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Dungeon Cult Productions: Black Metal Fest

[May 5,2005 2:48pm - CNV  ""]
Official Line Up:

Grand Belial's Key (Legendary USA Black Metal)

Sin Origin

Cold Northern Vengeance (Atmospheric and Occult Black Metal)

Horn of Valere (Pagan/Heathen Black Metal)

Hell's Infinite 6 (Technical and fast black/death)

Witch Tomb (Harsh Beherit esque BM)

Abaroth (Emperor style BM)

Betrayal (Blackened thrash from Rhode Island)

Martyrvore (Old school primitive black death)

@ The Bombshelter
Manchester New Hampshire
Saturday July 9th

Everyone should harp on December Wolves to do this fest!!!!! Haha...
[May 5,2005 2:51pm - powerkok ""]
sweet....Ill be there.
[May 5,2005 3:03pm - litacore ""]
me too

[May 5,2005 3:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I hate you since this is when I'll be in california for a wedding.
my second trip on a plane in my life and it has to be this freakin' weekend.
[May 5,2005 3:29pm - ~carina~  ""]
i'll hold your hand and drug you up
[May 5,2005 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
how does that help me see CNV, martyrvore or GBK?
[May 5,2005 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
(not that the other bands aren't good, I just think I will never get to see CNV)
[May 5,2005 3:31pm - ~Carina~  ""]
i was dealing with your flying issues...

not much else i can do..sorry
[May 5,2005 3:31pm - destroyyoualot ""]
I'll be there with \m/ (oo) \m/ on.
[May 5,2005 3:31pm - the_reverend ""]
((and that's mostly because of anti-nazi nazi's being gestapo-minding morons))
[May 5,2005 3:32pm - Christraper ""]
anti-nazi nazi's. thats great
[May 5,2005 3:38pm - paganmegan ""]
this looks awesome
[May 5,2005 4:54pm - Abbath ""]
i'm fucking there
[May 5,2005 4:58pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Sin Origin are also playing the night before in MA somewhere with GBK, Horn of Valere and Hirudinea...

[May 5,2005 4:58pm - Kinslayer  ""]
[May 5,2005 5:01pm - ninkaszi  ""]
andrew, what is the date for the mass show again? i will get on it.
[May 5,2005 5:20pm - Kinslayer  ""]
July 8th...

GBK, HoV, Sin Origin, Hirudinea...
[May 5,2005 5:58pm - Demonsofwinter/Viall  ""]
You guys should add NEHOR to that show.
[May 5,2005 8:52pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
[May 5,2005 9:44pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]


Mp3 sample of Sin Origin...
[May 5,2005 11:13pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]

Shemhamforash MP3 by Grand Belial's Key

[May 5,2005 11:14pm - BornSoVile ""]
[May 6,2005 1:36am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
[May 6,2005 2:54pm - Demonsofwinter/Viall  ""]
NEHOR is from Northern NH from Berlin area, very pagan, satanic, black metal. NEHOR is for fans of Arckanum
[May 6,2005 2:56pm - Demonsofwinter/Viall  ""]
And Yes December Wolves should play this show!!!
[May 6,2005 3:09pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
I'm checking out NEHOR when I can cause i'm a crazy Arckanum fan.
[May 6,2005 3:31pm - Mathais  ""]
GBK sounds awesome. I'm glad they are after us (abaroth) so I have a chance to get really really stoned
[May 6,2005 3:54pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
any NEHOR mp3's?
[May 6,2005 4:09pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Sin Origin kills...
[May 6,2005 5:45pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Mathais said:GBK sounds awesome. I'm glad they are after us (abaroth) so I have a chance to get really really stoned

Actually there's been a change of plans... Everyone decided that the fest would be better if your one-year-old local band headlined over the longest running (since 1992) US Black Metal band who are traveling up from 1/2 way down the coast.
[May 6,2005 5:46pm - BornSoVile ""]
get HUMAN SLAUGHTER to play this!!!
[May 6,2005 5:56pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Unfortunately HS is a one member band...
[May 6,2005 6:12pm - arillius ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Actually there's been a change of plans... Everyone decided that the fest would be better if your one-year-old local band headlined over the longest running (since 1992) US Black Metal band who are traveling up from 1/2 way down the coast.

I'm glad GBK is even coming to this show. It's amazing that they're playing... can't wait to hear some tracks off of mocking the philanthropist. all hail gbk
[May 6,2005 6:14pm - Anthony nli  ""]
I really want to go to this- anyone driving up from Boston/Cambridge?
[May 6,2005 6:32pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I was just joking around, I hope SOMEONE got a few LOLs out of it.

Actually GBK playing last might be trouble, seeing as Richard managed to drink enough to puke even before their set at O'Brien's and that was only a 4 band show!
[May 6,2005 6:51pm - Anthony nli  ""]
BestialOnslaught said:I was just joking around, I hope SOMEONE got a few LOLs out of it.

Actually GBK playing last might be trouble, seeing as Richard managed to drink enough to puke even before their set at O'Brien's and that was only a 4 band show!

I found it funny. Actually it was informative because I'm stupid about BM and really didnt know anything about GBK- I downloaded the song in this thread and thought it was awesome though. Abaroth's demo rules as well, from what I've heard.

[May 6,2005 7:03pm - dreadkill ""]
the_reverend said:I hate you since this is when I'll be in california for a wedding.
my second trip on a plane in my life and it has to be this freakin' weekend.

i'll take your place in california if you want. i haven't been there in almost a year and i'm starting to have withdrawals.
[May 6,2005 7:11pm - Mathais  ""]
i guess im pretty bad at phrasing compliments, but whatever. GBK OWNS. That sounds better. Everytime I post on this board I sound like an asshole. I think its the font or something
[May 6,2005 9:43pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Haha I'm just bustin balls, no don't worry about it.

"Hosannah to the son of David!"
[May 7,2005 1:01pm - Demonsofwinter  ""]
No there are no NEHOR mp3's. NEHOR hates the internet, does not want anything to do with it. I'll bring NEHOR's demos to the show
[May 7,2005 2:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I just can't wait to raid distros, it'll be like Strawberrys with corpsepaint.
[May 7,2005 4:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:Sin Origin kills...


Add them if you're on My Space.

