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i clavdivs

[Jul 27,2005 3:38pm - litacore ""]
get this miniseries from your local library

I've never seen so much treachery, poisoning, and assassinations in my whole life. John Hurt as a scary-as-fuck Caligula.

my good deed for the day is now complete.
[Jul 27,2005 3:46pm - litacore ""]
the grandeur that was Rome.
[Jul 27,2005 3:49pm - Anthony nli  ""]
hehe, i watched that on pbs when i was a kid. it was cool.
[Jul 27,2005 4:34pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i got to watch that entire series for a high school class on ancient greek and roman culture/mythology. i think it was mainly because the teacher liked boobs a lot, because he seemed to only pay attention to the naked rituals. good times.
[Jul 27,2005 4:34pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
replace that 2nd "because" with "since." why am i such a grammar nazi
[Jul 27,2005 4:45pm - litacore ""]
mark fucking richards said:i think it was mainly because the teacher liked boobs a lot.

hahahaha, typical teacher

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