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Venom Forum

[Jul 25,2005 2:12pm - litacore ""]
look out RTTP, I've got a soon-to-be-rival board I think

[Jul 25,2005 2:17pm - litacore ""]
ok, done and done.

I'm Countess Bathory on there
[Jul 25,2005 2:17pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
Non-VENOM bitz
We have decided to remove this section. We have not started this Forum to talk about other bands, the LEGION's have been asking for a VENOM Forum to discuss matters about VENOM, so we have taken the decision to make this Forum strictly VENOM-only!! This thread is now closed...

hahah that rules
[Jul 25,2005 2:20pm - litacore ""]
I could kinda see their point

you'd have to sift through 8,000 Wretched Asylum street teamers in order to get to someone good like Krisiun
[Aug 9,2005 11:15am - litacore ""]


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