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Handinjury Needs new band

[May 20,2005 7:55pm - handinjury ""]
Im looking to start a new project. Death metal only, no hardcore, slammy, or gay stuff. Fast & brutal- ala origin, gorgasm, deeds of flesh, suffocation, anoxia. I play guitar & I have good equipment. I need a drummer to start, I live in RI.
:shocker: handinjury@aol.com :shocker:
[May 20,2005 8:22pm - Paulll  ""]
no "slammy" or gay stuff........right
[May 20,2005 8:49pm - mOe_rk ""]
no slammy stuff?...pussy..haha
[May 20,2005 8:54pm - brian_dc ""]
slammy stuff...The slammers were always my least favorite POGS

in fact...


I've been dying to get that out of my system...literally dying.
[May 20,2005 8:55pm - subjugate shn  ""]
what happened with anoxia?
[May 21,2005 12:34am - dread_104 ""]
YEAH!? what happened?
[May 21,2005 1:04am - eric  ""]
wish I'd lived closer to RI, death metal rules and I hate hardcore!!!!!!!!!!!
[May 21,2005 2:43pm - handinjury ""]
Anoxia is basically having techinical difficulties with practicing and member availibility as of current. If you never seen us, then come to one on our remaining shows (5-21, 6-3, 6-11) and check us out live.

I dont have a problem with "slammy" type bands, I actually like some "slammy" type bands. And I dont listen to hardcore. I am not looking for that type of musicians for this project. I want to retain the same guitar style that I use in Anoxia.
[May 21,2005 2:49pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
handinjury said:Anoxia is basically having techinical difficulties with practicing and member availibility as of current. If you never seen us, then come to one on our remaining shows (5-21, 6-3, 6-11) and check us out live.

[May 21,2005 9:47pm - anonymous  ""]
handinjury said:Anoxia is basically having techinical difficulties with practicing and member availibility as of current. If you never seen us, then come to one on our remaining shows (5-21, 6-3, 6-11) and check us out live.

I dont have a problem with "slammy" type bands, I actually like some "slammy" type bands. And I dont listen to hardcore. I am not looking for that type of musicians for this project. I want to retain the same guitar style that I use in Anoxia.

wow bummer
[May 22,2005 1:39am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
goodluck dood !
[May 22,2005 1:56am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
ANOXIA is not breaking up.
[May 22,2005 4:06pm - hunterhunter ""]
deathamphetamine is looking for a new lead guitarist
[May 22,2005 4:15pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hunterhunter said:deathamphetamine is looking for a new lead guitarist

quality band, brian go check them out !

we've played two shows with them and each time they sound better. great old school death/thrash band very Maiden esq !
[May 22,2005 4:25pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i hear damage plan is looking...

[May 22,2005 5:34pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Oh snap!

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