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Metal Blade sure has gone down the shitter

[May 28,2005 9:20pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I'm going through their available mp3s, and they have some really crappy releases these days. I clicked the AS I LAY DYING banner and was unsurprised to hear pure IN FLAMES rehash... Now I'm hearing the same from NEAERA... In between, I've been treated to some BLACK DAHLIA MURDER (puh-leeese), new AMON AMARTH (this can't be the same band that recorded Once Sent From The Golden Hall, can it?), BRAINSTORM (Power Metal with no power)... On from NEARA to WINTER SOLSTICE who mix it up (cough) by taking equally from AT THE GATES and IN FLAMES.

Granted, they did put out some crap in the 80's, but I'm really struggling to find ANYTHING good on here...
[May 28,2005 9:27pm - nate nli  ""]
I just made an order a couple weeks back from them for the new YOB CD and not only did they respond right bacl but I got the CD 3 days later. Crap or not they send the shit when they say, and the YOB CD is great! It's not just Metal Blade either though, alot of labels are putting out sub-par music that sounds like everyone else.
[May 28,2005 10:00pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Roadrunner completely went down the fuck tubes.

Still I think music and labels change because it's natural. Some get better, some get worse. DGC got incredible in the 90's when they started pulling bands from the minor leagues, but then you see labels like Victory that are just confusing me completely now.

And of course, Hydrahead went from being an intellectual hardcore label to now signing daughters....
[May 28,2005 10:01pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
This thread is about Metal Blade
[May 28,2005 10:03pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
nate nli said:I just made an order a couple weeks back from them for the new YOB CD and not only did they respond right bacl but I got the CD 3 days later. Crap or not they send the shit when they say, and the YOB CD is great! It's not just Metal Blade either though, alot of labels are putting out sub-par music that sounds like everyone else.

I would listen to YOB right now but they don't have a track up, nor are there any on the YOB site.

So far still nothing great, though the GOD DETHRONED, IMPIOUS and CATTLE DECAPITATION songs are alright... GD has still definitely gone a good ways downhill since Bloody Blasphemy though.
[May 28,2005 10:09pm - doortop ""]
With Yob, Primordial, Disillusion, and Spock's Beard, they are still worth checking out every now and then. Incapacity, Fleshcrawl and In Battle are also decent at times. So basically the bands they don't promote are the only ones that are worthwhile. Gotta love it.
[May 28,2005 10:18pm - nate nli  ""]

I was actually quite blown away at a few signings they made... one's a little to local so I won't talk shit on a message board but guys that dress like thire in Creed and play shitty metal music shouldn't be signed to Metal Blade...
[May 28,2005 10:18pm - nate nli  ""]
ops put a / after the .com in the link above oops
[May 28,2005 10:23pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Sweet, thanks... Just finished off the last of the ones on the MB site... SIX FEET UNDER was the last band I heard, and sadly enough one of the best 2-3 tracks up there. The PRIMORDIAL link didn't work, go figure.
[May 28,2005 10:37pm - RustedAngel ""]
sorry, your label is gayer than metalblade will ever be.
[May 28,2005 10:39pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
nate nli said:www.purevolume.com.yob

I was actually quite blown away at a few signings they made... one's a little to local so I won't talk shit on a message board but guys that dress like thire in Creed and play shitty metal music shouldn't be signed to Metal Blade...

these are pretty good.

the guy sings like Dave Musaine.

First time hearing YOB.
[May 28,2005 10:40pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[May 28,2005 11:10pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
The Red Chord: Clients.
[May 28,2005 11:37pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
Metal Blade has always sucked. I remember when they first started releasing records in the 80s... there were dozens of bands at our rehearsal space that were better than the 3rd rate crap bands they were signing. Their records always sounded like crap too, production-wise.

Anything good they ever put out was a fluke; the exception, not the rule
[May 28,2005 11:58pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Well, they definitely were no Noise or Combat... But they still had some good signings in the 80's, as well as a number of US licenses, and they still squeezed out some decent stuff in the 90's - and at least the bad shit didn't all sound the same.
[May 29,2005 12:20am - xMattx ""]
Winter solstice is a semi ok band and as i lay dyings old stuff isnt too bad, the rest of the bands you mentioned have gone down the drain and i hope i never have to hear any of them again.
[May 29,2005 1:01am - powerkok ""]
Cannibal Corpse, Gwar and old Amon Amarth make up for any shortcomings imo.
[May 29,2005 6:06am - RichHorror ""]
GWAR's no longer on Metal Blade, therefor Metal Blade can go die now.
[May 29,2005 9:03am - maslayer  ""]
Metal Blade is a case of "right place, right time"...from their first comp cd (featuring Metallica) to Slayer...it was right at the beginning of thrash, tail end of NWOBHM...I like some of their titles but because they were able to monopolize on thrash in the 80's puts them where they are now. 10-15 years ago bands like Unearth wouldn't even be recogzied by Metalblade, much less be considered metal...
[May 29,2005 9:49am - doortop ""]
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the goo goo dolls yet!
[May 29,2005 9:54am - th3rdknuckle ""]
Lizzy Borden...
[May 29,2005 2:27pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
doortop said:I'm surprised no one has mentioned the goo goo dolls yet!

What are you talking about? Their song "Black Balloon" is fucking KVLT

"Baby's black ballon makes her fly, I almost fell into that hole in your life"

He's obviously talking about the grim void
[May 29,2005 2:39pm - spaldino on the sidekick  ""]
Damn... That makes me wanna necrobobsled now
[May 29,2005 5:16pm - dreadkill ""]
hahahahaha, goo goo dolls. metalcore blade is a gay label for sure.

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