[May 11,2005 8:38am - Kinslayer  ""]
Mike...what's the good word on a venue in MA?
[May 11,2005 3:44pm - ninkaszi  ""]
andrew, i will know this weekend.
[May 11,2005 3:46pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Anthony nli said:I really want to go to this- anyone driving up from Boston/Cambridge?

[May 11,2005 4:50pm - Xammael ""]
Anthony nli said:Anthony nli said:I really want to go to this- anyone driving up from Boston/Cambridge?


I might be able to help you out. IM me when it's closer to the date.
[May 11,2005 11:45pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Xammael said:Anthony nli said:Anthony nli said:I really want to go to this- anyone driving up from Boston/Cambridge?


I might be able to help you out. IM me when it's closer to the date.

cool thanks
[May 12,2005 12:05am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I'm in Boston and I've got a car.
[May 12,2005 7:53am - DreamingInExile ""]
nice, Hell's Infinite 6! these guys practice up the hall from us, they're retardedly fast and brutal :newhorns: :satancross:
[May 18,2005 9:41am - Kinslayer  ""]
Mike: Any venue news for the GBK / HoV / Hirudinea show??
[May 20,2005 9:12am - Kinslayer  ""]
Mike - ???
[May 20,2005 3:14pm - ninkaszi  ""]
sorry man, i havent had a chance to get over to the place yet. shoot me an email at ninkaszi187@yahoo.com when you get a chance.
[May 20,2005 3:14pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[May 20,2005 3:29pm - Todd_Bombshelter ""]
Hey ,is the line-up finalized yet? Is anyone gonna make a flyer for this, As soon as I hear something from Paul, I will put this up on the website, And I would like to have flyers to pass out, I already got people asking about this.
[May 20,2005 4:10pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Mike - you'll get an email right now..

Todd - I believe this is the final lineup:
Grand Belial's Key
Cold Northern Vengeance
Horn of Valere
Sin Origin
Hells Infinite Six

As soon as Paul confirms this as final, I'll get a flyer made up..
[May 20,2005 4:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Did BETRAYAL drop off?
[May 20,2005 4:45pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Yeah, we did...I can't be in NH that day until like 7pm and I'm sure Betrayal would be playing earlier than that so fuck it...we still only have 3 songs anyway hahah..

Todd, when should this fest start in order to accommodate that many bands? I'm just hoping I wont miss half the bands by arriving at 7pm...
[May 23,2005 2:31am - Todd_Bombshelter ""]
Kinslayer said:
Todd, when should this fest start in order to accommodate that many bands? I'm just hoping I wont miss half the bands by arriving at 7pm...

I thought that was discussed with Serge ,when Paul got the date?,If not have him get in touch with Serge and figure this out, I am sure he would not mind opening a few hours earlier, maybe
[May 23,2005 1:57pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Serge agreed to open early. This is the official line up. I might add one more band if I can get them on the bill. Todd can you email me Serge's cell number. Dungeoncult@aol.com
[May 23,2005 3:42pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I can work on a flyer if you like, Paul...

I'll need logos from, Hell's Infinite Six, Martyrvore and Witchtomb...
[May 24,2005 6:09pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
sounds good Andrew... I don't have any of those logos unfortunately.
[May 24,2005 7:51pm - Anthony nli  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I'm in Boston and I've got a car.

Do you have any extra room in said car? I would really appreciate it.

Also, I feel like I know you and have met you before- did you go to Boston Latin School? Were you friends with John Regan and Eddie? If so, you must be the same Janssen I know.
[May 27,2005 1:56pm - anonymous  ""]
this is going to be awesome... How much is it?
[May 27,2005 7:52pm - anonymous  ""]
Sin Origin dropped unfortunately...

I'm looking for a worthy replacement...
[May 27,2005 7:53pm - Kinslayer  ""]
^^^ That was me...sorry

[May 27,2005 8:10pm - ninkaszi  ""]
andrew, is sin origin playing the boston show? if not, we are keeping it to four bands. let me know man. i am just waiting back to see if the show is confirmed.
[May 27,2005 10:12pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Anthony nli said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I'm in Boston and I've got a car.

Do you have any extra room in said car? I would really appreciate it.

Also, I feel like I know you and have met you before- did you go to Boston Latin School? Were you friends with John Regan and Eddie? If so, you must be the same Janssen I know.

I've got room in the car and yes I am that same Janssen who was friends with Regan, Eddie, and Tobin. I left BLS after 8th grade but kept coming back to hang out with them.
[May 28,2005 12:26am - Anthony nli  ""]
I ran into eddie today walking through dot! go figure

anyways thanks a million man, just tell me where and when to be
[May 28,2005 1:57am - Todd NLI  ""]
Hey paul, I sent you a message with Serge's ## ,did you get it?
[Jun 1,2005 4:28pm - Kinslayer  ""]
SIN ORIGIN have be re-added to the bill!!
I told them the Boston show is full with December Wolves, GBK, HoV and Hirudinea but they are playing the Dungeon CUlt fest in NH...
[Jun 1,2005 9:52pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Todd, I am going to call him right now. Kinslayer can you do a flyer? Hell's Infinite 6 has dropped off the bill.
[Jun 2,2005 11:58am - anonymous  ""]
I'll do a flyer..

Official lineup??:
Grand Belial's Key
Horn of Valere
Cold Northern Vengeance
Sin Origin
Witch Tomb


I need a price...address...time..etc
[Jun 2,2005 11:59am - Kinslayer  ""]
that was me ^^
[Jun 6,2005 12:21am - arillius ""]
[Jun 6,2005 1:34am - Todd NLI  ""]
anonymous said:I'll do a flyer..

Official lineup??:
Grand Belial's Key
Horn of Valere
Cold Northern Vengeance
Sin Origin
Witch Tomb


I need a price...address...time..etc

The Bombshelter
97 Eddy Rd Manchester NH

18-20 $15 21+ Free

Doors ??(ASk Paul)
[Jun 6,2005 3:18am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Todd NLI said:18-20 $15 21+ Free

[Jun 6,2005 11:17am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
$12 for 21 plus

$15 for under 21
[Jun 6,2005 12:16pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I'll do it tomorrow...
Paul we need to fucking practice...I'm really only free on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday nights though because of my summer work schedule...unless you guys could arrange to practice at the Horn of Valere spot some time...but basically, Friday and Saturday all day/night are no good...get back to me...
[Jun 7,2005 3:56am - dwellingsickness ""]
Oh so he is gonna charge for 21+, cool more money for you guys ,hopefully, I just assumed he was not gonna ,like every other Fri and Sat show...So that is cool
[Jun 7,2005 8:53am - Kinslayer  ""]
I'm not concerned with making money outside of gas $$ but we need to charge so we can give GBK who come from VA and Sin Origin who come from the mid west a decent chunk of $$. Sin Origin are flying here with NO monetary guarantee which is very cool of them...

