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HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE appreciation thread...

[May 9,2005 3:16pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I finally got The August Engine a couple weeks ago after getting hooked on The Bastard last year, both are great CDs.


Any other fans?
[May 9,2005 5:14pm - phobia ""]
"The forest lends its life to me, and loyal to her oaken creed,
on her ethereal winds I rove, up above the race I loathe"
[May 9,2005 6:52pm - Kinslayer  ""]

Twisted Tower Dire are better though...
[Feb 7,2007 2:32pm - Granny_Monster ""]
Bump because I get to see them when I'm out in the bay area on the 22nd!
Really looking forward to that show... well, and the whole trip, but I'm glad such an awesome show is going on while I'm there!
[Feb 7,2007 2:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yeah these guys are pretty good
[Feb 7,2007 3:53pm - Kinslayer  ""]
The Lord Weird Slough Feg kick ass as well...

Hammers played at Obriens not too long ago and no one fucking showed up. !
[Feb 8,2007 7:00pm - Dar nli  ""]
You're coming out to the show at the Great American Music Hall, Granny Monster? Maybe I'll see you there, one familiar face
I'm looking forward to Asunder too, your friend from Ghoul was giggling about getting to play the GAMH when they played the Gilman a week ago

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