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Danville Fire Association Hall (Danville, Ma) - [buckhunter][deadwater_drowning][life_in_your_way][mercury_switch][randomshots][the_hostage_heart][hekseri][one_master][witchtomb]
[May 6,2005 7:00pm - mOe_rk ""]
For anyone remotely interested...tomorrow there will be a short, reunion set by New Hampshire's own....DEADWATER DROWNING!!!!

Be there, who knows when this will happen again

Danville Fire Association Hall
169 Main St.
Danville, NH
(on rt 111a next to the only store in Danville)
w/ Mercury Switch (CD Release show!!), Life In Your Way, The Hostage Heart, Buckhunter, The Finite (ex Darken The Sky), Cash In, Deadwater Drowning
Show starts at 7pm. Only $5 !!!
[May 6,2005 7:10pm - RustedAngel ""]
hahahah moe you bastard, I guessed DWD and you said "I can't tell you" I knew it!!!

I'll prolly be coming up for this with my giiiiiiirllll
[May 6,2005 7:31pm - brian_dc ""]
this is ridiculous and I had no notice so I must go to work...goddammit...oh well, everyone have fun.
[May 6,2005 7:43pm - mOe_rk ""]
hahaha, sorry tommy boy, Biggity biggity BUMP!!!
[May 6,2005 8:04pm - Hooker ""]
And you will know us by the trail of deadwater drowning pool.
[May 6,2005 8:34pm - todayistheday  ""]
not true
[May 6,2005 8:40pm - NateTheWar ""]
haha yeah... its gonna be thrown together pretty last minute, and only playing a couple songs.. not really a reunion, but 2 original members.. blah blah blah.. come have some fun.... not to mention Mercury Switch's CD release party
[May 6,2005 8:42pm - todayistheday  ""]
whats the point if only two orignal members?
[May 6,2005 8:45pm - mOe_rk ""]
Its about the music, not the members...the core of the band is there, and Steve was in the band before its demise...i'm the only non-member...just come have fun like Nate said
[May 6,2005 8:46pm - todayistheday  ""]
celtics are on no go....damn...i tried out for them..cool dudes
[May 6,2005 8:46pm - cdan ""]
dammit! whats up with this last minute shizzle? i'd give my sacuole to see DWD. gotta make it out.
[May 6,2005 8:47pm - NateTheWar ""]
yeah.. its not about looking sweet... we just wanna rock out some good old tunes again
[May 6,2005 8:50pm - todayistheday  ""]
is jon drumming?
[May 6,2005 8:51pm - mOe_rk ""]
Although, i cant help but look sweet no matter what i do, yea what Nate said
[May 6,2005 8:53pm - NateTheWar ""]
negative... moe raising kubrick is... jon is an amazing drummer buts he not even close to being available to do this.. so whatever.. like i said.. if anyone is concerned about missing some big huge amazing fireworks infrested reunion.. not gonna happen... this is a big show of our friends, and were just gonna have a good time.. regardless if we play flawlessly or fuck up EVERYTHING.. its just music
[May 6,2005 9:01pm - mOe_rk ""]
preach it brotha!
[May 6,2005 9:28pm - attendmyrequiem nli  ""]
i would love to get to this show.
[May 6,2005 9:32pm - Bradness ""]
NateTheWar said: not really a reunion, but 2 original members..

