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Land Of The Dead

[Jun 8,2005 2:29pm - poopsmcgee ""]
I cant fucking wait to see this movie

[Jun 8,2005 2:39pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jun 8,2005 2:43pm - poopsmcgee ""]
Zombie movie directed by George Romero
this movie is going to be fucking sweet
[Jun 9,2005 6:35pm - poopsmcgee ""]
awesome new trailor,with tons of gore at the end.

[Jun 24,2005 2:47pm - poopsmcgee ""]
I just got back from seeing it and it was sweet.
[Jun 24,2005 3:02pm - Al_Ravage ""]
It was good. The social commentary was a bit heavy-handed, but it was an entertaining film and worthy addition to the Dead series.
[Jun 24,2005 3:04pm - succubus ""]
the storyline is cool
i can't wait to see it!
[Jun 24,2005 4:33pm - xericx ""]
im goig to see it tonite! should be sick. :satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross:
[Jun 24,2005 4:48pm - blue ""]
i think im seeing it tonight.
[Jun 24,2005 5:01pm - Dissector ""]
I tried to see it this morning but they wouldn't let my girlfriend in so I have to go back tonight without her.
[Jun 24,2005 5:27pm - Scoracrasia ""]
Going to see it tomorrow night. I rule and you all know it! I have been waiting 20 years for this!!! Suck my balls!!!!:doublehorns:
[Jun 24,2005 9:44pm - Notorious_DUG  ""]
Just saw it. Did not meet my expectations. Decent gore but overall just nothing special. I am highly upset.
[Jun 24,2005 9:56pm - anonymous  ""]
saw it....one word.. BRUTAL.... so much gore
[Jun 24,2005 10:04pm - Notorious_DUG  ""]
serious? out of the 4 movies it had the least gore.
[Jun 24,2005 10:15pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Dissector said:I tried to see it this morning but they wouldn't let my girlfriend in so I have to go back tonight without her.

dammit, i miss fucking teenagers...

[Jun 24,2005 10:16pm - Dissector ""]
Just got back went by myself this time. Tom Savini was in it, that's all I have to say.
[Jun 24,2005 10:40pm - Notorious_DUG  ""]
DomesticTerror said:Dissector said:I tried to see it this morning but they wouldn't let my girlfriend in so I have to go back tonight without her.

dammit, i miss fucking teenagers...

that's funny. I fuck missing teenagers...
[Jun 25,2005 1:51am - metalguy  ""]
.... it was awweeeesssomeee
[Jun 25,2005 2:25am - greggdeadface ""]
this was the fukn worst time i have ever had in my life,well maybe when we have to play with fukn white belt mosh bands,but this is jus as bad!!!!!!!!!if not worse.i want my money back romero!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jun 25,2005 3:08am - dwellingsickness ""]

Fangoria's review if anyone is interested
[Jun 25,2005 10:07am - FecesForJesus ""]
Day of the Dead sucked. I slept through over the second half of it. I knew i was going just be dissapointed in the end.
[Jun 25,2005 10:24am - projectilevomit ""]
it was OK not great and not terrible...he could hacve done alot more with it
[Jun 25,2005 11:48am - Dissector ""]
I have a couple of complaints.
1. The charecter development. There wasn't any. But that was because the company that released it wanted an hour and a half movie so they could get as many showing on openning day as possible. But the charecter development is what made all the other Dead films so great.
2. I know all of the other dead films had his opinion on t he social climate and what not. But this one was way more obvious than the rest.
[Jun 25,2005 1:20pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Notorious_DUG said:DomesticTerror said:Dissector said:I tried to see it this morning but they wouldn't let my girlfriend in so I have to go back tonight without her.

dammit, i miss fucking teenagers...

that's funny. I fuck missing teenagers...

lol. that was good, Doug:bow:

