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Attn: Rev

[Jun 28,2005 11:34pm - retzam ""]
Everytime I come to RttP I have to log on again. This only started happening recently. Do you know why? Do I have some tropical flesh eating disease?!
[Jun 28,2005 11:34pm - succubus ""]
what browser do you use?

do your cookies get deleted whenever you log off?
[Jun 28,2005 11:40pm - the_reverend ""]
mostlikely it's like eddie...
I think he's got something turned on that deletes cookies when he closes a browser or reboots or something.
I haven't written the auto-logout stuff yet so I don't think it's me...
[Jun 28,2005 11:40pm - retzam ""]
I have Mozilla Firefox. That's what I thought about when this first happened, but I've had Firefox for months and this only started happening a week or two ago. I have to clear my cookies manually.
[Jun 28,2005 11:49pm - the_reverend ""]
hm.. I don't know...
I use firefox too and it's been fine for me.

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