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another reason to hate guitar center

[Jun 9,2005 3:14pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
so almost 2 years ago i bought a pair of crash cymbals (paiste innovations 16 and 18). i got them pretty cheap caue midwest percussion had the same cymbals for like 30 bucks less a peice so i got the $150 16 inch for 120.

i bought the extended warranty plan for the first time ever, the one where they replace it for free if it breaks in the next 2 years. so the 16 inch breaks. do they replace it??????

no. instead they send me a check for $99 after i send in the broken cymbal. 120 - shipping. now i am supposed to take this $99 check to gc since it is not good at a bank, and pay the difference for my "replacement" cymbal. but now midwest percussion sells the cymbal for 150 not 120.

to make a long story short it will cost me 50 bucks for my replacement cymbal.......actually they don't have a 16 in stock so i will get the 17 and be hit with an extra 65 dollars instead.

i think i am just going to go there tonight and ask for a manager and start yelling till i get what i want. it's amazing what kind of deals they hand out to shut people up in front of other customers.
[Jun 9,2005 3:29pm - nate ""]
bahaha yeah man, my brother is wicked good at that... everytime he gets something from Best Buy it seems to break or whatever... he goes in, causes a scene and walks out with the same thing or a better product... they just waana shut you up so they'll part with anything most of the time.
[Jun 9,2005 3:34pm - the_reverend ""]
I do that with bb too.
[Jun 9,2005 6:01pm - Defnasty ""]
I love best buy guy.
[Jun 9,2005 10:46pm - Paulll  ""]
I do that with guitars. I remember going to mars music before after the system in one of my old esp's broke within the first week. I went in there screaming demanding my money back and all that shit. Basically to shut me up they gave me a whole new guitar and some strings...amazing.
[Jun 9,2005 11:44pm - powerkok ""]
so did u go in screaming or what?
[Jun 10,2005 1:36am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i went to the show in pvd. i will go tomorrow in the day.
[Jun 10,2005 2:49pm - Ichabod Dave  ""]
Dude, which guitar center are you dealing with? Our drummer Phil works at the one in Nashua NH and would probably try to help you out if you tell him what happened...no guarantees, but he's not the typical "company man" so he may be able to help.
[Jun 10,2005 3:43pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i went to the one in north attleboro.

its all good though. i ended up snagging a 18 inch paiste dimension series which is actually a model up from the one i broke. so i got a $220 cymbal for 99 bucks today.

only problem is that the cymbal sounds great by itself but like ass on my set with the rest of my cymbals. i should have got the innovation series.
[Jun 10,2005 3:54pm - blue ""]
your problem in the first place was using paistes.
[Jun 10,2005 4:09pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
paites sound great in a matching set. they just sound out of place with zidjian and sabians. paiste rude series are about the best cymbals for metal ever.

sabian aax i like but they break too easily, i like the had hammered series but they are too much money.
zildjians ks are dull sounding and over priced the A series just sucks. the A customs are too bright and pricey.

if i could find a good dealer and had enough money i would play instanbuls sultan series only.

nice pod blue.................................
[Jun 10,2005 4:26pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I hate CG more than myself.
[Jun 10,2005 4:39pm - dyingmuse ""]
cymbols are gay. try trash can lids. and GC really is gay. those fucksticks cost me a google of dough on that stupid fucking pay in 6 months deal....if you pay a day over they charge you like 50% of what you spent total!
[Jun 10,2005 4:41pm - RustedAngel ""]
dyingmuse said: 6 months deal....if you pay a day over they charge you like 50% of what you spent total!

that's why you gotta pay it off before 6 months is up?
[Jun 11,2005 9:59am - aeser ""]
extended warrenty plans are a racket. it's how they make their money. you pay extra and pay extra or get nothing.
[Jun 11,2005 10:43am - Niccolai ""]
If you know what your doing, no company will ever get the better of you.
Ordered an RX10D last thursday from matts music, used my JCF membership to get a discount and 'clouded' the issue pertaining to thier lowest price polacy and ended up getting it with a case for about 360$ total. would have cost about 550.

[Jul 16,2006 9:36pm - anonymous  ""]
Josh_Hates_You should turn up his hearing aids. U don't know shit about sound assfuck.
[Jul 16,2006 10:00pm - sinistas ""]
God, the anonymous posting is getting lame around here lately.

If you want to talk smack about somebody, don't be a bitch about it.
[Jul 16,2006 10:13pm - sure  ""]
whatever man.
[Jul 16,2006 10:16pm - brian_dc ""]
Josh_hates_you said:nice pod blue.................................

psssh...way to be out of the loop. Blue's got a 5150 II these days...and it sounds mint.
[Jul 16,2006 10:18pm - sure  ""]
Ha. The kid never had any taste
[Jul 16,2006 10:27pm - brian_dc ""]
so...what's your idea of taste in an amp?...cause that's a pretty solid amp, I think.
[Jul 17,2006 12:56am - niccolai ""]
It's a solid amp and he's a good dude.
[Jul 17,2006 12:56am - niccolai ""]
and this is an old ass thread.
[Jul 17,2006 12:59am - the_reverend ""]
blue is built like a hairy tank.
[Jul 17,2006 1:12am - sxealex ""]
you have to call that insurance company.. they have nothing to do with GC and they owe you the cost of the replacement not the price of the item... also i do this all the time and now they dont even have me send the cymbal in so i keep the cracked ones and get big checks in the mail when they break. Plus they pay for shipping.

hairy tank like for fish or for war
[Jul 17,2006 1:13am - sxealex ""]
also sabians break easy but they are really bright sounding
[Jul 17,2006 1:15am - sxealex ""]
zilidjians sound like minor or dark or something. like evil which is good too but i tend to like the bright and happy cymbals...
[Jul 17,2006 1:15am - sxealex ""]
for some reason i post like 4 times in a row instead of one big post

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