[Jun 25,2005 1:23pm - projectilevomit ""]
it seams like GR never gets to make the zombie movie he wants too..besides night and dawn...if any one has ever read the orginal script for day of the dead its way more elaborate then the actually movie way more violent too. if anyone gets the urge to read the orginal script you can check out www.homepageofthedead.com its on thier somewhere
[Jun 25,2005 1:26pm - BobDead  ""]
man...I went to see this last night...and I gotta say I was disapointed. There were definitely some good scenes and jumpy moments...but I thought as far as being "terrifying" the remake of "Dawn of the Dead" and the remake of "Night of the Living Dead" were vastly superior as far as creating a sense of dread. I dont know..I'm old and actually saw "Night of the Living Dead" the original at the drive in with my parents when it was first making its rounds as a kid..and it fucked me up for weeks. This probably is as scary as a "Resident Evil" or like film...which isnt to scary to me. Another disapointment although not nearly as shitty as the "Exorcist" begining movie...
[Jun 25,2005 2:28pm - anonymous  ""]
Crap movie....i was bored from beginning to end....BOO-ERNs
[Jun 25,2005 2:34pm - litacore ""]
I thought it was pretty good, it's more of an action movie than "Day"

I hope he gets to make anohter, although I have a feeling this ain't gonna do well at the box office except with the niche market

[Jun 25,2005 3:07pm - eddienli  ""]
i thought this was going to be his last zombie,

i liked it over all, but was disapointed in alot of ways.

i thought the gore was great.

the leader zombie had the worst possible zombie makeup, the sky flower thing was stupid, and damnit zombies can't think

i liked the of mice and men thing that was going on.

[Jun 25,2005 5:08pm - anonymous  ""]
smart zombies are gay
[Jun 25,2005 10:18pm - Dissector ""]
They were beginning to gain intelligence at the end of Day of the Dead. Hell, even in Dawn they we're "smart" it said you just have to remind them of thigns they used to do in their past life and they'll pick it up.
[Jun 25,2005 10:45pm - eddienli  ""]
Dissector said:They were beginning to gain intelligence at the end of Day of the Dead. Hell, even in Dawn they we're "smart" it said you just have to remind them of thigns they used to do in their past life and they'll pick it up.

yeah but these one's cared

[Jun 25,2005 10:46pm - Dissector ""]
Bub cared. Me, Tyler, and Jon used to refer to him as The Zombie Who Cares. He even shoots Rhodes for being a dick.
[Jun 25,2005 10:52pm - eddienli  ""]
fuck bub, that was 1 zombie! just didn't get enough troxin

this was a horde

either way the concept is gay.
[Jun 25,2005 11:13pm - Dissector ""]
I thought the concept of their being a leader was gay.
[Jun 25,2005 11:23pm - eddienli  ""]
Dissector said:I thought the concept of their being a leader was gay.

:pukeface:children of the living dead
[Jun 25,2005 11:57pm - Dissector ""]
Thank god I never saw that movie.
[Jun 26,2005 11:35am - babyshaker ""]
dude....."big daddy" huge fucking gay zombies arent supposed to have feelings they shouldnt be able to "communicate".....he learned how to use a fucking gun!!......the gore was mediocre and there wasnt enough time in the movie to really get a feel for what was goin on....how ever tom savini hacking peoples faces made me very very happy
[Jun 26,2005 12:25pm - Dissector ""]
babyshaker said:dude....."big daddy" huge fucking gay zombies arent supposed to have feelings they shouldnt be able to "communicate".....he learned how to use a fucking gun!!......the gore was mediocre and there wasnt enough time in the movie to really get a feel for what was goin on....how ever tom savini hacking peoples faces made me very very happy

That's true about the time factor and the Savini part. But zombies we're communicating as early as Dawn of the Dead and they used guns in Day of the Dead. This is nothing new in the Dead series.
[Jun 26,2005 12:27pm - Dissector ""]
Oh and another thing that sucked was the lead hero guy wasn't bad ass enough. He reminded me of Keano Reeves. We need another bad ass black man as the lead charecter. Ken Foree (sp?) was perfect.
[Jun 26,2005 1:07pm - metalmatt666 ""]
DAy of the dead was my personal favorite in the dead trilogy
[Jun 26,2005 1:28pm - projectilevomit ""]
fuckin ken foree is the man right up thier with bruce "dont call me ash" camble
[Jun 26,2005 1:35pm - Dissector ""]
projectilevomit said:fuckin ken foree is the man right up thier with bruce "dont call me ash" camble

