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shroud of bereavement needs a drummer

[Jun 17,2005 6:22pm - dyingmuse ""]
our drummer is going to college and moving back to the west coast. we found out last night. there was no hard feelings. so he said start trying drummers .... so

if you dig our music, have a drum set and are willing to dedicate yourself, pay band rent ( we have a large room) in haverhill mass. We have three albums in the works(one will be done next week) tons of show...blaaa blaaa blaaa please reply here or call 1978 476 9161 i'm sure by now peeps know what we sound like so i don't think we need a description. but if you haven't heard us go to www.myspace.com/shroudofbereavement there are a few songs up there. and also on www.soundclick.com
[Jun 17,2005 6:22pm - dyingmuse ""]
i think this is the new trend....being drummer less!

[Jun 17,2005 6:23pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Jun 17,2005 6:54pm - anonymous  ""]
You also need a new guitarist,vocalist ,keyboardist and bassist.
[Jun 17,2005 7:18pm - powerkok ""]
wow shitty news!!!!
Good luck guys....when is this going down?
[Jun 17,2005 7:59pm - dreadkill ""]
that sucks man. dan clarke is an awesome dude. when is he leaving? good luck with the drummer search. sucks to see so many good local metal bands losing their drummers. if dan is playing any final shows with you guys, i'll have to get to one of them and say goodbye to him.
[Jun 17,2005 8:10pm - dyingmuse ""]
he isn't leaving for seattle for 5 years i guess, but he starts college in dec....if he gets excepted...wich i'm sure he will. he's a smart dude. he just let us know now so we can start the search...you all know these things take forever.

and hey anonymous....seeing as i am the singer and the guitarist i aint too worried about that. mark aint going anywhere cause i'll rip his balls off. julie is very dedicated and the bassist is my roommate, and i think i'd hear about it. but if you mean a 3rd guitarist....sure bring it on!

ohh and anonymous posting is gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Jun 17,2005 9:08pm - reuben ""]
Thats a real drag,dude, good luck.
[Jun 18,2005 1:53am - DEATH2ALL ""]
drummers are hard to find these days. everyone should start playing drums.
[Jun 18,2005 7:39am - dyingmuse ""]
very true, they should
[Jun 18,2005 8:50am - Sinistas ""]
I wish I could play drums, since fat drummers rule
[Jun 18,2005 9:51am - DreamingInExile ""]
dyingmuse said:mark aint going anywhere cause i'll rip his balls off.

Dan, at times I think I'm more dedicated then you... You know I'm in for the long haul.

Just for the record, Dan Clarke is an awsome guy and this will have no bearing on our friendships with him. He is making the decision that's right for him, and in my opinion, if I were in his position, I would have made the same choice. He's got a family, and that alone is a full time job, plus if he gets accepted to school, then that's just like a 2nd full time job, on top of his 9-5 job, he wont' have time to give full dedication to Shroud.

I'm sure things will work out for us, but feel free to give Dan R. a call and try out!
[Jun 18,2005 11:57am - Robdeadskin ""]
damn..we all are falling apart....im gonna start playing drums
[Jun 18,2005 4:19pm - dyingmuse ""]
damn too many drummers out there
[Jun 19,2005 12:04am - darkwingsunfurl nli  ""]
hey dan, its dan from frozen forest we play in c-18 now and i have free time i wouldnt mind trying out you know to help you huys out so your not stuck in a ditvh so to speak neways get back too me and let me know what you think.
[Jun 19,2005 12:12am - sxealex ""]
drummers are pussies
[Jun 19,2005 9:29am - dyingmuse ""]
darkwingsunfurl nli said:hey dan, its dan from frozen forest we play in c-18 now and i have free time i wouldnt mind trying out you know to help you huys out so your not stuck in a ditvh so to speak neways get back too me and let me know what you think.

right on man. that's cool. my number is 1978 476 9161 call me when you get the time! and we can arrange a rehersal.
[Jun 19,2005 9:34am - DomesticTerror ""]
if i could learn to play the drums, auto mechanics, and dentistry...
life would be perfect.

oh yeah, and if i could blow myself!
[Jun 19,2005 11:36am - dyingmuse ""]
lol me too man. i wouldn't leave the house.
[Jun 19,2005 12:07pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Dan,I know someone who can try out. Howsabout Shawn?
[Jun 19,2005 1:00pm - dyingmuse ""]
shawn who? send him our way
[Jun 19,2005 3:13pm - tsectpathogen  ""]
Im interested, drummer from pathogenic

email me at tsectpathogen@gmail.com or IM Tsectpathogen
[Jun 19,2005 3:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
we will audition any and all interested peeps. please do call me and we can set up a meeting, where i can give you a cd of the material, and go from there.
[Jun 19,2005 5:05pm - babyshaker ""]
u need to find a drummer i cant deal without the doom
[Jun 19,2005 6:03pm - dyingmuse ""]
we need the doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jun 20,2005 4:08am - ravenousdestruction ""]

DreamingInExile said:Dan, at times I think I'm more dedicated then you...