We also need to find a place to put GBK and Sin Origin up for the night...Unfortunately I'm in between apts right around the time of this show so I have no means to help them out but if we get enough $$ for them we can get them hotels...
[Jun 7,2005 10:06pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
If enough people come out and start supporting black metal these shows will start to occur more often. I would love to have Craft come to New England and set up a tour for them.
Andrew, I think we could do a Sunday. I have to check with Matt. Mike (Hirudinea) did you download Black Metal Isolation?...I can send you the complete lyrics.
[Jun 8,2005 1:03pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
isnt Grand Belials Key a side project by one of the guys in Ancient? its not the guy Aphazel, some guy with a kvlt name that ironically starts with a k
[Jun 8,2005 1:05pm - ninkaszi  ""]
the singer of ancient sang on the first two GBK demos. that is the only connection.
[Jun 8,2005 1:11pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
too bad the sound at the bombshelter sucks
[Jun 8,2005 1:28pm - Christraper ""]
does it really?
[Jun 8,2005 1:28pm - Christraper ""]
ive never been there
[Jun 8,2005 3:08pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
yeah we played there on Saturday, it sucks ass. judging by the levels, i think the sound guy is deaf
[Jun 8,2005 3:24pm - Christraper ""]
oh good
[Jun 14,2005 10:55pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
[Jun 14,2005 11:13pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Andrew... we can practice on Wednesdays as well. Let me know when there is a good time for you. Dungeoncult@aol.com
[Jun 16,2005 10:40am - Kinslayer  ""]

[Jun 19,2005 5:54pm - arillius ""]
oh, wow, that looks sweet..
[Jun 22,2005 6:55pm - thrash attack  ""]
[Jun 22,2005 7:04pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Nice flyer
[Jun 22,2005 9:26pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Will December Wolves play this show now that the 8th show is canceled!? Hint HINT...
[Jun 23,2005 9:47am - litacore ""]
what time's the blasphemy start?
[Jun 23,2005 1:00pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Yeah that would be nice to know,Anyhow I am printing this and giving some to a friend who actually still goes there so he can put them up in the club
[Jun 24,2005 1:52pm - litacore ""]
[Jun 24,2005 5:34pm - CNV  ""]
I don't think DW will be playing... It's going to start around 3 or 4 pm...
[Jun 29,2005 11:59am - litacore ""]
[Jun 29,2005 12:01pm - Christraper ""]
that bump was exceptionally kvlt larissa
[Jun 29,2005 12:24pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 29,2005 12:32pm - litacore ""]
I'm rvnning ovt of bvmps
[Jun 29,2005 1:32pm - mathais ""]
will there be mic'd drums and effects for vocals? reverb is essential at a show like this...
[Jun 29,2005 6:31pm - CNV  ""]
There will be mic'd drums and reverb. Hekseri has been added to the bill as the opener.
[Jun 30,2005 12:25am - bestial onsluts  ""]
will there be any distro's labels selling stuff there?
[Jun 30,2005 9:31am - Christraper ""]
I think so yea. But dont quote me on that.
[Jul 1,2005 10:09am - litacore ""]

if this is wrong please lemme know

is the Bombshelter going to be offended by the upside-down crosses...?...
[Jul 1,2005 10:29am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
What movie is that flyer from? I've seen it a million times and I can't remember the name.
[Jul 1,2005 10:31am - Christraper ""]
Its and old italian film but i cant remember the name either.
[Jul 1,2005 10:31am - Christraper ""]
Thats an awesome flyer by the way
[Jul 1,2005 10:34am - litacore ""]
thanks. It's 'The Mask of Satan' aka "Black Sunday" dir. by Mario Bava.

It's got the best opening scene in the history of horror film.

I'm looking forward to playing this show.
[Jul 1,2005 12:18pm - litacore ""]
[Jul 1,2005 4:34pm - CNV  ""]
doors will open between 3 and 4.... Awesome flyer.
[Jul 1,2005 4:38pm - litacore ""]
yeah, but you know 3 means 4, 5, 6pm or beyond for most people, alas

GET THERE EARLY WORMS! Hekseri will finger your entrails!
[Jul 1,2005 4:47pm - Christraper ""]
Larissa's gonna finger your entrails....
[Jul 1,2005 4:47pm - Christraper ""]
thats awesome
[Jul 1,2005 6:09pm - bestial onsluts  ""]
I just heard the split tape martyvore did with cnv excelent stuff
[Jul 2,2005 4:59am - Strep_Cunt ""]
Indeed. I cannot wait to play with such good black metal bands like Martyrvore, CNV, Hekseri, GBK.
[Jul 2,2005 2:05pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Kathy to me @ MOD,"That show is here ,really?" I was like ummm yea ,It has been set for a while. I brought about 100 flyers for this and as far as I can tell they were all gone at the end of the night, plus Andersoon and I plastered the walls and doors with them as well.
[Jul 2,2005 5:31pm - anonymous  ""]
dwellingsickness said:Kathy to me @ MOD,"That show is here ,really?" I was like ummm yea ,It has been set for a while. I brought about 100 flyers for this and as far as I can tell they were all gone at the end of the night, plus Andersoon and I plastered the walls and doors with them as well.

Killer... from what I hear the turn out should be really good.
[Jul 3,2005 1:34am - infoterror ""]
These shows sound like they will be recruiting drives for mental institutions. Don't you have to be mentally defective to listen to music that boring?