Fuckin right.
[Jun 26,2005 3:27pm - mark fucking richards live from kentucky  ""]
land of the dead was awesome in my opinion; i heard it sucked, so i was a bit skeptical but overall i was extremely pleased. i saw a lot of zombies and gore, that's all that matters. the greatest part was when that random arm sticking up in the air gets ripped down the middle between the middle finger and ring finger. fucking great
[Jun 26,2005 3:37pm - succubus ""]
rev and i just got back from watching it
[Jun 26,2005 3:40pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
this movie was fucking excellent!!
[Jun 26,2005 4:04pm - the_reverend ""]
it was ok... the plot sort of pissed me off...
they had a bunch of campy/humorous stuff that fits in a B movie,
but this wasn't a B movie.

also, there was a lot of bad CGI on head shots.

SPOILER STUFF: at least the main character didn't get bitten (dawn remake)
[Jun 26,2005 5:19pm - babyshaker ""]
ya i also didnt like the head shots...even in the dawn remake they used alot of prosthetics for the head shots
[Jun 26,2005 6:21pm - projectilevomit ""]
asia argento looked amazing though
[Jun 26,2005 7:00pm - the_reverend ""]
and the worst actor award goes too....
every single character he plays is the exact same character. from a crazy fan to a ologarch to a gangster... same freaking character.
other people in that catagory:
keanu reeves
all of the bridges
all of the baldwin
jeff goldblum
[Jun 27,2005 10:25am - Josh_Martin ""]
I was disappointed. NOT ENOUGH GORE!!!
WTF, they definately toned it down to get an R rating instead of an NC-17.
Gay gay gay.
That scene when they ripped off that guy's head and his spine comes out along with it, and THEY ONLY SHOWED THE SHADOW OF IT ON THE WALL INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY SHOWING IT fucking pissed me off bigtime. Total sell-out.
The other 3 had such great stories that the gore was incidental. This one didn't have such a great story so they should've doubled up on the gore to make up for it, BUT NO!!
Hopefully there will be a directors cut DVD to make up for this bullshit.
[Jun 27,2005 10:37am - yodaslab  ""]
land of dead could have been alot better, overall i give it a C. I thought it was awesome when that girl gets her belly button ring bitten off and then the hole fills with blood. Plus asia argento is wicked hott!!! john leguizamo is a bad ass and that guy with the melted face was pretty cool too. Best character in the movie was "pillsbury" the big fat samoan guy!! however, the idea that zombies can think and strategize is retarded!!! i mean seriously, a zombie that can make bombs, come on!!!
[Jun 27,2005 11:14am - litacore ""]
[Jun 27,2005 11:28am - dan_bloodblister ""]
not all of them were "smart" though...its not like they were learning new things..they were just remembering things from when they were alive...
i liked that they went in that direction, because it pushes the story forward. its what has been happening all along - with the zombies remembering things from when they were alive and progressively getting "smarter". i think it made perfect sense with the story and just begs for a sequel.
also, it seemed like the zombies with less deterioration were the "smarter" ones, if i remember correctly - which makes sense.

i was slightly disapointed, but i was expecting to be blown away..definetly not a waste of money..the zombies looked fucking awesome. and the midnight showing was fun as fuck

i only spotted 3 instances of cgi, it didnt really bother me though because there was so much that COULD have been done with cgi that it sort of seemed like they were just trying to do something new and different as opposed to copping out or whatever. the zombie priest cgi thing was kinda corny though, it woulda been way cooler without cgi...that did rule though

this movie just further proves tom savini is the greatest man alive
[Jun 27,2005 11:39am - Josh_Martin ""]
I was so pissed I snuck into Batman Begins after Land of the Dead ended to make me feel like I got my money's worth. I missed the first 40 minutes or so of Batman Begins and I still thought it was better than Land...

Have you people who think the gore was awesome in Land.. even seen the first 3??? How could you not be disappointed?

