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do you think this is real?

[Jul 26,2005 11:31pm - succubus ""]

someone showed it to me...she says it's real..but i doubt it...why wiuld he upload his images on photobucket instead of his site?

[Jul 26,2005 11:34pm - davefromthegrave ""]
why wouldn't it be?
[Jul 26,2005 11:35pm - succubus ""]
too many people worship the band

and they are so private etc. and this is just too accessible you know?

[Jul 27,2005 12:29am - davefromthegrave ""]
well in that case...I dunno
[Jul 27,2005 12:54am - succubus ""]
[Jul 27,2005 1:10am - brian_dc ""]
myspace could probably rope in the amish...so this wouldn't surprise me if it turned out the be totally legit
[Jul 27,2005 1:13am - dan_bloodblister ""]
i think its real
[Jul 27,2005 1:23am - succubus ""]
maybe i'm skeptical..there are just so many fakes and people pretending to be people they are not, and i don't just mean celebrity impersonations or fake profile pics..i've seen copy photos from other people and make up identities...people are fucked up

anyhow, i just found this interesting
[Jul 27,2005 2:38am - dwellingsickness ""]
I have no idea who this guy is
[Jul 27,2005 9:01am - yodaslab  ""]
all i know is the guy digs goat and ram heads way too much, maybe he hunts?
[Jul 27,2005 9:14am - yodaslab  ""]
what the hell is the deal with the pig looking thing at the bottom of the page? weird shiznit !
[Jul 27,2005 10:27am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
yeah, what is that pig thing?
[Jul 27,2005 10:32am - succubus ""]

they are pics from a video..

band is Tool
[Aug 16,2005 9:05pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 17,2005 8:43am - succubus ""]
someone try to befriend MJK and see what happens...
he only has a couple of friends and they are all "industry" people..real or fake i dunno...but i'm guessing if MJK accepts you then it's fake

i know i know "who cares"
but i'm nosey and wanna know
[Aug 17,2005 8:45am - the_reverend ""]
whatever the case, this works.
[Aug 17,2005 8:46am - succubus ""]
you think she's hot?
i don't get it otherwise
[Aug 17,2005 8:51am - the_reverend ""]
THAT IS NOT WHAT I SAID AT ALL. you know what happens when you assume.

if you look at the pictures on the first ms account you posted, you will see that in his images.
it's a stereo image.
[Aug 17,2005 8:56am - succubus ""]
yeesh no need to type in caps
i didn't get it and don't know what you mean by "stereo image"
I notice that adam jones has a gajillion friends now btw...
[Aug 17,2005 10:28am - mOe_RK ""]
notice that Adam Jones is in a really bad band now, also btw
[Aug 17,2005 10:42am - the_reverend ""]
notice that I have no idea who adam jones is.

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