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In The Nightside Eclipse Appreesh

[May 12,2005 11:27am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
This album is so godamn amazing. I know it's not the NekroKvlt approved choice, but for my money, Emperor was the best second-wave BM band going. Possibly contested by Ulver, until they started making ridiculous records. And with the Bathory and King Diamond covers, you really can't go wrong. :satancross::satancross::satancross:
[May 12,2005 11:28am - Christraper ""]
Into the infinity of thoughts is still one of my favortie bm songs
[May 12,2005 11:34am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I can't wait to get called out for being false when I end up covering "I Am The Black Wizards" in a band someday. I don't care how cheesy it would be, it's still one of the greatest Black Metal songs ever written. (I'm gonna get burning bags of dog poop with pentagrams drawn on them tossed on my doorstep for this one...)
[May 12,2005 12:04pm - Christraper ""]
fuck em dude. good music is good music, i dont give a shit if its troo or not
[May 12,2005 1:19pm - DreamingInExile ""]
yeah, this is definately one of the best blackmetal albums ever. from the cover art, to the raw production and the cold atmosphere, this album OWNS!!!

Cosmic Keys to my Creations & Times is one of the best emperor songs... hands down!
[May 12,2005 1:22pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
SUCH a good fuckin album. This is one of the first atmospheric black metal CD's i've heard, and still people can't quite capture the essence. My personal favorite song would be The Burning Shadows of Silence. Such a dissonant, awkward first riff. Gives me chills to this day.
[May 12,2005 1:25pm - dan.  ""]
theres nothing cheesy about emperor. this is one of the greatest metal albums ever made. cosmic keys to my recreation and times and the fucking opening track are perfect
[May 12,2005 1:43pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I was referring to the cheesiness of covering a band's "signature song" - But I just love to play it, feels great under the fingers. ;) My pick off this one would have to be a tie between Cosmic Keys and Beyond the Great Vast Forest. The guitar on this record is so brilliant - primitive and raw, but at the same time technical (or at least theory-based) and inspired.
[May 12,2005 1:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

How the hell did they think this was a good idea?
[May 12,2005 2:51pm - ShadarLogoth  ""]
we actually played iatbw at the cattle decapitation show in orono, but we're not a troo bm band, we're kind of a mix.

[May 12,2005 2:51pm - ShadarLogoth  ""]
not in orono, bucksport
[May 12,2005 3:18pm - dan.  ""]
well the thing about covering a bands signature song is, if you fuck it up people are going to throw horseshit at you. shadowsfall (who suck enough as it is) COMPLETELY fucked up livewire. and ive heard so many fucking terrible angel of death/raining blood covers i couldnt even begin to remember them all. fucking up a cover of a song that i love is enough to make me hate that band forever, as retarded as it sounds

on a related note, emperor is the only band i have EVER heard do justice to a mercyful fate cover
[May 12,2005 4:32pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Great album, but real fans (pre-Lords Of Chaos BM fans perhaps) will tell you that those bonus track cover songs aren't part of the album ;)
[May 12,2005 4:34pm - Christraper ""]
well theyre not technically but who gives a shit they rock
[May 12,2005 4:34pm - Christraper ""]
covering mercyful fate = badass
[May 12,2005 7:54pm - Abbath ""]
Emperor is the best when it comes to covering songs, bathory cover dominates too
[May 12,2005 8:52pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Is it wrong of me to hate everything after Nightside? There was some kid at my high school who would have sucked "Anthems" off if he could and couldn't believe that Nightside was my favorite album.
[May 12,2005 9:09pm - projectilevomit ""]
damn good album
[May 12,2005 9:41pm - arillius ""]
We cover Inno A Satana at our shows..
[May 12,2005 9:46pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
emperor are the emperors of gh3y
[May 12,2005 10:05pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
:bow: Cosmic Keys :bow:

The reverb makes that album. The best black metal drum sound.
[May 13,2005 12:27am - Anthony nli  ""]
When we had that blizzard a few years ago, I had this album in my discman. It fueled hours of lucrative snow-shoveling, absolutely the perfect music for that activity.
[May 13,2005 12:29am - Mathais  ""]
anthems is what got me into emperor, because its the most accessible, but i learned to appreciate nightside over time. To me its one of the very few black metal albums that successfully incorportated keyboards. (second only to Nokturnal Mortum's orchestra hits) Great narrative lyrics too...

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