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Looking for drummer in Lowell area.

[Jun 21,2005 10:51pm - anonymous  ""]
For hard/grindcore ish band.

Anyone with slight interest contact me on aim.

SN: GrimComradeTony
[Jun 21,2005 10:56pm - Hardcore Kyle  ""]
Anyone looking to join a hardcore band with some other kind of hardcore influences in lowell? IM me Wednesdayslatest or Tony GrimComradeTony
[Jun 21,2005 11:20pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
the line's gettin long! good luck
[Jun 21,2005 11:54pm - Robdeadskin ""]
yes it is..im lookin at a drum machine
[Jun 22,2005 12:02am - dreadkill ""]
my band used a drum machine for almost 4 years before we found a drummer. it sucked, but it is better than nothing.
[Jun 22,2005 1:51am - sxealex ""]
u just keep believing that : P

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