I doubt that.

No one is more dedicated then Dan. He writes all the music and then has to teach it to the band. He never misses practice and always pays band rent. He pays to make the demos and promo shit out of his own pocket. He books most of the show and does most of the promotions.

He spend 85% of his free time writing music and promoting the band.

Granted there are a few members of the band [ including you ] who do help out with promotion, money and whatnot, but so much more could be acomplished if everyone worked as hard as Dan.

Shroud of Bereavement was around for years before there was even a live band.

Dan is the mastermind behind the music and with out him there would be no Shroud of Bereavement.
[Jun 20,2005 7:22am - DreamingInExile ""]
ravenousdestruction said:
DreamingInExile said:Dan, at times I think I'm more dedicated then you...

I doubt that...

woah Layla... relax, I'm not undermining Dan's hard work, I'm busting his balls... never once have I ever said something like that and been serious about it. Dan works harder then all of us, so please don't get bent out of shape and realize that I bust Dan's balls all the time (did you see the pic of the flower guitar? c'mon I love bustin his balls)
[Jun 20,2005 12:32pm - dreaminginexil-nli  ""]
[Jun 20,2005 4:23pm - dyingmuse ""]
ohh jesus....world war 3 between my guitarist and my woman....what do i do?

i guess i'll say yeah layla is right and that's why i love her so much....she stands by me no matter what.

mark i know you are kidding it's all good

now guys relax. we all know that dave does all the promotion and all the music was mysteriously written for me.
[Jun 20,2005 4:34pm - powerkok ""]
I hear ya Dan-o.
It gets frustrating when not everyone in the band is as dedicated and selfless, as you, or you might expect them to be.
But, I think ppl just go thru stages, eventually, you will be given a repreive of 100% of all band duties, and fuck knows we all need that from time to time.
A few months back, I was about 2 conversations away from saying, hey....guess what band, fuck off. But that passed and were stronger than ever. Well, that and my rig would never fit in my apt!!!
[Jun 20,2005 5:13pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:You also need a new guitarist,vocalist ,keyboardist and bassist.

Fuck that, the music is already way to bad-ass for its own good, dont need to change a damn thing.
[Jun 20,2005 5:17pm - DreamingInExile ""]
powerkok said:Well, that and my rig would never fit in my apt!!!

I hear that man...

so, any more drummers want to try out??? PLEASE!!!!
[Jun 20,2005 5:43pm - dreadkill ""]
anonymous sure changes his mind alot. first he wants a complete lineup overhaul, now he doesn't want them to change a thing. i agree with his latter statement. best of luck with the drummer search. hope it's going well.
[Jun 20,2005 5:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
i have one going to sit in tonight. but i want to try a bunch and get the right guy

i hear ya kok....fully
[Jun 20,2005 5:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
thanks dread \m/
[Jun 20,2005 10:33pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]

[Jun 20,2005 11:02pm - dyingmuse ""]
yo kev!
[Jun 21,2005 2:17pm - tsectpathogen  ""]
dreadkill said:anonymous sure changes his mind alot. first he wants a complete lineup overhaul, now he doesn't want them to change a thing. i agree with his latter statement. best of luck with the drummer search. hope it's going well.

Oh shit, 2nd anonymous comment was me, 1st one was some other fucktard that probably has no idea what hes talking about.

And I'd love to try out.
[Jun 21,2005 5:38pm - dreadkill ""]
i was just making a joke. i assumed the first and second anonymous posts were from 2 different people, one who was an asshole, and one who wasn't, you.
[Jun 21,2005 5:39pm - dreadkill ""]
not a very funny joke, i might add, but a joke nonetheless. you should definitely try out for shroud. they're good people.
[Jul 3,2005 1:44pm - dyingmuse ""]
tsectpathogen said:dreadkill said:anonymous sure changes his mind alot. first he wants a complete lineup overhaul, now he doesn't want them to change a thing. i agree with his latter statement. best owe still need a drummerf luck with the drummer search. hope it's going well.

Oh shit, 2nd anonymous comment was me, 1st one was some other fucktard that probably has no idea what hes talking about.

And I'd love to try out.

[Jul 3,2005 1:45pm - dyingmuse ""]
we still need a drummer!!!!!

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