[Jul 3,2005 2:56am - mathais ""]
makin waves...
[Jul 3,2005 1:16pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
infoterror said:These shows sound like they will be recruiting drives for mental institutions. Don't you have to be mentally defective to listen to music that boring?

fucking wanker...
[Jul 4,2005 4:32pm - northernblackstorms  ""]
"i hear the voices of the ancients, white devil formations."
[Jul 5,2005 9:37am - Christraper ""]
bump for saturday
[Jul 5,2005 10:05am - litacore ""]
that band Sore Throat was named after me
[Jul 5,2005 10:47am - Xammael ""]
How much time are we allowed to play for? 20 or 25 minutes? (4 or 5 songs)

And what is the official order of who is playing and when (approx. times)?
[Jul 5,2005 11:12am - litacore ""]
I would assume load in time is around 2 or 3pm?

bring surge protectors
[Jul 5,2005 11:47am - anonymous  ""]
We'll be there with NEHOR demos
[Jul 5,2005 1:17pm - Christraper ""]
Why do I keep hearing about peoples amps exploding at this place?
[Jul 5,2005 1:19pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
because they it's da troof
[Jul 5,2005 1:25pm - arillius ""]
wtf, I just fixed my amp because it exploded in at another place in NH...

this is my last show with abaroth... anyone want to drink with me?
[Jul 5,2005 1:47pm - Christraper ""]
You just said that on FMP. Its a BM fest. There'll be plenty of drinking taking place. Worry not.
[Jul 5,2005 1:50pm - Christraper ""]
infoterror said:These shows sound like they will be recruiting drives for mental institutions. Don't you have to be mentally defective to listen to music that boring?

I heard you're Jewish.

[Jul 6,2005 12:18pm - Luciferian  ""]
I think that the Jews are cool because they are the ones that crucify the son of god. I think Hitler was a fag because he was a christian.

Praises to the Jews for killing the Son Of God
[Jul 6,2005 2:00pm - ninkaszi  ""]
not that it matters but jesus was a jew, and hitler wasn't a christian.

go to the fucking show.
[Jul 6,2005 2:09pm - TheSweeping  ""]
This one will be a pity to miss, I have a prior engagement. But I wish all the bands luck and hope there will be more bills like this in the future.
[Jul 6,2005 2:11pm - TheSweeping  ""]
Is there anywhere I can listen to Witch Tomb? I've been told they are a necro style not unlike earlier Darkthrone. That's something I must hear.

Also, why have you not invited the mighty RAKUN to this show? Too afraid? (j/k)

[Jul 6,2005 2:41pm - devil worshiper  ""]
This show is going to be the ultimate in booze and blasphemy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jul 6,2005 5:59pm - mathais ""]
any word on the order of bands and approximate times? it will help clear up confusion, for me at least.
[Jul 6,2005 8:10pm - dyingmuse ""]
i'll be there! \m/
[Jul 6,2005 10:59pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
I wouldn't say Darkthrone much, we're more inspired by old Incantation, Von, Profanatica, Necrovore, Order From Chaos and Autopsy.

A few rough mixes of some Witch Tomb songs:


[Jul 7,2005 12:12am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Jul 7,2005 12:38am - TheSweeping  ""]
That is sick, blasphemous and raw as fuck. I love it. I can hear the influences you listed, and you are right, not too Darkthrone except for it's very unkempt, raw ethics. I am looking forward to more of this in the future. There is so much promising shit around here right now...this Witch Tomb, the December Wolves reunion, Hekseri, CNV, Abaroth, Extinction Agenda, and even a fucking raccoon black metal group that is actually GOOD. Go fucking figure.

What a perfect counterculture to the metalcore filth that we've been suffering so long.
[Jul 7,2005 12:54pm - abbath nli  ""]
yar can't wait for this! two fucking days!
[Jul 7,2005 12:56pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Sounds bad ass. I'll try to be there.
[Jul 7,2005 1:03pm - paganmegan ""]
So are gbk really playing with hirudinea in Boston on the 8th does anyone know? If so, where?
[Jul 7,2005 1:53pm - Christraper ""]
as far as I know that shows been cancelled
[Jul 7,2005 3:35pm - ninkaszi  ""]
yeah, its not happening. every place in boston was booked.
[Jul 7,2005 3:46pm - Christraper ""]
Ive got the farts again at work
[Jul 7,2005 4:57pm - ninkaszi  ""]
paul, what time does this start?
[Jul 7,2005 6:00pm - Xammael ""]
Starts at 3pm. It says it somewhere further up in this thread, and on the latest flyer.
[Jul 7,2005 7:13pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Doors open at 4 pm... Bands should try and show up around 3. The order is: Hekseri, Abaroth, Martyrvore, Witch Tomb, Sin Origin, CNV, HOV, GBK...
Abaroth your set will be around 25 minutes...

ATTN: Andrew, I tried to call you back at that number but it sounded like a fax machine. I'll make sure GBK has a motel before they arrive in NH. When do they plan on getting to the club???
[Jul 7,2005 10:08pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I bet I will be the only 1 there not wearing spikes or a BM t-shirt
[Jul 8,2005 2:25am - arillius ""]
the show is tomorrow
[Jul 8,2005 9:35am - Christraper ""]
Im afraid im gonna have to get wasted at this show
[Jul 8,2005 10:06am - paganmegan ""]
Why are you afraid of getting wasted?
this show is gonna be fun
[Jul 8,2005 10:32am - litacore ""]
Hekseri is ready to hump your goats and sheep.
[Jul 8,2005 10:39am - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:Hekseri is ready to hump your goats and sheep.

did you put absinthe in your coffee or something?

[Jul 8,2005 10:46am - litacore ""]
i wish
[Jul 8,2005 10:51am - Christraper ""]
paganmegan said:Why are you afraid of getting wasted?
this show is gonna be fun

drugs are bad

[Jul 8,2005 2:46pm - arillius ""]
litacore said:Hekseri is ready to hump your goats and sheep.

If I bring a goat is that really going to happen?
[Jul 8,2005 2:48pm - anonymous  ""]
I think I"m going to bring a shit load of sheep and some velcro gloves and fuck sheep and goats all night long during this blasphemous, satanic, onslaught of black metal!
[Jul 8,2005 2:50pm - litacore ""]
You're bringing sheep? BAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I'd hate to steal Mayhem's ideas

[Jul 8,2005 3:49pm - arillius ""]
There's a lot of sheep and goats in New Hampshire. Just in case.
[Jul 8,2005 3:52pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[Jul 8,2005 3:55pm - arillius ""]
Is that George Bush?
[Jul 8,2005 3:57pm - mathais ""]
if there are any drummers or people in close contact with their drummers that are playing this show....i busted my snare drum and need to bum one....if anyone showing up early, or, if litacore and the gang could help, please let me know. i dont hit hard very hard, ive had the same snare head for 4 years. thank you.

