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what was I thinking?

[May 6,2005 12:13am - succubus ""]

[May 6,2005 12:14am - the_reverend ""]
you were thinking, "hey, what if I shoot a shitty band"
[May 6,2005 12:14am - BornSoVile ""]
[May 6,2005 12:20am - powerkok ""]
Those are some seriously great pics tho.
I like 1 green day song.
[May 6,2005 12:21am - the_reverend ""]
which one? the one that they ripped of from rancid or the one they ripped off from operation ivy?
[May 6,2005 12:22am - powerkok ""]
Billy Idol and Sting had a baby?
[May 6,2005 12:23am - powerkok ""]
the_reverend said:which one? the one that they ripped of from rancid or the one they ripped off from operation ivy?

hahahhaa thats all of them.
basket case.
[May 6,2005 12:25am - succubus ""]
josh's answer made me spit out the water i wa drinking..

and thank you powerK, and i like a few of their songs and for the record, the rev saw them twice, so he can shut it.. =)
rev, i don't care if you were babysitting or with friends, you saw them twice, so whateva!
[May 6,2005 12:26am - BornSoVile ""]
i like the one they ripped off from mtx!!! : p
[May 6,2005 12:26am - the_reverend ""]
I thought they stole that one from incubus.
all I know is that they stole whole lines of lyrics from opivy.

oh man, now I want to listen to some specials.. thanks a lot.
I heard that this town is going to be a ghost town...
[May 6,2005 12:27am - todayistheday  ""]
green day rules wtf are you talking about
[May 6,2005 12:27am - BornSoVile ""]
succubus said:josh's answer made me spit out the water i wa drinking..

omg, is that good or bad, i wasn't trying to piss you off, i even logged in tonight, please please don't be mad, pleeease.
[May 6,2005 12:28am - BornSoVile ""]
stop your messing around
[May 6,2005 12:39am - succubus ""]
i<3 josh aka bsv
[May 6,2005 12:44am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
and to think you could have been at the Library show shooting all us fags !
[May 6,2005 12:46am - succubus ""]
i was asked to shoot that show and so i did

call me a sellout or whatever

local bands prefer the rev's pics..with me it's more promos they want...
[May 6,2005 1:00am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
succubus said:i was asked to shoot that show and so i did

call me a sellout or whatever

local bands prefer the rev's pics..with me it's more promos they want...

baby, i will always want you over the Rev !
[May 6,2005 1:12am - RichHorror ""]
Wow. That is the gayest-looking dude that ever was.
[May 6,2005 1:34am - davefromthegrave ""]
succubus said:

nice hair, faggot.
[May 6,2005 9:13am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hate all this bullshit mainstream media about Green Day saving rock and roll, they are horribly watered down corporate rock. Rancid sucks too.
[May 6,2005 11:23am - ~Carina~  ""]
ohh the preteens and teens that wanted him and screamed with delight as he put he hands down his pants and pretended to masturbate...
[May 6,2005 11:24am - the_reverend ""]
are you talking about joe or billy joe?
[May 6,2005 11:35am - destroyyoualot ""]
Wow, those guys are, like, sixty years old, already. Being a corporate whore sure sucks the life outta ya pretty quick, I guess.
[May 6,2005 12:21pm - TTOC nli  ""]
one of the kids I live with went to see them on the 29th

I grew up on Green Day man. Dookie all the way.
[May 6,2005 12:24pm - super radness  ""]
awsome possum
[May 6,2005 12:35pm - adam_time ""]
i loved dookie, i was just comming down off nirvana and realizing the offspring was starting to suck. i had no where else to go. 6th grade was rough times.
i fucking hate that drummer. he just looks like such a tool.
and they should realize they're not young, crazy kids anymore and quit the whole eye makeup deal.
very professionally shot pics though, great light and contrast.
[May 9,2005 8:10pm - succubus ""]
[May 9,2005 9:16pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
[May 9,2005 9:36pm - nate ""]
adam_time said:i loved dookie, i was just comming down off nirvana and realizing the offspring was starting to suck. i had no where else to go. 6th grade was rough times.

wow, I feel ancient after reading that you were in 6th grade around that time...

[May 9,2005 10:38pm - powerkok ""]
no shit!
same here.

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