber cement). i've done this multiple times for graphic design classes. just practice spraying a piece of paper before you try it on a photo... and don't buy the 3m brand, it's terrible and chunky. i suggest camie 380 screen printer's adhesive (that's what i use).
[Apr 27,2005 9:10am - adam_time ""]
and use matboard or foamcore to mount it to.

bleeding through = foamcore.
terrible joke. sorry.
[Apr 27,2005 9:33am - ~Carina~  ""]
wow...thanks Adam
I appreciate the help...I\'m going to print this out and get some supplies.. hope i don\'t screw it up
[Apr 27,2005 9:50am - largefreakatzero ""]
ServicePoint in Woburn will mount photos for you.
[Apr 27,2005 11:48am - ~Carina~  ""]
[Apr 27,2005 12:16pm - adam_time ""]
please to be of service
[Apr 27,2005 12:21pm - Scoracrasia ""]
You said mounted, huh huh.
[Apr 27,2005 1:36pm - ~Carina~  ""]
I really would prefer to do them myself since the gallery takes 50% of the photos (if i sell any) so i\'d like for the pics to cost me the least amount as possible, I just dont\' want to ruin photos...

[Apr 27,2005 1:40pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
it should be easy to do. my gf did a whole bunch of prints mounted to foam core for her photography II final. she also did her own matting for frames which should be easy to do.

if my gf can do it so can you. just get the board and spay stuff.
[Apr 27,2005 1:45pm - ~Carina~  ""]
ok, though I might order extra prints
placing my order this afternoon..

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