[Jul 8,2005 4:07pm - mathais ""]

we bribe Gemini with many free drinks and bowls to leave his kit up as bitch...
[Jul 8,2005 4:13pm - litacore ""]
check yer PM duder

I'm siked to finally see Abaroth
[Jul 8,2005 4:15pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I don't think the negro-weed will do anything to convince Gemini of anything!
[Jul 8,2005 4:16pm - KeithMutiny ""]
hahahaha, im sorry guys, this show is soooo fuckin gay, no offense
[Jul 8,2005 4:17pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Coming from the guy with a BODOM pic in his profile!!! Ha!
[Jul 8,2005 4:19pm - KeithMutiny ""]
theres vagina at bodom shows
[Jul 8,2005 4:28pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Well sure, there is at Bon Jovi shows too, that's no excuse!

Plus it doesn't count if it's on stage!
[Jul 8,2005 4:29pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
bon jovi rules
[Jul 8,2005 4:30pm - Christraper ""]
Your just jealous Keith. You know you wanna be like us.
[Jul 8,2005 4:31pm - Christraper ""]
and bon jovi does not rule
[Jul 8,2005 4:33pm - Christraper ""]
Wait a minute Keith....how can you like COB and not Manowar???? Is it the down syndrome?
[Jul 8,2005 4:35pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Christraper said:Wait a minute Keith....how can you like COB and not Manowar???? Is it the down syndrome?

[Jul 8,2005 4:37pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
GBK opened for bon jovi in the mid 90s on their first stadium tour. that shit is legendary. you dont know anything
[Jul 8,2005 4:45pm - Christraper ""]
bon jovi are kvlt
[Jul 8,2005 4:47pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
blaze uv nekro glory
[Jul 8,2005 4:47pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
dan_bloodblister said:GBK opened for bon jovi in the mid 90s on their first stadium tour. that shit is legendary. you dont know anything

If that was true, it would make GBK shitty, not Bon Jovi good!
[Jul 8,2005 4:52pm - arillius ""]
I bet Keith calls COB black metal too...
[Jul 8,2005 4:53pm - KeithMutiny ""]
you guys should get Hellspawn War Hammer of the Nordic Winds to play
[Jul 8,2005 4:54pm - arillius ""]
It's a little late for that.
[Jul 8,2005 4:54pm - KeithMutiny ""]
arillius said:I bet Keith calls COB black metal too...

come on now buddy, relax there
[Jul 8,2005 4:56pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i know tr00 black metal is Cradle of Filth, duh!
[Jul 8,2005 4:59pm - arillius ""]
KeithMutiny said:arillius said:I bet Keith calls COB black metal too...

come on now buddy, relax there

Yes ma'am
[Jul 8,2005 5:03pm - ninkaszi  ""]
grand belials key is playing. its going to be awesome.
[Jul 8,2005 5:04pm - KeithMutiny ""]
your so sweet
[Jul 8,2005 5:29pm - mathais ""]
not to sound like a bum, but..

abaroth is also short a half stack. so my anxiety-ridden guitarist can rest easy, will anyone be willing to help him out?

[Jul 8,2005 6:50pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Are there full stacks for guitars?
I'm going to bring extra cabs for HoV's set if not...I wont be up there untul about 8pm. Don't let Sin Origin play until I get there..I'm kidding, of course but I hope I dont miss them. I'm already pissed that I'm going to miss Witch Tomb...

Abaroth guys: can we use your bass rig? That bass rig is so nice compared to ours...
[Jul 8,2005 6:57pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Damn it ,I can't find the corpsepaint, I may go ask Wretched Asylum if I can borrow theirs, since they no longer need it
[Jul 8,2005 10:30pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Tomorrow. This is going to be insane.

NEHOR - Reserve a demo for me as I'm definitely getting one from you.

[Jul 9,2005 3:29am - KeithMutiny ""]
dwellingsickness said:Damn it ,I can't find the corpsepaint, I may go ask Wretched Asylum if I can borrow theirs, since they no longer need it

todd, you can borrow mine, since i like to have sex with women, i no longer need it
[Jul 9,2005 8:26am - Kinslayer  ""]
Corey, got a Witch Tomb demo for me? All I have is that 4 way split with Aiwass, Ninixu etc...

I will have for sale:
Horn of Valere - Blood of the Heathen Ancients
Splits w/ Kult ov Azazel
Patches...(very limited)
LS shirts...(also very limited)
[Jul 9,2005 12:43pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 9,2005 1:43pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
That is the demo. We never released it separately.
[Jul 9,2005 2:35pm - anonymous  ""]
KeithMutiny said:dwellingsickness said:Damn it ,I can't find the corpsepaint, I may go ask Wretched Asylum if I can borrow theirs, since they no longer need it

todd, you can borrow mine, since i like to have sex with women, i no longer need it

[Jul 9,2005 2:36pm - dwellingsickness ""]
oops that was me forgetting to log in
[Jul 9,2005 3:38pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
and my name's not Corey, Andrew.
[Jul 9,2005 3:42pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[Jul 9,2005 6:43pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
My fucking muffler on my car is fucking up, I am not driving to NH now, fuck!
[Jul 10,2005 2:19am - dwellingsickness ""]
Your all gay for not coming to this
[Jul 10,2005 3:09am - arillius ""]
yeah, it was a great show. it was fun playing with all of those great bands..
[Jul 10,2005 3:49am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Was ANYBODY there? Like 30 people?
[Jul 10,2005 7:37am - dyingmuse ""]
i was supposed to go, but i worked all day and felt like shit.
[Jul 10,2005 8:36am - i_am_not_me ""]
That was last night? FUCK! Nick kept talking about it like it was a long way off, so I assumed it was in like August or something...bastard.
[Jul 10,2005 9:12am - darkwingsunfurl nli  ""]
really good time all the bands played well........ gbk killed.....
[Jul 10,2005 9:13am - darkwingsunfurl nli  ""]
oh ya all the bands except sin orgin there sound sucked and they played for way to fuckin long. they were going to keep playing but they got cut off hahah
[Jul 10,2005 1:29pm - paganmegan ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Was ANYBODY there? Like 30 people?

there was alot more than thirty people

anyone not there missed out big time
[Jul 10,2005 1:48pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
With bands and audience it was about 100... More people should have come but it was still a killer show regardless. Every band was good. Witch Tomb was great, they have this really weird vibe that I can't quite put my finger on. Sin Origin was awesome for only a 2 piece band. GBK flat out killed... One negative thing that I noticed was the amount of shit talking going on. Unfortunate, but I guess that comes with any "scene"...
[Jul 10,2005 1:54pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
someone post pics... I know there was a boat load of digital cameras flashing all night.
[Jul 10,2005 2:25pm - arillius ""]
Yeah, you're right about the cameras. There was a bunch of pictures taken.

