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ATTN: xmikex

[Jul 28,2005 8:59am - succubus ""]
i really like you

i really do

but these joe chriririririririranni threads




take up too much space on here =(
[Jul 28,2005 10:23am - babyshaker ""]
lol the might of the joe christiani thread is to much for this board
[Jul 28,2005 12:09pm - BornSoVile ""]
awww, come on, those threads make my day!!
[Jul 28,2005 9:24pm - xmikex ""]
succubus said:i really like you

i really do

but these joe chriririririririranni threads




take up too much space on here =(

i love you too.

but my fight is truth.
[Jul 28,2005 10:21pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
your art is misunderstood, but your aim is true
[Jul 28,2005 10:27pm - Dissector ""]
I like the joe threads.
[Jul 29,2005 10:46am - attendmyrequiem forgot his password  ""]
i thought they were pretty gay myself.
[Jul 29,2005 3:10pm - Niccolai ""]
Psh. Go forget your password. j00.
[Jul 29,2005 7:29pm - xmikex ""]
attendmyrequiem forgot his password said:i thought they were pretty gay myself.

how gay is pretty gay? flip flops gay?
[Jul 29,2005 9:16pm - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
Black my Heart gay... although i do find like 60% of them funny.
[Jul 30,2005 3:05am - attendmyrequiem forgot his password  ""]
nah i was thinking i-haven't-had-the-internet-for-3-months-and-the-same-posts-are-still-popping-up gay.

so internet in comparison to my gap flip-flops in their lacking of heterosexuality, I'm not sure, but the posts were getting old.
[Jul 30,2005 3:07am - davefromthegrave ""]
I think they're funny. why don't you guys compromise, like maybe make only one Joe Christianni thread and keep all the posts in that one thread.
[Jul 30,2005 7:51am - Mike 33  ""]
I like the new Opeth ..............
[Jul 30,2005 10:07am - attendmyrequiem forgot his password  ""]
mike, the new opeth is way sick. i definitely like it better than ray ramano.
[Jul 30,2005 2:43pm - dreadkill ""]
davefromthegrave said:I think they're funny. why don't you guys compromise, like maybe make only one Joe Christianni thread and keep all the posts in that one thread.

that's a good idea. i was thinking the same thing. i still get a good laugh when i read a joe christianni post. joe christianni is a never ending source of entertainment.
[Jul 30,2005 5:58pm - anonymous  ""]
yeah, especially when he's a big joke in general
[Jul 30,2005 7:00pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I think the updates are very important.
[Jul 31,2005 2:38pm - xmikex ""]
Joe Christianni posts are the last true art form left in the world. If Picasso were alive today, he'd be making fun of Joe Christianni.
[Jul 31,2005 2:43pm - Paulll  ""]
mike please keep posting about joe christianni. Its needed

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