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All that Remains announces new bassist

[Jun 11,2005 12:02am - the_reverend ""]
Matt Deis left.
and has been replaced with the bassplayer for blood has been shed, josh venn
[Jun 11,2005 12:23am - the_reverend ""]
they sure do go through bassplayers
[Jun 11,2005 12:27am - the_reverend ""]
a thread about it.
[Jun 11,2005 1:40am - yeah  ""]
but why did Deis leave in the first place.
[Jun 11,2005 9:29am - __THeMoor__ ""]
I really like Josh Venn, he seemed like a nice dude. i spent all of their set at metalfest with my face crammed in his crotch because the place was so packed.
[Jun 11,2005 12:04pm - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
what is the deal with blood has been shed? do they exist anymore?
[Jun 11,2005 12:36pm - anonymous  ""]
Cause he got fat?

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