I didn't hear any shit talking though.. I thought every band that played was AMAZING..
[Jul 10,2005 2:39pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I took pics,I am no Reverend though,Just a fan with a camera,I will see what came out...For a black Metal fest ,which I will be the first to admit I am not really a big fan of the style of music, I had alot of fun and left this show wanting to check out alot of the bands more. I have heard Martyrvore before on a horrible cassette demo and after seein them live ,That demo does not do them justice at all, they were really good. I also thought CNV was way better live than the CD paul gave me. The only othere band I was real familiar with was Hekseri and they are just awesome live,They put on a great show and I had fun watching them, I just wish more people were there to see them when they were on, In that respect I think they got shafted.all the other bands were awesome as well ,Like I said earlier I will be lookin forward to checkin all the bands out again. Thanks to those crazy Abhorred guys for hookin me up with some killer CD's,My neighbors hate you all!

P.S. - Black metal and Taco Bell(Staples and Kadoogan,Hope you got back to 93 ok):NEWHORNS:
[Jul 10,2005 2:43pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Martyrvore ....why does everyone leave out the r?
[Jul 10,2005 2:45pm - dwellingsickness ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:Martyrvore ....why does everyone leave out the r?

Corrected, sir!

I am a dumbass and don't know how to spell that is why
[Jul 10,2005 2:50pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
haha no problem Todd. Again, thanks for showing the way to Taco Bell.

Hekseri was fantastic, it's too bad more people didn't get to see them. Ripping Corpse!

Abaroth seemed a little awkward on stage, but i dug 'em. I'd like to hear more from them.

Witchtomb and Martyrvore were both fucking vicious. I need to get my hands on some Martyrvore.

Sin Origin was good at first, but they definitley could/should have ended their set about 20 minutes earlier than they did.

My first time seeing/hearing CNV, and the two or three songs they got in were great. Technical difficulties are gay.

Horn of Valere stole the show, in my opinion.

GBK was awesome as well, lots of energy, and their drummer looks like he would snap me in half I looked at him the wrong way.
[Jul 10,2005 2:57pm - arillius ""]
KillerKadoogan said:
Abaroth seemed a little awkward on stage, but i dug 'em. I'd like to hear more from them.

Haha thanks. i agree.
[Jul 10,2005 3:00pm - Lucifucked  ""]
There were hardly more than 50 people there, not including the bands. It was a good show except for the sound. And there was much shit talking, of course, it's a fuckin black metal show, the 'scene' where everyone is too elite for one another (j/k).
[Jul 10,2005 3:04pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I must be to elite for even the BM scene,cause I guess i missed the shit talking haha
[Jul 10,2005 3:05pm - Lucifucked  ""]
I wasn't kidding about the shit talking, but let's be honest, I haven't seen a show like this WITHOUT shit talking, so who cares.
[Jul 10,2005 3:11pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Lucifucked said:There were hardly more than 50 people there, not including the bands. It was a good show except for the sound. And there was much shit talking, of course, it's a fuckin black metal show, the 'scene' where everyone is too elite for one another (j/k).

That is not to far from the truth...
[Jul 10,2005 4:16pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Thanks for putting this on Paul, really good time... The bands I was there to see met and exceeded my expectations! HEKSERI needs to stop opening shows so I can finally see them sometime soon.
[Jul 10,2005 4:58pm - BSV  ""]
awesome show. GBK was great. HOV probably was the highlight for me as well.
[Jul 10,2005 5:08pm - ninkaszi  ""]
awesome show. every band sounded really good. grand belials key being the highlight for me. the new songs sound awesome. singing for cold northern vengeance was great except for the drum pedals fucking up on the first song. all in all i thought it was a succesful show. at least 60 people paid. not bad for the bombshelter.

what is all this shit talking about? i didn't notice. paul, send me a message about that.
[Jul 10,2005 5:12pm - the reverend @ san fran in the gay part and I mean it  ""]
Everyone who went is on my shit list cause I couldn't go.

I'm hoping that something like that happens again so I can go. It's awesome that there were 50 or100 or what ever people there. At the bombshelter, you are usually lucky to have a show where 30 people show up. If you don't remember that , somethings wrong with you. 50 there is some what of a maricle, 100... Well, that's an amazingly successful show. Out of the 20 shows I've been to there, maybe 4 had 100+ people there.

Ps: there is a 6'6" drag queen standing next to me right now!
[Jul 10,2005 5:17pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I'm gonna try and book something else at Club 125 in Haverhill. The sound is better there and it's 25 minutes from Boston.
[Jul 10,2005 5:37pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
the reverend @ san fran in the gay part and I mean it said:

Ps: there is a 6'6" drag queen standing next to me right now!

how did eric get to san francisco so fast?

badum psssshhhhh
[Jul 10,2005 6:01pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
He flew on HEKSERI's broomsticks!

[Jul 10,2005 6:03pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
god damn we're good
[Jul 10,2005 6:23pm - mathais ""]
i feel like jackass for leaving early. from what i heard about the rest of the bands, i'd definetely go see CNV and/or HOV in Haverhill. NEBM needs to hit closer to the heart of New England...which is unfortunetely Boston.
[Jul 10,2005 6:36pm - paganmegan ""]
It was great to have the opportunity to play alongside such sick bands, I had a blast, and eight plus hours of drinking and black metal makes for a memorable night!
[Jul 10,2005 6:38pm - Leather N' Spikes  ""]
If you were not at this show you are a gay poser...

[Jul 10,2005 6:56pm - litacore ""]
woke up at around 3pm today, hahaha good times.

