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Lunch time foods

[Jun 17,2005 11:57am - the_reverend ""]
typically, I don't eat until I get home from work, but...
I'm off to get veitnamese food.
what's on your plate?
[Jun 17,2005 12:07pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I was gonna have some thai food but after seeing that thread I'm really in the mood for fecal pizza.
[Jun 17,2005 12:10pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jun 17,2005 12:39pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
a turkey sub, fritos and pepsi
[Jun 17,2005 1:05pm - the_reverend ""]
vietnamese was good.
[Jun 17,2005 1:27pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
pbj on whole wheat
ring dings
1ltr water
[Jun 17,2005 1:38pm - ~Carina~  ""]
they ordered pizza fior us...from the pizza factory which is across the street from our (rev and i) place
[Jun 17,2005 1:39pm - powerkok ""]
coffee until dinnertime.
[Jun 17,2005 1:46pm - the_reverend ""]
that's normally what I do, coffee until dinner and then I have lunch, and then dinners 1 thru 3 before 2am.
[Jun 17,2005 1:50pm - thedeparted ""]
what does vietnamese food include, like what is the cuisine, never had it
[Jun 17,2005 1:54pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
what does vietnamese food include, like what is the cuisine, never had it

[Jun 17,2005 2:01pm - BobDead  ""]
Udon noodles
szechuan sauce
[Jun 17,2005 2:03pm - Mexipunk  ""]
tacos and beer!
[Jun 17,2005 2:08pm - the_reverend ""]
it's simliar to thai, but not as much sweet stuff and a lot of vermiccilli noodles.
I had a wrap with basel, vermiccili noodles, and tofu. and then fried rice noodles with tofu and some veggies (brocolli, pepers n stuff) with hoison+hot sauce on the side.

vietnamese food has a lot of egg and rice noodles too. plus there is a lot of stuff like noodles with a fried egg or steak or fish cake on it. they also eat A LOT of those huge soup bowls of deathly spicey stuff in it with a huge chunk of meet floating in it and noodles.
[Jun 17,2005 2:12pm - BobDead  ""]
try Ban Hoi..or Bei Bong if you like that Rev...kicks ass..
[Jun 17,2005 2:19pm - thedeparted ""]
ahh sounds interesting, there isnt many, if any places in prov to get it i dont think
[Jun 17,2005 2:23pm - the_reverend ""]
bob would know...
[Jun 17,2005 2:28pm - BobDead  ""]
actually..theres some great Cambodian/Vietnamese and Thai restaraunts in town...one of the best and biggest menus is a place called Apsara Asia on Elmwood ave. in Providence. Four Seasons on Reservoir is good too...but Apsara is the best I think....
[Jun 17,2005 2:43pm - the_reverend ""]
the one I went to is in lawrence, mass... um.. I think it's on 28.
[Jun 17,2005 2:46pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Sawadee Thai restaraunt here in South Windsor CT is amazing.
[Jun 17,2005 3:01pm - Scoracrasia ""]
Had a jalepeno burger for lunch. Steak tonight with mashed taters and all. Good times. Got to have the spicy tabasco A1 sauce with it.
[Jun 17,2005 3:40pm - thedeparted ""]
where on elmwood is it? past park ave?
[Jun 17,2005 3:54pm - pepe  ""]
hot dog
[Jun 17,2005 4:05pm - Lamp  ""]


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