[Jun 27,2005 12:13pm - Christraper ""]
Batman was way better than this piece of crap. Totally didnt live up to my expectations. With all these zombie movies coming out lately Romoero's new film shouldve kicked the shit out of all of them. I can see moving forward with the whole zombies remembering shit thing because that is what happened in Dawn and Day but I think there was WAY too much communication going on. Zombies are zombies. They arent individuals anymore theyre just this hungry dead mass that eat people. Thats whats cool about them. This new movie portrays zombies as Jerry's Kids gone horribly wrong.

Tom Savini rules.
[Jun 27,2005 12:44pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
i thought the gore was excellent. it was way better than the first Dawn. it didnt surpass Day because Day is the best one. i can understand not liking the whole zombie remembering thing, but otherwise i thought it was great. think of it this way. its a zombie movie. i dont know what people expect. its a movie about dead people eating living people.
[Jun 27,2005 1:21pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I can deal with zombies remembering things and getting smarter. HOWEVER, they also getting stronger. Wtf was up with that?
Zombies are slow and weak. All of the sudden they can knock down walls and throw things with force?

[Jun 27,2005 1:24pm - the_reverend ""]
it's like in the Dawn remake or 28 days where they get the rage and then move so freaking fast. Some day, I will be forced to get my way through a pit of zombies. if they movie wicked slowly, I don't think I will have any problems. time to start packing a bolt gun!
[Jun 27,2005 1:24pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Jesus_Slaves said:i thought the gore was excellent. it was way better than the first Dawn. it didnt surpass Day because Day is the best one. i can understand not liking the whole zombie remembering thing, but otherwise i thought it was great. think of it this way. its a zombie movie. i dont know what people expect. its a movie about dead people eating living people.

The first 3 were about a lot more than just the dead eating the living.
The new one, unfortunately, had nothing else going for it besides the gore.
I think you should watch the original Dawn again. That could've had zero gore and still been a great move. Day was the worst of the 3 but still great. Bub ruled.

Its a sad commentary when Shaun of the Dead kicks the shit out an actual Romero directed Dead movie.
[Jun 27,2005 1:26pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
28 days later is the worst movie ever made. i didnt even bother to see the dawn remake.

what was thrown with force? i dont remember that part. as far as knocking down walls, if you are talking about the fence part...i think it was just the mass of them pressing against it...i need to see it again because i dont remember enough parts that people are talking about i guess
[Jun 27,2005 1:34pm - Josh_Martin ""]
dan_bloodblister said:28 days later is the worst movie ever made. i didnt even bother to see the dawn remake.

what was thrown with force? i dont remember that part. as far as knocking down walls, if you are talking about the fence part...i think it was just the mass of them pressing against it...i need to see it again because i dont remember enough parts that people are talking about i guess

Not the fence. When they broke through that wall to get into the shooting range. That one zombie was strong enough to smash through the wall with a hammer (or some tool, I forget what it was)
[Jun 27,2005 1:37pm - Josh_Martin ""]
The Dawn remake was alright if you are able to see it without comparing it to the original.
The fast zombies made it a whole different movie. Interesting.
[Jun 27,2005 2:35pm - yodaslab  ""]
28 days later ruled, a different take on a zombie flick, especially when the 2nd half of the movie had nothing to do with zombies really, more about the sad state of humanity and how crazy those english bastards can be. Best part was when the main characted jammed his fingers in the soldiers eyes and killed him after smashing his head into a wall repeatedly. 28 days later owned land of the dead.
[Jun 27,2005 2:38pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
ive walked out of the theatre for 2 movies in recent memory: the day after tomorrow and 28 days later
[Jun 27,2005 3:22pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
28 Days Later wasnt even really a zombie flick, it was more people infected with "rage", but it was fucking stupid as hell. i liked the new Dawn because the thought of super fast zombies is a cool take on it. it seems now that this whole zombie genre is getting to the played out point. they should make more movies like "The Thing" or "Ghostbusters". old school classics.
[Jun 27,2005 3:24pm - litacore ""]
I disliked 28 Days Later as well.