Horn of Valere were my faves--I hope Hekseri becomes their baby band someday
[Jul 10,2005 8:09pm - Lord Viall  ""]
Sad to say that I was not able to attend this show due to my brother getting married down in Woodbridge CT. I think that Shadow and some of our other friends were there to support this show. Its rare that a kick ass black metal fest happens in New England, and I think that everyone should get a horns up to CNV, HOV, and the Bombshelter for letting something like this happen. Hopefully there will be more black metal shows in New England. I'll be at the next fest, cheers!!
[Jul 10,2005 10:40pm - dwellingsickness ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:I'm gonna try and book something else at Club 125 in Haverhill. The sound is better there and it's 25 minutes from Boston.

I am sure the sound would have been better at a basement show compared to there:NEWHORNS:
[Jul 10,2005 11:19pm - malettey ""]
me and my friend stopped by the bomb shelter last night to check the show out....personally i think i wasted 12 bucks. the band playing when we went in had 2 guys in it, which looked kinda sad on stage, but what the hell, it's the music that counts right? actually the music sounded to me like a giant hissing noise with some half-decent drumming and vocals. their set was waaaayyyyy too fucking long too, they must have played like 7 or 8 songs each seeming to last about 12 minutes. there was hardly anyone there, 30-40 people at most...maybe like 2 or 3 people were head banging.... i love black metal, but i was bored off my ass, we decided to leave after the band was done playing. i'm getting sick of death/black metal shows, its like trying to watch grass grow.
[Jul 10,2005 11:27pm - Arillius ""]
You didn't happen to leave during Sin Origin, did you? I saw these two dudes laugh at eachother then leave when they saw them.
[Jul 11,2005 1:32am - Lucifucked  ""]
A few of the bands were good, a few weren't, a few great on stage, a few great but not great on stage, etc. The important thing is this type of thing happened. It just doesn't happen enough (local black metal).
[Jul 11,2005 3:04am - BestialOnslaught ""]
If you came and left after seeing 1 band, it's entirely your own fault that your money was "wasted". Personally I thought SIN ORIGIN was pretty uninteresting, but that just meant more time for drinking/drugging outside before the good bands.
[Jul 11,2005 10:08am - Christraper ""]
Thanks to everyone who showed up and made this show happen. I thought everyone did very well considering the rushed situation and the owner and sound guys shitty attitudes. I definitely had a good time regardless of how many people showed. And I agree anyone who came and left after seeing only one band doesnt know what the fuck he's talking about.
[Jul 11,2005 12:21pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I wanted to go to this, but again I had no ride. It's cool though, I got a good dose of Metal that night.
[Jul 11,2005 1:42pm - Abbath nli  ""]
I thought personally that Sin Origin was fucking great, Hekseri was very impressive, and of course CNV and HOV were awesome. wasn't too impressived with the others though
[Jul 11,2005 3:48pm - Christraper ""]
where the fuck were you? I didnt see you there.
[Jul 11,2005 4:55pm - Arillius ""]
Yeah, I'm still amazed by every band that played. There was a great atmosphere that night... except when the owner tried ruining it.

I played guitar in Abaroth, now I'm leaving that band. So if anyone plays guitar and would like to be in Abaroth, just contact them on the page (www.abaroth.com)

I love how at the end of the show, Richard from GBK attempted to hang himself on the pipe... did anyone else catch that? It was obviously a joke but I thought it was hilarious..
[Jul 11,2005 5:02pm - Christraper ""]
i thought the ammount of car crashes that took place in the parking lot were alot funnier
[Jul 11,2005 5:12pm - Arillius ""]
Christraper said:i thought the ammount of car crashes that took place in the parking lot were alot funnier

yeah dude, someone scratched up my fuckin' car, and I remember who was parked next to me. it's someone on this board.. haha.
[Jul 11,2005 5:17pm - BSV  ""]
I was pumped to see CNV but the techinical difficulties ruined it for me. They still played awesome nonetheless. I'd like to see them in a smaller more intimit setting.
[Jul 11,2005 5:19pm - Arillius ""]
[Jul 11,2005 5:19pm - Arillius ""]
]Yeah, someone scraped the side of my car... took the paint right off. must have been someone on this board because i heard them talking about it![
[Jul 11,2005 5:35pm - Tchort  ""]
Martyrvore was evil! GBK was my fav... All the other bands were pretty good. When CNV was not having sound issues it was killer.
[Jul 11,2005 5:38pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Awesome, awesome time. Killer bands. Paul, thanks.
[Jul 11,2005 8:55pm - Arillius ""]
bump. wish this show was going on tomorrow
[Jul 11,2005 11:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
Arillius said:]Yeah, someone scraped the side of my car... took the paint right off. must have been someone on this board because i heard them talking about it![

what are you talking about?
[Jul 12,2005 12:38am - bestial onsluts  ""]
1st band with the two girls good thrash/black metal
abaroth boring but there young will get better
martyvore could not hear the drums only played like 10 min still ok war metal
witch tomb ok beherit type stuff but slower simple drums, the dums had a drum machine sould to them still good stuff
sin orgin thought they were great doom/black metal only two members, but played way too long
cnv good solid well played black metal there drummer looked like an extra from the movie cobra
gbk great stuff well worth the wait I don't think they will ever play any shows in brandeis university though
the sound board guy (bon jovi guitarist) did a good job also
[Jul 12,2005 1:35am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Strange, I actually enjoy the Abaroth demo quite a bit, as young as they are...it has some interesting ideas in it and I found the playing competent.
[Jul 12,2005 9:46am - Christraper ""]
bestial loves my cock rock guitar
[Jul 12,2005 5:17pm - bestial onsluts  ""]
that guitar looks like a daddy's junky music guitar!
[Jul 12,2005 7:02pm - Arillius ""]
BornSoVile said:

what are you talking about?

Was it you??

DrinkHardThrashHard said:Strange, I actually enjoy the Abaroth demo quite a bit, as young as they are...it has some interesting ideas in it and I found the playing competent.

Enjoy it while you can.. it will probably be the only thing Abaroth will ever release.. at this point I'm pretty confident the band won't continue, unless there's some new members.
[Jul 12,2005 7:25pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Enjoy it while you can.. it will probably be the only thing Abaroth will ever release.. at this point I'm pretty confident the band won't continue, unless there's some new members.

