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Does anyone get Bass Guitar magazine?

[Jul 20,2005 2:11pm - succubus ""]
there's an ibanez ad featuring a photo i took of paul romanko that he approved and i'm told he liked it very much...

october issue, in newsstands sometime in september..so if you get it...let me know what you think!
[Jul 20,2005 4:18pm - BornSoVile ""]
I can never find it, even at barnes and noble, i wish i could i wish i could.
[Jul 20,2005 4:46pm - succubus ""]

well they sent me a pic of what it'll look like and they'll send me some posters but i prolly won't get the actual magazine
[Jul 21,2005 11:30am - succubus ""]
[Jul 21,2005 11:41am - niccolai nli  ""]
I have a subscription with runs out in either september or october.
[Jul 21,2005 1:07pm - succubus ""]
let me know if you end up getting it!

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