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audioslave @the avalon my story and photos

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Apr 29,2005 1:37am - succubus ""]
holyyyyyy wow

what a night
i run home after work to change
there is a fedex envelope for me..they overnighted me a ticket (damn they cost like $40) then i left..
first of had to go get tests at the doctor..good news..i'm not dying

then off to the show...security was tight
first time EVER i had to wait in line at the avalon...of course i hear this idiot behind me, and i mean idiot, "ha, does she think she can get in with that? she's gonna get searched!" blah blah...going on and on...shut up moron, mind yer business

so my turn in line and of course i tell them i'm here for my ticket and photo pass..he opened my small zipper and closes it...

of course audioslave's list is not there....it was 6:30 i think...show started at 7....it's now 6:50..list arrives....my name is not on the list..i have no clue who the 2 people working will call are
show is sold out...so i sold my ticket for $10, whatever, if i don't shoot it, i'm not going, plus i figure once i straighten it out..they'll give me another one
people at booth are lost...unfortunately...they can't help me..i see the pr guy who pages the tour manager for me and i wait....7:10...nothing...i call shatteredliz and pray she's by her computer...i give her the info...she gives me the number i'm looking for thank you liz<3
call the record label in califorina..they tell me i should be all set...tell me they will try to contact tour manager...i wait...7:15....7:20...see a different girl come out with guest list...i talk to her, i knew who she was...of course..guess what?
my name WAS on the list...i was the only legit photo pass and i was the last page of the list..and had an entire sheet with only my name and a photo release to sign

i sign and go in..
too late to shoot opener, whatever
incompetant people suck
i see a 37 yr old semu drunk contest winner with a teeny digital and she's way excited and asks me for tips...then another kid starts talking to me and tells me he went through the opening band..i tell him, usually they won't allow him to shoot the main band, esp since his pass has the initials of the opening band on it....whatever
right before they come on...security says no one is allowed to shoot audioslave because everyone went through the opening band
fuck you dude I didn't, THEY did, i signed my release...i was fucking pissed, he tells me to calm down and i try explaining how they have no clue..no luck...then the lead bouncer ninja walks over..tells security to leave me alone, i'm all set...thank you ninja, YOU rule...and then another bouncer says well then everyone can take photos...whatever...
incompetant people suck
i can't believe how unorganized it was
too many drunk guys..a lot kicked out even before audioslave went on
crowd surfing...f a person surfed 2 times...after the second time they got a warning....if they did it one more time, they were gonna get kicked out...
as for the show
it was so awesome!
they played soungarden and rage songs
sooo fuckin awesome!
hadn't seen them since 2003
again tom morello and i had a mini conversation while on stage..he's so awesome
pics turned out cool i think, though i couldn't move because speakers and cabs were all over, so i was in a tiny hole right in the middle...

pics to follow if anyone cares
[Apr 29,2005 7:28am - succubus ""]
[Apr 29,2005 7:41am - powerkok ""]
What a bunch of fucking idiots.
Sounds like typical lazy drunk coked out scum club runners.
Some people you have to deal with in metal huh?
Pretty sad.
[Apr 29,2005 8:54am - ~carina~  ""]
wow, someone read my long story! =)
[Apr 29,2005 9:28am - powerkok ""]
well, originally, I read, hoping you were gonna say Tom Morello lost a hand or something cool like that.
[Apr 29,2005 10:05am - destroyyoualot ""]
Sounds like a harrowing tale of terror to me. Bass player wins "Dumbest fake Maori tattoo of the century" award. It's probably covering up his "RATM 4 Life" piece.
[Apr 29,2005 10:52am - ~Carina~  ""]
kok, you don\'t like morello?
[Apr 29,2005 11:41am - Hooker ""]
The drummer is the ugliest woman I've ever seen.
[Apr 29,2005 3:45pm - ~Carina~  ""]
[Apr 29,2005 5:27pm - powerkok ""]
nope, not anywhere near a Morello fan.
When a bunch of my friends got into RATM in the mid 90's, I hated em, and still do.
I would always be like....pff listen to Suffocation, fags.
[Apr 30,2005 1:06am - __THeMoor__ ""]
i love rage. a lot. they're what got me into hard music.

i would LOVE to see these guys live.

morello is god.
[Apr 30,2005 2:22am - succubus ""]
__THeMoor__ said:i love rage. a lot. they're what got me into hard music.

i would LOVE to see these guys live.

morello is god.

[Apr 30,2005 3:21am - davefromthegrave ""]
destroyyoualot said:Sounds like a harrowing tale of terror to me. Bass player wins "Dumbest fake Maori tattoo of the century" award. It's probably covering up his "RATM 4 Life" piece.

that's seriously a dumb tattoo. it's just....black....but not a desing or anything. It's just stupid. It's like when you're a kid with coloring books, and he colored everything black.
[Apr 30,2005 9:25am - sinistas ""]
cool photos carina, too bad they didn't play Fell On Black Days :/
[Apr 30,2005 10:08am - anonymous  ""]
thats awesome

I love rage as well.
[Apr 30,2005 11:50am - mOe_rk ""]
wow, they must have sounded horrible doing those RATM songs
[Apr 30,2005 11:56am - succubus ""]
mOe_rk said:wow, they must have sounded horrible doing those RATM songs

it was AWESOME
[Apr 30,2005 11:57am - succubus ""]
sinistas proves he's the man yet once again =)
[Apr 30,2005 12:42pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
succubus said:__THeMoor__ said:i love rage. a lot. they're what got me into hard music.

i would LOVE to see these guys live.

morello is god.


hence the red Zapata RATM shirt i wear to just about every show.
[Apr 30,2005 4:41pm - succubus ""]
ok well i'll let you guys know when photos are up =)

[Apr 30,2005 5:15pm - lady_czerach ""]
Awesome photos, Carina!

BTW, did you get my e-mail?
[Apr 30,2005 8:25pm - succubus ""]
thanks jess!
things have been nutty, btwn the art show and working on the photos for it and ibanez, metalfest, audioslave and greenday..it's been crazzzzy.
but i just saw what you wanted, i will place the order, can i just have yer addy where to ship please?
email it to me
[May 1,2005 8:24am - rotmaster nli  ""]
audioslave is gay

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