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Air in the Paragraph Line - Post-Metal Zine

[Jul 15,2005 12:13am - infoterror ""]
Air in the Paragraph Line
The quality zine of absurdist and outsider fiction.


Like a college writing journal gone Kerouacian collage, this zine covers everything from politics to figures in the underground to postmodern literature with a flair for the esoteric and demented. More complex than most zines in language and topic, this rag is actually read and not browsed. Includes fiction, death metal, and cosmic commentary.

"I had a zine before this one, called Xenocide, a death metal zine that I started when I was a DJ at WQAX. I got the idea to do a real literary zine. I was reading a lot of paper zines and literary journals, and didn't like any of them. They all had an alterior motive, or some kind of holier than thou attitude. I liked reading stories because they were fun, or entertaining." - John Konrath, Editor

Issue ten features writing from Tim Gager, John Sheppard, Robert Howington, Julie Wiskirchen, Jon Konrath, Todd Taylor, Bradley Sands, Josh Hamilton, Larry Falli, Melpomene Whitehead, Vijay Prozak, Hippy Steve Huffman, and Sgt. Zeno. It's 166 pages, 6x9" with a perfect bound spine and color cover, and contains 14 great stories and absolutely no crappy music reviews.


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