which two members? oh wait, i have no idea who you are, nevermind
[May 7,2005 4:38am - danny p nli  ""]
this rules. talk shit and youre an idiot.
[May 7,2005 4:49am - anonymous  ""]
holy fucking shit this is stainless but deadwaterdrowing dwd is on some other shit i don't know what happened with them part n'ways
[May 7,2005 4:50am - anonymous  ""]
so what are the guys doing, looking to join other bands or what?
[May 7,2005 6:28am - anonymous  ""]
is this guitarist available
[May 7,2005 6:54am - anonymous  ""]
why would this band brake up it's a god shame these guys had the sickest cd out and then decided to part ways wait what am i talking about i have no clue what i am talking about this band not only had talent i think the guitarist wasn;t feeling it they took a brake then other bands noticed this disaster and just drafted Nh superstars of the moutains they can rebiuld the old man of the moutain hay POW enjoy the hotness AC let him write some shit this was stainless again and please attend the living room show tuesday the 10th
[May 7,2005 10:56am - the_reverend ""]
the drummer also ran away to tour with the red chord, before settling in north carolina or something.
I hope I can make it to this before they go on
[May 7,2005 11:00am - Mary ""]
anonymous said:why would this band brake up it's a god shame these guys had the sickest cd out and then decided to part ways wait what am i talking about i have no clue what i am talking about this band not only had talent i think the guitarist wasn;t feeling it they took a brake then other bands noticed this disaster and just drafted Nh superstars of the moutains they can rebiuld the old man of the moutain hay POW enjoy the hotness AC let him write some shit this was stainless again and please attend the living room show tuesday the 10th

Get Dwyer with his red pen, STAT
[May 7,2005 11:00am - mOe_rk ""]
Hells yea, kids
[May 7,2005 12:11pm - hybrid ""]
i have pneumonia and i will definately be at this, i wouldnt miss this for the world... deadwater drowning is my favorite band of all time.
[May 7,2005 1:15pm - MattRCT ""]
ohhh man i can't wait
[May 7,2005 1:56pm - RustedAngel ""]
what's the order?
[May 7,2005 2:26pm - todayistheday  ""]
a band with five songs are your fav band of all time?
[May 7,2005 2:38pm - anonymous  ""]
when are they going on? last?

this sorta sucks for mercury switch, cuase thier cd release is being overshadowed by this like, two song set dwd is doing haha.

also, they have six songs! thats slap her ass song is still on hxcmp3.com i think
[May 7,2005 2:54pm - anonymous  ""]
oh hey, are they selling merch?
[May 7,2005 3:52pm - EyesAreBlind ""]
will be there.
[May 7,2005 3:55pm - EyesAreBlind ""]
this is definitely only 5 dollars?
[May 7,2005 4:50pm - blue nli  ""]
omg!!!!!!!!! the cat has been left out of the bag!
[May 7,2005 4:55pm - blue nli  ""]
anonymous said:oh hey, are they selling merch?

no. this was all put together and ready to go in the past week.
[May 8,2005 12:20am - the_reverend ""]
pictures will be uploading in a minute
[May 8,2005 11:48am - Mark (Mercury Switch)  ""]
Thanks for coming everyone! We had a good time. Buy our new cd already!!! In stores May 10th.

-Mark (Mercury Switch)
[May 8,2005 12:06pm - EyesAreBlind ""]
this was a really great show.

I know Buckhunter is a big joke, but they actually had some good tunes!

Deadwater playing those few tunes was great. Seth is a freaking ridiculous bassist.

I cant say enough about THH and Mercury Switch. Great guys and great sets by both of them.

We also got to hear some rough cuts of the upcoming Porphyria ep, and goddamn, it was brutal. thier record is going to be out of hand.
[May 8,2005 3:15pm - mOe_rk ""]
This was a fucking amazing night!

I just want to thank everyone who came out to this show and supported all the bands that played. I wanna give a special thank you to everyone who made the Deadwater set so goddamn fun, all the kids dancing, singing along, fighting (haha). You guys dont know how much i wanted to be out there with ya. Its cheesy and cliche to say, but i have loved and appreciated DWD's music for so long and never got the chance to see them live. My first live experience with DWD was PLAYING FOR THEM!! Man i was so stoked. Whether that was my only chance to play with DWD or not (quite honestly i'm not sure) i just want to extend a special and heartfelt thank you Steve, Seth, and Nate for an amazing opprotunity that i will never forget.
I will also miss the Hostage Heart very much. I've said it before and i'll say it again, they were one of my favorite bands from this scene and i just want to thank them for their hard work. It did not go unrewarded, you guys have made fans that will never forget you.
Thanks to the Mercury Switch for throwing the suare (spelling?).

