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PORPHYRIA demo review...

[May 4,2005 4:38am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
A Brutal Live Demo - 85%
Written by BassLord on May 3rd, 2005

You'd think that when a band goes to record a demo, they would want to make the best product they could. I mean after all, a lot of people are going to judge the band on the strength of the demo, so of course they would want to make a quality release. Well, on this demo PORPHYRIA prove you don't have to go to great lengths to make an impressive release. This demo was recorded in front of a live audience, which is quite a ballsy move as there are a bunch of things that go wrong. The band's performance might be sloppy, they might not get a good reaction from the crowd, and technical problems might arise. However, despite all of those potential problems, PORPHYRIA certainly deliver the goods.

PORPHYRIA play really brutal, technical Death Metal, and even though their music is really fast and complex, they are a really tight live act. There are no noticeable mistakes to be found anywhere on this release, the band also gets a really good reaction from the crowd. There's even a few funny moments, such as when the vocalist chooses to growl the song titles, or when the band stops mid song so the vocalist can announce "This is the breakdown part".

Musically, I would place PORPHYRIA somewhere between SUFFOCATION and MORBID ANGEL. They are are almost totally uncompromising when it comes to heaviness. Songs like "Devoured By Fire" and "End Flesh Divinity" are good showcases of the band's brutality. However, there are occasional moments of melody such as the midsection of "Frailties Of Humanity" or the fast melodic riffing in "The Infection Of Blood". The vocals range from a low growl (similar to Frank Mullen of SUFFOCATION) to a high death scream, and the vocalist pulls off both equally well.

Overall, this demo is quite impressive. PORPHYRIA take a potentially bad idea, and turn it into a very well executed release. Having seen this band live myself, I can personally say that they should be banging heads for a long time to come.


[May 4,2005 8:29pm - RustedAngel ""]
hahah awesome, thanks dwyer.
[May 4,2005 8:51pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Just reporting what I find.
[May 4,2005 8:56pm - Hooker ""]
porphyria sounds like the guitar player has a wicked hairy asscrack
[May 4,2005 8:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
A taint fro?
[May 4,2005 9:01pm - powerkok ""]
ya, that thing need to be friggin bushwhacked, man.
[May 4,2005 9:07pm - Hooker ""]
I got a wookiee as and everything, but tom looks like he's up on buckwheat's shoulders
[May 4,2005 9:15pm - powerkok ""]
hahahaha....Don King in a scissorlock!
[May 5,2005 9:16am - RustedAngel ""]
Hooker said:porphyria sounds like the guitar player has a wicked hairy asscrack

[May 6,2005 12:28am - RustedAngel ""]

found that today it translates into:
"The death metal band of the twin guitar formation which in 2003 is formed in the new hampshire Manchester. Presently the live album of 4 tune entering demonstrations and 6 tune entering independent release is done. As a style, with the death metal which extremely is also the technical element, the performance power which the ? dust is done is very ones. ?????? which springs out sometimes the part charm. The band has finished the recording of the debut mini- album, but it seems that still is not contract with the label. Getting contract quickly, it is about to want producing the full album."
[May 6,2005 12:51am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
HAHAHAHAHAHA what the fuck?! dust is done is very ones? sounds like dr. suess got hit in the head by mike tyson

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