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social distortion at the hampton beach casino ballroom

[show listing]  __________________________________
[May 20,2005 9:06pm - succubus ""]
eyeliners opened~hotties who rock and nice to boot
lost city angels ~playing now
social d coming up..sitting outside with a couple of their roadies now!
[May 20,2005 10:34pm - chris-dreadedsilence  ""]
as much as i love social d, how many times can you listen to Mike Ness saying the same things? they are great, but it's like they've become a novelty now. i wouldn't have minded going to this show, but i had to work. i wasn't gonna go out of my way to make it to the show since there weren't any worthwhile openers. i hope the show is cool and definitely let me know if it's any different from the last few times they've played
[May 20,2005 11:50pm - succubus ""]
just walked in the door...i stayed for the whole show
funny you mention same shows...i've been to every one of their shows and tonight was different..heh, they played different songs, did a lot of blues and at one point he starts asking who the youngest person there was...ends up with two 9 year old boys on stage
it was cute
i know what you mean about him talking about the ame things, like staying straight and not fucknig up like he did blah blah
fun show!
mike even smiled and said hello to me as he walked out of his bus and into the venue i wanted to talk to him again but i was in the middle of a convo with a woman who worked at the venue
[May 24,2005 9:33pm - succubus ""]
social d:

lost city angels:

the eyeliners:

nice old man slippers heh
[May 25,2005 12:15am - chris-dreadedsilence  ""]
man, mike is getting old. not that i haven't noticed before, but those close-ups just enhance his oldness. great pics though, as usual. have you checked out their cover of Death or Glory by the Clash on the Lords of Dogtown soundtrack? i dunno, i like it, but it's not that impressive. ah well
[May 25,2005 8:23am - succubus ""]
yep he is gettin' old, still knows how to rock though
i started giggling when i saw the slippers though..i mean SLIPPERS!!!!
[May 25,2005 3:44pm - succubus ""]
[May 25,2005 4:26pm - DaveSTF on his sisters's computer  ""]
Oh man I really wish I was home for this.
Carina, do you remember at all what the setlist was like?

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