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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to succubus.
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[QUOTE="succubus:277273"]we were both worried about the rides/getting wet/too much movement so we didn't bring our babies (cameras) .. i also think we would have been ok...no flash photography is allowed and we could have easily taken pics sans flash with our babies...ah well..aaron got some cool shots with his little sony i would have gone to see Shrek again had I known you didn't see too well..it was along the same lines as T2 show wise.. i've seen the T2 about 6 times now..still love it...though reading this i wanna smack aaron bcz when i said we could do the mummy again, but i said i'd watch..made me a little too naucious...but then he said nope...i would have watched him go on the ride...mehhh as for the studio tour..i did that one a few times because i like looking for people..lol...i saw dino de laurentis and his wife's parking spots and quite a few more...i thought i saw ashton kutcher in an SUV... they were filming Pirates of the caribbean 2 and 3...and i think it was an ARby's commercial..i really like how they show you a set....and then show you clips of movies that use the very sets you just saw. the best one and one i had never seen was from war of the worlds...it's the airplane scene...damn....i wanted to get out and touch everything..but obviously you can't get off the trolley... as for back to the future...it had the longest lines and wait times and last time i did it..it made me naucious...but i wanted aaron to see everything in the park...basically yer in a room with a huge screen and yer inthe car and it shakes and moves and stuff...but it's not a roller coaster or anything, it's only ok...i thought i remembered animal planet being longer the others times...oh well... water world i never saw the movie but heard it sucked ... they always have cool actors playing in it, actors that have actually been in movie and stuff, overall everyone who works in that place is either an actor or wannabe actor...fun times aaron got me a nice souvenir towel for $10 and a necklace for $8 then we went to eat at wolfgang puck's cafe and walked around the universal city walk for a while today will rule too..i'll be bringing my camera as well..i'm planning out where we'll be headed since there are a bunch of things i wanna do that we haven't done yet...today's the day and damn i would definitely stay at the hotel again...what an awesome location...i got an awesome deal on it too! [/QUOTE]
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