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I know I'm not normal...

[Jun 13,2005 9:10pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I know I'm not normal, thoughts of ghastly mutilations. Recurring dreams of unspeakable atrocities. Envisioning the pleasure of
when these dreams become reality. Multiple murders, unbearable strangling, laughing as I watch them gasping for air. Viciously
choking once they were unconscious. Stabbing continuously in the back, several times in the neck. Revived half dead, horribly
passing away, losing blood rapidly, left behind to die... These bloody hands eagerly choking to unconsciousness. Sometimes
snapping their necks, dying in these bloody hands. Bizarre lifestyle of gruesome crimes, living dreams of horror. Squeezing their
fucking throats, loss of air. Victims gagging, vomiting. Awakened to die. Living dreams of pleasure. I know I'm not normal.
Numerous bodies abducted then murdered. No longer dreaming.

[Jun 13,2005 9:12pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't get it...
are you growing your hair out again?
[Jun 13,2005 9:29pm - nate ""]
sounds like some Mortal Decay lyrics...
[Jun 13,2005 9:32pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm not crazy.
you're the ones who's crazy.
you're driving me crazy.
[Jun 13,2005 9:35pm - nate ""]
suicidal tendencies....

pepsi sucks, coke is better. Mike Muir was wrong... he should have had a coke...
[Jun 13,2005 9:45pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't drink soda, but I agree.
[Jun 13,2005 9:46pm - nate ""]
hell even the store brand cola is better than pepsi... that shit sucks, even worse is the non-caffeinated shit...
[Jun 13,2005 9:48pm - powerkok ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I know I'm not normal, thoughts of ghastly mutilations. Recurring dreams of unspeakable atrocities. Envisioning the pleasure of
when these dreams become reality. Multiple murders, unbearable strangling, laughing as I watch them gasping for air. Viciously
choking once they were unconscious. Stabbing continuously in the back, several times in the neck. Revived half dead, horribly
passing away, losing blood rapidly, left behind to die... These bloody hands eagerly choking to unconsciousness. Sometimes
snapping their necks, dying in these bloody hands. Bizarre lifestyle of gruesome crimes, living dreams of horror. Squeezing their
fucking throats, loss of air. Victims gagging, vomiting. Awakened to die. Living dreams of pleasure. I know I'm not normal.
Numerous bodies abducted then murdered. No longer dreaming.


And with that, Johns ounce of weed is gone!!!!
[Jun 13,2005 9:50pm - nate ""]
he smoked himself into a homicidal coma-like state... that son of a bitch... good thing my wife's coming home from work with some weed so I can drink my coke, smoke a bowl and listen to some Mortal Decay while crushing a pepsi can...
[Jun 13,2005 9:52pm - powerkok ""]
fuckin a man, fuckin a.

My buddy just smoked me up....wowee Im high.
Dosent take much since I stopped smokin. I feel little and giddy.
[Jun 13,2005 9:53pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
do it on your head so i get to see a nice big red circle on your head at practice.
[Jun 13,2005 9:54pm - nate ""]
I remember getting high and feeling giddy way back, I can't seem to get that high anymore... now I just wanna eat ice cream and space out... then catch a few zzzzz's
[Jun 13,2005 9:56pm - Mary ""]
Shut up, Dwyer. :bartmoon:
[Jun 13,2005 9:56pm - powerkok ""]
dood...stop smokin for a month.....I know it sounds atrocious!!! I did to me too, until it became an ugly reality. But now, I can get those 'high school days' high again, and its crazy.
[Jun 13,2005 9:57pm - nate ""]
I did that once, than smoked and got so high I was spinning like I drank to much...
[Jun 13,2005 10:00pm - powerkok ""]
yep...I got a semi panic attack the first time smokin nugs after a month or so. hahahaha and I was surrounded by rednecks in Fla.
[Jun 13,2005 10:02pm - nate ""]
[Jun 13,2005 10:05pm - powerkok ""]
All I know, is Im gettin a bag for chaos fest.
[Jun 13,2005 10:07pm - nate ""]
I'm bring one too... and I'm sure there will be plenty more... it's gonna be an awesome time... again!

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