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The Bombshelter sucks ass.

[Jun 3,2005 12:05am - ltdec-1000 ""]
Just went to the agnostic front/Full Blown Chaos/ Champion/outbreak show.

Some idiot came charging across the pit, and elbowed my fucking face
now part of my eyebrow is the size of a marble, and its split open. I figured, wtf, and kept watching the show, some girl jumped on my back, and i was sick of it, so i shook my shoulders to try and get her off, and she full-out punched me in the back of the head. Also, as i was leaving, some guy asked me what happened to my bleeding face, and after i told him, he was like. "Faggot" So naturally im like, uhhh.... me? "Yeah you, fucking faggot."

On top of that, the bombshelter was about 1/8 full. Looks like firing todd has killed business. And half the "crowd" got kicked out for fighting.

The Bombshelter can suck my balls.
[Jun 3,2005 12:07am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
TODD GOT FIRED?!?!??! for what??
[Jun 3,2005 12:08am - powerkok ""]
Dood....its an Agnostic show, and youre suprised that youve been smacked around?
Punch em back.
[Jun 3,2005 12:08am - powerkok ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:TODD GOT FIRED?!?!??! for what??

Umm hello? what have you been on tour or somethin?
[Jun 3,2005 12:10am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
fuck that place, someone book Great White !
[Jun 3,2005 12:11am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
more or less I've been in a hole in the ground.

tell me the story! I am shocked by this!
[Jun 3,2005 12:11am - powerkok ""]
Oh man.
[Jun 3,2005 12:12am - succubus ""]
there are other posts about todd...but yeah that place sucks...oh and the rev's on his way home
[Jun 3,2005 12:13am - powerkok ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:more or less I've been in a hole in the ground.

tell me the story! I am shocked by this!

He was accused of taking door $ which is total bullshit (imo)
Todd said he didnt, and Ive known him for years, way before any of my bands played at his clubs, so I trust that he didnt.

Anderson was fired too.
[Jun 3,2005 12:13am - KeithMutiny ""]
i didnt know todd got fired either
[Jun 3,2005 12:15am - powerkok ""]
This Sat is our last show at the Shelter as well.
Fuck them.
[Jun 3,2005 12:16am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
in searching the threads for this I found out ANNE is leaving?!?!?


anyway, yeah that's fucked. Todd is a nice guy. Door money? What fucking door money? There's never been any fucking door money at this place. All I did was lose a jacket there, break my amp, and get paid $5 for our troubles over the span of...umm...like 4 shows there.

That sucks, Todd is a good dude, his heart always seemed in the right place and he was pretty fair with all the bands.
[Jun 3,2005 12:17am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
though we had some fun times there, and saw some great bands, overall I think that place has more cons than pros. All the bands we've played with there were a lot of fun, and people's support was great.

But honestly, without Todd I dunnow...he made the administration tolerable.
[Jun 3,2005 12:18am - powerkok ""]
I estimate that place will be no more by the end of 2005.
[Jun 3,2005 12:22am - ltdec-1000 ""]
Oh, and i wouldve hit back, but i dont think it was intentional. but the kid outside callin me a faggot needed to get run over...

I thought i saw the rev there... I was sportin my rttp hoodie, and i didnt even get a hello......? :(
[Jun 3,2005 12:24am - succubus ""]
ltdec-1000 said:I thought i saw the rev there... I was sportin my rttp hoodie, and i didnt even get a hello......? :(

when i spoke to him before i told him about yer post and he said "i thought i saw him" he wasn't 100% sure
he said he didn't see you get bloody either
[Jun 3,2005 12:25am - ltdec-1000 ""]
Another problem with the bombshelter everyones been bitchin about. $15 at the door.... I had to pay $18 to see this fuckin show.... FUCK!

He didnt see me get bloddy because as soon as i got hit, i booked it to the bathroom to check myself out, and after that, i hung in the back.
[Jun 3,2005 12:26am - KeithMutiny ""]
if i wasnt bleeding when i left an agnostic front show, id ask for my money back.
[Jun 3,2005 12:27am - powerkok ""]
ltdec-1000 said: the kid outside callin me a faggot needed to get run over...

