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for motivated punk/goth/metal bands ....

[Jul 9,2005 1:41am - AdamMongrel  ""]
just was talking to the promoter for the New England Goth/Punk/Metal fest that's happening at Spinner Park in Lowell, MA the first weekend of october and he's still accepting applicants and setting up audition shows (which are held saturday afternoons at Reflections in Chelmsford, MA).

the website for the fest is http://www.nepgmfest.com

you can reach Matt, the promoter, to get more details, set up an audition show, etc at admin@nepgmfest.com

and yes, we are playing the festival in october.

[Jul 9,2005 2:37am - BornSoVile ""]
lol goth
[Jul 9,2005 9:57am - DreamingInExile ""]
audition? who auditions for anything now-a-days...
[Jul 9,2005 10:39am - sinofangels-ray ""]
this fest looks pretty dumb
[Jul 9,2005 10:44am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
My guess is the people putting this together are new at booking shows, everyone's first idea is a fest, and it becomes all or mostly all local acts (I had the More Force Fest).

They never work out well, unfortunately.
[Jul 9,2005 11:51am - AdamMongrel  ""]
the point of the audition shows is to make sure the bands playing the fest are quality acts.

nationals are being worked out currently.

[Jul 9,2005 11:52am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
AdamMongrel said:
nationals are being worked out currently.

in that case, i take back what i said
[Jul 9,2005 11:55am - Graveyard Flowers  ""]
we are SO gonna be famous...GOTH is where its at!..and...clove cigarettes too.
[Jul 9,2005 3:40pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Obviously the audition process has so far yielded the best Mass. has to offer!

[img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
[Jul 9,2005 4:38pm - dreadkill ""]
we aren't confirmed on that fest yet. we need to see who the headliners are before we commit. the tickets are expensive and we aren't going to charge our friends or anyone else who would support us all that money if there isn't a quality headliner.
[Jul 10,2005 3:15pm - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
so they didnt wipe out AIDS?
[Jul 10,2005 3:20pm - silky ""]
who wants to start a motivated goth band? anyone?
[Jul 10,2005 3:22pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Goth and motivated...Now to me that seems to be an oxymoron
[Jul 10,2005 3:27pm - silky ""]
or perhaps posi-goth?

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