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Dinosaur Jr. / Original Lineup / July 15 AVALON

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[Apr 29,2005 9:38am - litacore ""]
Damn, I didn't believe this at first. But I guess in their middle age Lou Barlow and J. Mascis have let the water under the bridge.

I'm going to this if I have to crawl there. Early DJR w/Barlow on bass were almost as much an influence on me as Venom. :yoda:
[Apr 29,2005 10:00am - destroyyoualot ""]
Your Band Sucks: Indie Goes Broke

Pretty much sums it all up.
[Apr 29,2005 10:20am - litacore ""]
well, I agree with MOST of what he's sayin' there

but some of us kids never got to see these bands first time around

for the record, I've always loathed R.E.M.
[Apr 29,2005 10:58am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
the fact that Lou and J are in the same place at the same time astounds me. In "Our Band Could Be Your Life" Lou calls J Mascis pretty much the worst human being he'd ever met and attributes him to all his life's problems. So it's pretty neat they could reconcile.
[Apr 29,2005 11:09am - litacore ""]
Lou and Cronos are big bass influences on me, so that's the main reason I wanna check it out

OBCBYL is a great book, I read it when I was bedridden with Chicken Pox
[Apr 29,2005 11:23am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yea but it said Husker Du was lightning fast. Maybe for back then, but I just heard them for like the second time in my life and it wasn't very fast....not as fast as, say, Brutal Truth or somethin'
[Apr 29,2005 11:33am - litacore ""]
I wanna check out the Minutemen, I've actually never heard 'em

I like the chapter on Big Black and Rapeman
[Apr 29,2005 1:05pm - dreadkill ""]
i like dinosaur sr. a lot better. dinosaur jr. never quite lived up to his father's accomplishments, but that's just my opinion. what do i know anyway?

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