Just a guess....He was fat, bald, drunk and surrounded by at least 3 of his friends?
[Jun 3,2005 12:28am - ltdec-1000 ""]
You got the friend part right, but he wasnt fat. Probably drunk though.
[Jun 3,2005 12:29am - succubus ""]
serge is screwing himself...and making some bad decisions

[Jun 3,2005 12:30am - ltdec-1000 ""]
ask the rev how *jam packed* it was. The place was deserted.
[Jun 3,2005 12:37am - powerkok ""]
Im sure thats because of his 0% promotion of any shows there.
[Jun 3,2005 12:38am - ltdec-1000 ""]
The bands were pissed off, because there was hardly anyone there, youd think with a decent lineup like that, people would come out.
[Jun 3,2005 12:41am - KeithMutiny ""]
sounds like more of a fashion show too me.
[Jun 3,2005 12:41am - thedeparted ""]
heh that place is never packed. im sure it gets a lil better turn out with nationals on the bills, but ive never had good experiences there either. drive all the way up from RI, to not get paid, and play at 1am for like 10 kids after the local bands played.
[Jun 3,2005 12:41am - powerkok ""]
Ya, I agree....I wouldnt, cuz its not my thing, but, you are right.
Its because no one hears about it till after it happens.
As the same with EVERY other BS show.
[Jun 3,2005 12:43am - ltdec-1000 ""]
The first ime i went to it was pretty full. Hed pe, Gizmachi, and disorder by design. That show had a really good turnout.
[Jun 3,2005 1:00am - the_reverend ""]
it's hit or miss there a lot of times.
AF was pissed about something to do with a standard part of their contract...
Champion was just pissed about what, I don't know
[Jun 3,2005 1:02am - ltdec-1000 ""]
What about AF's Contract?
[Jun 3,2005 1:04am - the_reverend ""]
I dn't know... roger was just telling chris muscle city "it;s a standard part of all contracts blah blah just so you know."
and chris was all like "I've done about 3000 shows and I've never heard of it"
[Jun 3,2005 1:06am - ltdec-1000 ""]
Do they even know how to run a club?

And could there be more fights at that show? Seriously.
[Jun 3,2005 1:20am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fuck the BS.
[Jun 3,2005 1:23am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
the_reverend said:I dn't know... roger was just telling chris muscle city "it;s a standard part of all contracts blah blah just so you know."
and chris was all like "I've done about 3000 shows and I've never heard of it"

sometimes we put in a thing that says "After the show we need to have our cocks tied in a bow by two Vietnamese chicks"

we end up arguing with the club owners for hours...they claim THAT is not STANDARD, but I know it IS.

they can eat my titties
[Jun 3,2005 1:35am - RichHorror ""]
When I get backstage... If I don't see a bowl of brown M&M's and a bucket of distilled goat load, I don't go on.
[Jun 3,2005 1:59am - dwellingsickness ""]
I drove by, the parking lot did seem kinda empty for a Agnostic Front show.haha --Todd

And yes ,Serge fired myself and Anderson ,within a week of each other for supposedly stealing cash from the door. I think most of the story is in the thread about the june 4th show there.:middlefinger:
[Jun 3,2005 8:48am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
has no one burnt this place to the ground yet.
[Jun 3,2005 9:04am - RustedAngel ""]
thedeparted said:drive all the way up from RI, to not get paid, and play at 1am for like 10 kids after the local bands played.

we've played there 4 or 5 times and brought about 20-40 people through the door each time and never got one cent from that shithole.
[Jun 3,2005 9:07am - RustedAngel ""]
voice your opinion of this place so other people can see

you can post without registering.

if you want to talk to serge directly and not understand a god damn word he's saying call his cell @ 603-264-4312
[Jun 3,2005 9:37am - KillerKadoogan ""]
i didnht know todd got fired either.

and yeah, fuck this place and its equipment-frying electricity
[Jun 3,2005 10:27am - largefreakatzero ""]
Looks like alot of people are talking shit on the BS message board. Awesome.
[Jun 3,2005 10:34am - thedeparted ""]
RustedAngel said:thedeparted said:drive all the way up from RI, to not get paid, and play at 1am for like 10 kids after the local bands played.

we've played there 4 or 5 times and brought about 20-40 people through the door each time and never got one cent from that shithole.

hah damn man, yeah that sucks. thats a long drive for you guys too eh?
[Jun 3,2005 10:38am - RustedAngel ""]
well, maybe an hour for each of us and for those shows we all took seperate cars. Either way, the distance is beside the point. Even gas money would have made us happy.

oh yeah and the pizza there sucks cock.
[Jun 3,2005 10:40am - joe/notcommon ""]
Sounds like what I was saying over a year ago.
[Jun 3,2005 10:40am - thedeparted ""]
haha yeah man, we ate it one time, its like a chinese newspaper with some horrible tomato paste on top, and the cheese is like molten hot
[Jun 3,2005 10:44am - subjugate ""]
succubus said:
serge is screwing himself...and making some bad decisions

serge is another jarrod!!