That's a shame, it really is. It's something I'd be glad to get involved with if I weren't already in some bands. Is the demo still up anywhere? I've only got one tune.

[Jul 12,2005 8:18pm - Arillius ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Enjoy it while you can.. it will probably be the only thing Abaroth will ever release.. at this point I'm pretty confident the band won't continue, unless there's some new members.

That's a shame, it really is. It's something I'd be glad to get involved with if I weren't already in some bands. Is the demo still up anywhere? I've only got one tune.

I could probably just send it to you.. IM me or something.
[Jul 12,2005 8:50pm - mathais ""]
abaroth's only hope is some financial support from a label. we have a lot of great material written thats a lot easier to play live, but no way to record, distribute or promote. this show was humbling as hell and made me realize that just writing a few cool songs is not a direct ticket to success.
[Jul 12,2005 9:15pm - BornSoVile ""]
Arillius said:BornSoVile said:

what are you talking about?

Was it you??

Dude, NO!
[Jul 12,2005 9:23pm - Anthony nli  ""]
mathais said:abaroth's only hope is some financial support from a label. we have a lot of great material written thats a lot easier to play live, but no way to record, distribute or promote. this show was humbling as hell and made me realize that just writing a few cool songs is not a direct ticket to success.

every band is in the same position financially man. you dont 'need' a label to do what you're doing, plenty of great locals have put out great cds all by themselves.

i like abaroth quite a bit, you guys should stick to it. there's always a way to record, distribute and promote, just do it yourself!
[Jul 12,2005 9:39pm - mathais ""]
yea, true. stealing software from the internet and leeching off the government/parents has got us where we are now. but we are young and trying to adjust to the "real world" which is looking pretty shitty. this is just an assumption, but i think you need to be financially secure to be in a black metal band, or any metal band. Its a pretty expensive and demanding hobby.

if we dont end up homeless in the gutter over the next few years, we'll probly be back making more needlessly obscure and confusing music
[Jul 12,2005 9:56pm - Anthony nli  ""]
metal is an expensive and time consuming hobby that doesnt pay off financially, but you just gotta forget about the money.

many metal musicians could invest the time they put into metal into working more or investing or playing paying gigs with some shitty wedding band or something, but money doesnt matter when you love what youre doing.

keep playing BM!

p.s. sorry that the above post is so cheesy... i couldnt think of a less gay way to put it
[Jul 12,2005 10:02pm - BornSoVile ""]
hey, metal is a way of life, not a hobby! it only gets worse!!!!!!!!
[Jul 12,2005 10:05pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I think this might be the first black metal band I've ever heard complaining about anything financial, though I'm sure Cradle and Burger have complained to Sharon Osbourne before.

I can see the point you are trying make, but you should be making music because you love it. We all have to work jobs most of the time, and do this on the side: black, death, thrash, doom so on. There are very few bands who make a living with their music.

It takes a long time to get a good label, unless you can somehow knock the shit out of one the first time they hear you, or you have some great friends. Most bands are under fire for years before they get some attention. That just makes it sweeter in the end.

The Abaroth material is clearly strong, I've listened to it several times and I'm psyched to get the other two tracks. So don't be discouraged yet because of playing one show. Use the damn internet to promote. It's free, and almost everyone uses it...not to mention I think your recording sounds great, whatever you used for that can surely be used for a few more projects.
[Jul 12,2005 10:22pm - Nash ""]
No one plays metal to make a profit, if money was being made Lord Worm wouldn't be an english teacher on the side. But if you're not making money you should be having a good time in your project. If you arent everyones morale goes down and no one wants to do shit. This is why abaroth is declining...
[Jul 12,2005 10:34pm - mathais ""]
thanks man. your words are a delicious cheese sandwhich of encouragement. playin BM has always had its own rewards. i get a sense of pride that every other riff isnt a "breakdown," even if we awkwardly struggle with the material on stage. P.Winter, HOV and CVN have all been very supportive, but i dont think abaroth can survive without Arillius, the ultimate BM riff machine.

hopefully NEBM will still be alive and strong if we ever make a return...
[Jul 12,2005 10:43pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
You guys should just release a new demo limited to 5 hand numbered copies every week, then five years from now you can sell an unlimited stream of the "original" demos on ebay for 60+ dollars.
[Jul 12,2005 10:46pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Well, if you're not having a good time with what you are doing...then the path is clear. Why is Arillius leaving again?
[Jul 12,2005 11:05pm - Arillius ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said: Why is Arillius leaving again?
For a number of reasons... one of them being that I'm moving to Minnesota for a short time this summer, then coming back to graduate college here in April. And, I'm having a kid.

[Jul 12,2005 11:13pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Okay, reasons don't get much better than that!
[Jul 14,2005 5:23pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 14,2005 5:35pm - anonymous  ""]
This is so grim it almost tickles...

[Jul 14,2005 6:02pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 17,2005 10:39pm - CNV  ""]
[Jul 17,2005 11:14pm - Arillius ""]
Hey, is there any more pictures??
[Jul 18,2005 12:43am - CNV  ""]

I'll post more as I get them from people... I have some GBK ones that came out pretty killer.
[Jul 21,2005 6:42am - dwellingsickness ""]



[Jul 21,2005 9:35am - dwellingsickness ""]
Shameless bump for my pics
[Jul 21,2005 9:41am - litacore ""]
holy yikes! those are awesome! may we please use them on the hekseri site?

if yes, please PM me on how you'd like to be listed as photo credit
[Oct 5,2005 12:48am - anonymous  ""]
[Feb 24,2010 5:50pm - beelze nli  ""]
[Feb 24,2010 5:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
lol. mathais = FAIL
[Feb 24,2010 7:20pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
didn't this fest take place before you were even "into" black metal?
[Feb 24,2010 7:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
haha he was the dude handing out "religious hate metal" stickers at the door.
[Feb 24,2010 7:24pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
sick, brah
[Feb 24,2010 7:35pm - ArilliusBM ""]
i think i still have that. the first SIGN OF THE GOAT sticker. fucking kvlt!!1
[Feb 24,2010 7:38pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
so gay
[Feb 25,2010 5:00pm - beelze ""]
Andrew YOU are a fucking pretentious cocksucker

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