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have you ever woken up from a nightmare and...

[May 15,2005 1:06am - succubus ""]
still been all creeped out?

hate that

i would have jotted downm notes bcz it would have made a cool horror flick but i wanted it out of my head

i love being home alone and watching horror movies in the dark..until shit like this happens....heh

looked for something funny to watch and it's on comedy channel now "tenacious d"
[May 15,2005 1:25am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I've woken up screaming a fair number of times.
[May 15,2005 1:36am - succubus ""]
screaming eh?

well i just spoke to aaron and at least he's on his way home from the show..but something's broken at the radio station so mr engineer might have to make a pit stop


well i guess i'm fine anyhow

stupid satanic drams!
[May 15,2005 1:42am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
did tenacious D give you the nightmares? I'm confused
[May 15,2005 1:45am - succubus ""]
no, i meant after waking up from the nightmare i looked for something funny to watch and was watching that
[May 15,2005 1:55am - Kalopsia ""]
i once had a nightmare where my leg was slashed really bad, leaving a HUGE hole in my leg, only my leg was completely empty. i woke up and immediately started checking my leg to make sure it was still there. my heart was beating FAST
[May 15,2005 7:45am - Scoracrasia ""]
I love nightmares. keeps the boredom which is my life at bay.
[May 15,2005 9:46am - Boots ""]
i find if i drink a lot of wine, i have the most fucked up dreams ever.
[May 15,2005 9:56am - Niccolai ""]
Sometimes I fall asleep at night to the sound of my own screams...

And than my screams wake me up in the morning. Am I unhappy?
[May 15,2005 11:18am - Mary ""]
I can't remember the last time that I had a nightmare. Maybe it's because I'm older and know that "it was just a dream".

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