I'm so full of love right now..aww shucks guys..just shucks
[May 8,2005 4:29pm - danny p nli  ""]
moe you mean soiree...pardon my french
[May 8,2005 5:17pm - anonymous  ""]
Stop looking at porn!!!!
I'm telling mom
[May 8,2005 7:08pm - mOe_rk ""]
I also forgot to mention that The Finite KICKED ASS! I like it much better than i liked Darken the Sky. Much more Metal and brutal. And i'm not just saying that because Steve is the sexiest man alive...
[May 8,2005 7:46pm - the_reverend ""]
damn.., way to make me feel worse for missing.
I'm working on some other photos and then I'll review.
[May 9,2005 2:23am - Mark (Mercury Switch)  ""]
"I'm so full of love right now..aww shucks guys..just shucks "

HA! Now thats what Im talking about, heh heh.

-Mark (Mercury Switch)
[May 10,2005 12:07am - mOe_rk ""]
no Rev review???

i can feel hell cooling beneath my feet
[May 10,2005 12:08am - the_reverend ""]
working on it now...
it's been up on my computer, I've just been wicked busy
[May 10,2005 1:34am - the_reverend ""]
buckhunter: yep, they still out high on fire, high on fire. they take the red neck cake to the next level. I was crying I was laughing so hard.
and I didn't remember there being a village person who was a lumberjack.
they played though like 1203801298 stacks.

deadwater drowning: a long time coming for a band that burnt out. I had no clue that moe was on drums. I was wondering what they were going to do with the fact that jon ran off to the south. for not having long to learn the songs, it sounded really good. they only played like 3 1/2 tracks. the only thing I think was missing was the overbarring blasts. no offence to mommar, but his kick doesn't come out as loud and nut kicking. and there was a thing, almost more NH than anything else, the pile up on the sing along. there were only couple faces that were missing. The abuse on the Mic thouh caused it to cut out, which sucked.

the hostage heart: their last fucking show! well, we found out not quit (like the death threat last show). their set was awesome. lot's of people moving about and lot's of love coming from the band. this is a band that at some points I seemed like I was following them to all their shows. catch them now folks before they are gone and get their EP.

life in your way: I was wicked surprised at all the kids who reacted very well to them. I figured there would be no dancing and no singing along since.. well.. I've seen them a few times, but don't really know their music at all. good set though. a lot of songs that no one knew cause they were all new songs.

mercury switch: what a way to end a night. MS played the same set they've been playing for a while. lots of people singing along as their music is a lot more "sing along" than most all the other bands there. people were all around just having a good time. in the end, they tore into their smashing pumpkins cover and everyone hugged up to the mic and sang along to a song that they are ashamed to know.
[May 10,2005 1:45am - mOe_rk ""]
the_reverend said:

deadwater drowning: the only thing I think was missing was the overbarring blasts. no offence to mommar, but his kick doesn't come out as loud and nut kicking.

dammit, at least i make up for it in sass...i was sure that people would realize that i dont play the songs like Jon Dow did, but i dont think i did that bad of a job

[May 10,2005 11:33am - RustedAngel ""]
dave you madman!
[May 10,2005 12:30pm - DaveSTF ""]
AHHH!!!! Goddamn that rig's nasty!

I gotta say.. I'm a fuckin sex god.
[May 10,2005 12:33pm - j;i  ""]
audience member: "Hey great set!"

DaveSTF: "Hey, thanks faggot!"

[May 10,2005 12:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
[May 10,2005 1:13pm - mOe_rk ""]
not a bad picture from this night
[May 10,2005 1:24pm - the_reverend ""]
wait... FASSW wasn't playing!
but this show was all moe.
[May 10,2005 3:30pm - mOe_rk ""]
hahaha, what can i say

In the words of our fallen poet, Tupac Shakur..
"I get around"
[May 10,2005 4:15pm - the_reverend ""]
sh... no quoting tupac when the man is around...
wait.. "I'm a white male, aged 18-36, everyone listens to me (homer)"..
I AM THE MAN.. oh, shit!
[Mar 8,2007 9:59pm - codydelongdotnet ""]
another show at this venue watch out!!!

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