both idiots should be stripped covered in jelly and staked down to a red ant farm

[Jun 3,2005 10:48am - the_reverend ""]
serge is well intentioned.
I mean, that place looses a lot of $$ and he works at the walmart distribution center to support it.
I think that he's just taking some bad advice... especially lately.
[Jun 3,2005 10:54am - subjugate ""]
the_reverend said:serge is well intentioned.
I mean, that place looses a lot of $$ and he works at the walmart distribution center to support it.
I think that he's just taking some bad advice... especially lately.

he should try dealing coke
[Jun 3,2005 11:12am - largefreakatzero ""]
subjugate said:the_reverend said:serge is well intentioned.
I mean, that place looses a lot of $$ and he works at the walmart distribution center to support it.
I think that he's just taking some bad advice... especially lately.

he should try dealing coke

He'd probably fuck that up too.
[Jun 3,2005 12:09pm - anonymous  ""]
Of course he would fuck it up, all of it would end up UP HIS NOSE
Why do you think he looks the way he does and cant remember yer band?
[Jun 3,2005 12:32pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
the_reverend said:serge is well intentioned.
I mean, that place looses a lot of $$ and he works at the walmart distribution center to support it.
I think that he's just taking some bad advice... especially lately.

I have no doubt his heart is in the right place. Serge is very bullheaded, though...he doesn't listen to advice too well and he is too quick to make decisive judgements.

I think what was good about Todd is he seemed the opposite...like he was willing to work for things he wanted head on, and also question them along the way to make them pallatable to everyone involved.

If I were Serge, I'd at least consider the state of my affairs and start taking input from people...maybe get some advisors I trust and some way of receiving more fair input.

Also, to be frank, I have NEVER understood the not advertising thing....advertising is 99% of how a club get people in...the other 1% being the line-ups, the specials, etc. If people don't know you exist, or don't knwo what's going on, how the fuck are they going to go to your club? It's not the public's fault, it's the clubs fault. You can't expect the masses to just assume your club exists and that you're having a show they want to go to.
[Jun 3,2005 12:51pm - ltdec-1000 ""]
Does the bombshelter have some sort of advertising phobia?
[Jun 3,2005 1:01pm - powerkok ""]
Ya, its called shelling out cash for anything other than coke.
[Jun 3,2005 1:44pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
OK, The Bombshelter has been fun every time I've played or attended a show there in the past, But the 3 major shows I saw there this year (MADBALL, CRYPTOPSY, and AGNOSTIC FRONT) were all poorly attended. Either it's advertising problems, or maybe people just don't give a shit enough to come out anymore.

When I saw Madball there back in '03 the place was PACKED, i mean for real packed. Like there was practically no room to move.
[Jun 3,2005 1:48pm - dwellingsickness ""]
anonymous said:Of course he would fuck it up, all of it would end up UP HIS NOSE
Why do you think he looks the way he does and cant remember yer band?

In my one and ONLY defense of the guy, He is not a coke head, he is more straight edge than 99% of the hardcore kids...No drugs,No alcohol and he only smokes cigars occasionally.
[Jun 3,2005 2:59pm - powerkok ""]
wow...no shit?
Well I apoligize then.
I know I wouldnt wanna be called a coconut if I wasnt.

But if hes not spending the $$ on that, what the hell is he spending it on?
[Jun 3,2005 3:00pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I remember the people there sucking aswell.
[Jun 3,2005 3:00pm - the_reverend ""]
on shows that only draw 10 people
[Jun 3,2005 3:02pm - swamplorddvm ""]
the_reverend said:on shows that only draw 10 people

This is true. I was at some free show.
[Jun 3,2005 4:26pm - Todd NLI  ""]
powerkok said:wow...no shit?
Well I apoligize then.
I know I wouldnt wanna be called a coconut if I wasnt.

But if hes not spending the $$ on that, what the hell is he spending it on?