what are ya gonna do, maybe horror has plateaued
[Jun 27,2005 3:35pm - Josh_Martin ""]
The problem with Land of the Dead was they were obviously toning it down to get an R rating. I remember when Day of the Dead came out 20 years ago and it was unrated because they knew it would get an X if they submitted it to the ratings board. But they didn't care and released it uncut.
Now all of the sudden Romero cares about box-office performance. An R movie is going to make way more money than an NC-17.
It really bugs me that he sold out like that.
[Jun 27,2005 3:37pm - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
i dont care what anyone says. the scene where the zombie is pulling flesh through the guys mouth is awesome. but the shadow of the spine pull was depressing and lame.
[Jun 27,2005 3:40pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Part of the problem may have been that Tom Savini was not available to do the effects. Whoever they got instead of Savini must be a wimp.
He should've left the hall.
[Jun 27,2005 3:40pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
i just read that 'the crazies' is being remade...heh...
[Jun 27,2005 3:42pm - Christraper ""]
ATNFAC_Vokillz said:i dont care what anyone says. the scene where the zombie is pulling flesh through the guys mouth is awesome.

I forgot about that. Yea that was pretty cool.

[Jun 27,2005 3:43pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
they stayed true to the first movie in one way though: a minority punching a white bitch in the face.
[Jun 27,2005 3:44pm - Josh_Martin ""]
One other thing that bugged me about Land of the Dead (and I'm really surprised I haven't seen anyone else mention this) is the importance of money.
Dennis Hopper and John Leguzamo's characters were all about greed and money. Money is only as valuable as the government that makes it.
If these truly were the last people on Earth (as the trailer claims) MONEY WOULD BE COMPLETELEY FUCKING WORTHLESS!!!

Even if there were other cities on Earth like that one, governments clearly no longer exist, which means money is just worthless paper.

The entire motivation for two of the main characters MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE AT ALL!!!

Romero has always been smarter than this. What the fuck happened to him?

[Jun 27,2005 3:46pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Notorious_DUG said:that's funny. I fuck missing teenagers...

[Jun 27,2005 3:46pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
is it ever discussed how much time is passed between each movie? because with the whole tower and all, im guessing alot of time has passed...but its never really dealt with...
[Jun 27,2005 3:51pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I think I read an interview with Savini and he said Land is supposed to be 3 or 4 years after the first one. (If i rememeber correctly)

I still want to know where Dennis Hopper is going to spend all that money he was making. Its not like Bloomingdales is still around.
[Jun 27,2005 3:52pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I got THE ACCUSED "Oh Martha!" CD today and they have a song called 'Fast Zombies Rule' on it.
[Jun 27,2005 3:55pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
actually, none of these things bothered me as much as at the end when the zombies are crossing the bridge and they have a chance to kill a bunch of em...and they dont. WHAT?!?! WHY!?! that made NO sense to me AT ALL
[Jun 27,2005 6:42pm - Dave Maggot  ""]
the reason it took so long for him to make it, was because he didnt have the funding or the company backing to make it. its not romero's fault that it was toned down, companies rarely fund movies that will get an x or nc-17 rating, because that cuts out half the audience, and they wont make the money they put into it back. they also pushed him to get the movie out. i think it was originally supposed to come out around halloween. so it wasnt even done. just wait for the dvd. i'm sure romero will deliver. in my opinion i thought it was awesome. too short though. but a good gory action flick. dont blame romero just blame the companie.
[Jun 28,2005 12:39am - th3rdknuckle ""]
the first ten minutes of the Dawn remake were the best, especially everything going on arounde her as she drives out of her neighborhood. that was awesome

THAT'S how it would go down if it happened
[Jun 28,2005 1:37am - Scoracrasia ""]
Dave Maggot said:the reason it took so long for him to make it, was because he didnt have the funding or the company backing to make it. its not romero's fault that it was toned down, companies rarely fund movies that will get an x or nc-17 rating, because that cuts out half the audience, and they wont make the money they put into it back. they also pushed him to get the movie out. i think it was originally supposed to come out around halloween. so it wasnt even done. just wait for the dvd. i'm sure romero will deliver. in my opinion i thought it was awesome. too short though. but a good gory action flick. dont blame romero just blame the companie.

