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Return of the Skeksis!

[Jul 28,2005 10:03am - litacore ""]
ooooooooooo, The Dark Crystal at the Brattle, Harvard Square this weekend!
Fri-Mon 5:15, 9:45
Sat + Sun 12:45 matinee

who's goin'? :yoda:
[Jul 28,2005 10:35am - boobtoucher ""]
Holy shit that movie is so fucking scary...I just watched it again a week ago. If I can get my hands on a pound of mushrooms and a bottle of holy water, I'm in.
[Jul 28,2005 12:32pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
when i think of my childhood, this movie is always the first thing that comes to mind. ive probably seen it over a 1000 times and i think it was my first introduction to shit id like later on in life. in fact, ive got a skeksis tattoo drawn up ready to go... i will be in attendence!
[Jul 28,2005 12:34pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I MIGHT go to this. maybe.
[Jul 28,2005 12:34pm - litacore ""]

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