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Need a venue in the MA/RI area for JULY 8th!

[Jun 15,2005 5:21pm - Kinslayer  ""]
December Wolves
Grand Belials Key
Horn of Valere

We've had NO luck with venues...any help is appreciated..

Anyone know the Safari Lounge booking phone number or email address??
[Jun 15,2005 5:49pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
DETHRONED, LEUKORRHEA, DEMIZED and TERATISM are at Dee Dee's that night.
[Jun 15,2005 6:20pm - Phobia ""]
Fleas and Lice at AS220 in Providence that night. fuck both you guys
[Jun 15,2005 9:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
DETHRONED (from the Bronx) are awesome and it's TERATISM's last show until they get a new drummer.
[Jun 15,2005 11:19pm - KeithMutiny ""]
we're playin the lucky dog that night
[Jun 15,2005 11:51pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Me, beer, BBQ & bitches @ my backyard that night

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