It was not supposed to come out until October 27th. Something is up with it coming out four months early. I enjoyed the movie and I saw it hacked by Universal and the MPAA. Something is fishy here and it isn't your mothers clam. Romero pulled through with what he was given. Wait for the DVD unrated, uncut and sickly. Quit your bitching. Day of the dead faced the same bullshit 20 years ago, now all the haters of that movie back then call it a classic now So shut the fuck up. you'll cream over this flick in 10 years. As it is said in the original Dawn of the dead, "Give it time". Any true Romero fan will know what I am talking about in that last sentence.:gun:
[Jun 28,2005 9:46am - litacore ""]
[Jun 28,2005 9:59am - Notorious_DUG  ""]
yeah. give it time . . . for the unrated DVD to come out and maybe save this lame attempt at resurrecting a solid franchise.
[Jun 28,2005 10:13am - Josh_Martin ""]
Scoracrasia said: Day of the dead faced the same bullshit 20 years ago, now all the haters of that movie back then call it a classic now So shut the fuck up.

The only haters of Day that I remember were dorks like Roger Ebert. True horror fans loved it. I remember watching Day for the first time and I thought it was excellent.
That's a lot different than the reaction to Land.
The first 3 Dead movies are like a nice filet. Land is like going to McDonalds. Cheap, fast, corporate, and forgettable.
Even if the uncut DVD makes up for it (which I doubt it will) it still pisses me off that we didn't get it on the big screen in its full glory.

[Jun 28,2005 10:20am - litacore ""]
[Jun 29,2005 10:53pm - Dissector ""]
dan_bloodblister said:actually, none of these things bothered me as much as at the end when the zombies are crossing the bridge and they have a chance to kill a bunch of em...and they dont. WHAT?!?! WHY!?! that made NO sense to me AT ALL

Social satire.
[Jun 29,2005 10:55pm - Dissector ""]
Dave Maggot said:the reason it took so long for him to make it, was because he didnt have the funding or the company backing to make it. its not romero's fault that it was toned down, companies rarely fund movies that will get an x or nc-17 rating, because that cuts out half the audience, and they wont make the money they put into it back. they also pushed him to get the movie out. i think it was originally supposed to come out around halloween. so it wasnt even done. just wait for the dvd. i'm sure romero will deliver. in my opinion i thought it was awesome. too short though. but a good gory action flick. dont blame romero just blame the companie.

The DVD will only be 6 minutes longer.
[Oct 24,2006 3:55pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i bought the dvd last night, im not sure what the difference is, i never saw it in theaters.

it was ok, but i expected it too be a lot better than it was, but o well, it was only 10 bucks new.
[Oct 25,2006 10:01am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
First three are (obviously) masterful classics, I thought Day was the weakest but still great, fast zombies do rule, Shaun of the Dead might be the perfect zombie movie, it's sad that the Dawn of the Dead remake blew Land of the Dead out of the water, and that was only possible because Land of the Dead was fucking weak. That is all.
[Oct 25,2006 10:36am - anonymous  ""]
LOTD fucking sucked!! Romero waited way to long to make it. Should have been made back in the 90s instead. Zombies with intelligence only worked with Bub in Day of the Dead. Day of the Dead is the best in the series in my opinion. The opening scene rules!!! Dawn is second and Night is third. I find Night to be slow and boring at times.

Wait Cpt. you gotta listen!
Listen to this..

[Feb 2,2011 10:57am - the_reverend ""]
put it in.
[Feb 2,2011 11:00am - the_reverend ""]
oops, looks like I already watched this movie and forgot. time to switch it cause I remember this now.
[Feb 2,2011 11:17am - SkinSandwich ""]
Wow, just wow. I was a bigger asshole in 2005 than I am now! I actually watched this again about a month ago. I wiped the dust off the dvd and checked it out. I like it for what it's worth. LOTD is a GEM compared to the abortions Romero has put out the last few years. I would let Asia Argento suck and then bite my throbber, then let her piss in my mouth and let her defy gravity and take a dump up my colon. I really want to fuck this little whore.

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