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Apoptygma berzerk

[May 18,2005 9:59am - the_reverend ""]
I'm listening to a cover of all tomorrows parties.
awesome, I completely forgot about this band!
[May 18,2005 12:43pm - triumphant_Gleam ""]
APB lacked excitement on the early recordings, but when Welcome to earth came out they started to get away from the depeche mode/early-OMD sound. I think Stefan Groths side projects H20 and Total Transformation are much better.
[May 18,2005 12:52pm - the_reverend ""]
I will have to look that up.
VNV nation is playing in boston next month... the 12th I think. I'm wicked tempted.
[May 18,2005 2:06pm - triumphant_Gleam ""]
go to the vnv show for the opener Imperative Reaction...........more towards Velvet Acid Christ stuff.
[May 18,2005 2:12pm - the_reverend ""]
Imperative reaction is more like suicide commando or I, parasite than VAC. Low key. VAC stuff is a lot faster, next to nothing as far as ambient.
[May 18,2005 2:35pm - triumphant_Gleam ""]
I didn't care for Suicide Commando, probably why I didn't find the similarities. Most Metropolis stuff sounds the same.
[May 18,2005 2:38pm - the_reverend ""]
especially now, since it's 90% synthpop.
[May 18,2005 2:46pm - triumphant_Gleam ""]
echo image was a good synth pop group. I always prefered stuff off netwerk, release, hands has put out some decent stuff especially Needle Sharing and Tarmvred, ant-zen are gods, Cold Meat Industries has some quality acts. Metropolis is a good gateway for kids to get into darker electronic, but depending on the label to be the start all end all of industrial/electronic music is plain moronic.
[May 18,2005 2:48pm - the_reverend ""]
I haven't gotten anything from ant-zen/hymen for years. great stuff when you can get it.

netwerk's be letting me down with crappy releases.
[May 18,2005 2:50pm - triumphant_Gleam ""]
yeah, but early netwerk ala Skinny Puppy and early Delerium, key word being early are solid acts.
[May 18,2005 2:51pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, but lately.. like new delerium... yucky.
[May 18,2005 2:54pm - triumphant_Gleam ""]
lol new delerium is shit. did rhys go through some life changing experience or something?
[May 18,2005 3:11pm - the_reverend ""]
sounds like it..
I think it's all the fear factory.
[May 18,2005 3:42pm - triumphant_Gleam ""]
well the Fear is the Mindkiller EP was fantastic.
[May 18,2005 3:48pm - the_reverend ""]
I think I have that.
I will also admit that I listen to WAY too much din_fiv
and what happened to the boston band battery cage?
[May 19,2005 12:39pm - triumphant_Gleam ""]
no idea, you really liked that din_fiv release? The very monotone/german esque vocal stylings had me in stitches after track 2.
[May 19,2005 1:02pm - the_reverend ""]
the lyrics are cheese too, camp value I guess.
I really liked the boston elektro 101 comp dav_din put out.
[May 19,2005 1:07pm - triumphant_Gleam ""]
did you go to Pigface last night? I am just curious to know who is in the band besides Martin Atkins.
[May 19,2005 1:09pm - the_reverend ""]
they played last night?

I got an e-mail with the list of people in the tour. the only other I remember was en esch. I can look when I get home for the e-mail.
for me, no chris connelly, no pigface.
[May 19,2005 1:29pm - triumphant_Gleam ""]
yeah at Man Ray, I was right across the street at TT The Bears seeing Monade.
[May 19,2005 1:30pm - ZBC Metal  ""]
triumphant_Gleam said:did you go to Pigface last night? I am just curious to know who is in the band besides Martin Atkins.

I went to go check out Sheep on Drugs, who were awesome. You Shriek and Nocturne were awful, but that was to be expected.

I didn't really stick around for much of Pigface since I've never really been into them, but I saw them enough to see that The Enigma (random?) is in the band now and to hear them pull off a decent KMFDM cover.

VNV Nation/Imperative Reaction is probably going to be one of the highlights of the year as far as shows are concerned. Can't wait!!
[May 19,2005 1:33pm - triumphant_Gleam ""]
VNV being a highlight? what a sad life.
[May 19,2005 1:34pm - ZBC Metal  ""]
What can I say, I dig em!
[May 19,2005 1:48pm - triumphant_Gleam ""]
naww thats cool, EBM as a whole just isn't my thing.
[May 19,2005 1:52pm - the_reverend ""]
I like just about all the vnv I've listened too.

yeah, the enigma is with them too.. I thought that was weird too.. what did he do?
[May 19,2005 2:00pm - ZBC Metal  ""]
For a few songs he held a guitar and for a few more he stood behind some keyboards, but I never saw him play either, just kind of stood around and made crazy-eyes at the crowd.
[May 19,2005 4:43pm - lady_czerach ""]
the_reverend said:I will have to look that up.
VNV nation is playing in boston next month... the 12th I think. I'm wicked tempted.

The only APB song I like is the VNV Nation remix of "Kathy's Song." I'll be at the VNV show with bells (and vinyl pants) on.
[May 19,2005 5:31pm - the_reverend ""]
is angel industrial putting it on?
is angel industrial even still around?

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