Between Rent,electric,beer bills and shit, it is about $6-7K a month to run that place
[Jun 3,2005 4:29pm - ~Carina~  ""]
Big of you to defend him Todd, esp after what he did for you
shows what kind of a person you are and makes me more mad about what happened to you
[Jun 3,2005 4:37pm - thedeparted ""]
[Jun 3,2005 4:38pm - ~Carina~  ""]
what he did to you
(sorry about my typos..i'm doing 10 things at once)
[Jun 3,2005 4:40pm - Paulll  ""]
dude if someone called me a fucking faggot to my face id fight him even with his friends there. lol what do you expect at an AF show man you go there to get into fights or hit people its part of the fun of it. Sucks to get hit but complaining about it on a message board doesnt do no good. The bombshelther over charges for shows and its in the worst location, behind the coke factory. No one is gonna show up to that also because if you dance or mosh or whatever you always get kicked out it seems. When my band played there a while back I didnt mind it, but the turnout was fucking sad.
[Jun 3,2005 4:52pm - ltdec-1000 ""]
Paulll said:dude if someone called me a fucking faggot to my face id fight him even with his friends there. lol what do you expect at an AF show man you go there to get into fights or hit people its part of the fun of it. Sucks to get hit but complaining about it on a message board doesnt do no good. The bombshelther over charges for shows and its in the worst location, behind the coke factory. No one is gonna show up to that also because if you dance or mosh or whatever you always get kicked out it seems. When my band played there a while back I didnt mind it, but the turnout was fucking sad.

Well, you might think differently about fighting the kid if your head was bleeding everywhere already, and you had a splitting headache from being punched in the back of the head by some psycho bitch.
[Jun 4,2005 2:47pm - Paulll  ""]
lol, I suppose your right.
[Jun 8,2005 10:30am - anonymous  ""]
Todd desreved to get fired that fat-wheel chair bound idiot got caught stealing red-handed !!!!!!!
[Jun 8,2005 10:43am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i smell wretched asylum.
[Jun 8,2005 11:18am - largefreakatzero ""]
Posting anonymously of course. What a fag.
[Jun 8,2005 11:23am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
anonymous said:Todd desreved to get fired that fat-wheel chair bound idiot got caught stealing red-handed !!!!!!!

even if he was caught stealing red-handed, I mean, do you blame him? Job satisfaction must be at an all time low at that place. Granted, stealing is wrong, but I feel like a good manager would question why his employs feel the need to steal in the first place. Todd isn't greedy and there's not much monye to steal anyway...I think the problem lies deeper. I don't think it's a problem with the employee, I think it's a job that has so few perks that eventually anyone would start to go corrupt.

I mean let's not pretend the world is black and white here.

oh and also making fun of people for being handicap just makes YOU look like a fucking idiot, not Todd. You think people don't notice that you're making fun of a person with a disability? You think you're just invisible while you say cruel shit? Get a life.
[Jun 8,2005 11:51am - powerkok ""]
The fact that they said he took $350 on a sunday is just ridiculous.
That place hasnt seen $350 on a sunday prolly ever.
And ya, anon gay, sign in and talk shit, you hapless fuckstick.
[Jun 8,2005 1:31pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I thought getting caught red handed ,meant you got caught with the money,or in the act of hiding or concealing said money?, Well that never happened, And ,If you wanna talk shit ,log in asshole.Oh and the wheelchair/Handicapped insults are getting old, get some new material ,I could truly care less what anyone associated with that place in any way thinks of me.
[Jun 8,2005 1:36pm - ~Carina~  ""]
TOC do not play into anonymous bullshit with your "Even if"
fuck you anon
get a life and grow some balls
[Jun 8,2005 2:48pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
~Carina~ said:TOC do not play into anonymous bullshit with your "Even if"
fuck you anon
get a life and grow some balls

agreed on all accounts.
[Jun 8,2005 3:11pm - the_reverend ""]
"Oh and the wheelchair/Handicapped insults are getting old"

one anal cunt songs has more originality than that anonymous poster.

Todd, I think that you should have stolen the $350. then you could have gotten some spiked tires or axels or something... I'm thinking a bit more like spy hunter here...
like that little blue guy, you could be all like "say hello to my little friend" and then *bang**pow*
they are on the side of the road blown up BEFORE they get to the 18-wheeler.
[Jun 8,2005 3:13pm - largefreakatzero ""]
hahaha -- I love that game
[Jun 8,2005 3:55pm - dwellingsickness ""]
HAHA nice,yeah that was an awesome game,Those cars in Spyhunter were bad ass,I am currently trying to find a way to retro fit my arm rests with shotguns..:NEWHORNS:
[Jun 8,2005 3:57pm - the_reverend ""]
all I'm saying is just think how badass you would be then...

wasn't this in nightmare on elm street 4?
[Jun 8,2005 4:18pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Dunno, I only seen the 1st movie
[Jun 8,2005 4:54pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
MAME emulator rules!!!

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