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People of Boston I need to borrow your brains! please!

[Jul 28,2005 3:18pm - succubus ""]
all multiple choice:

What's the tallest building in New England?

The Prudential.

The John Hancock Tower.

B.U.'s Photonics Center.

The Sears Tower.

Trump Tower.

What connects Harvard Square to Filene's (downtown)?

The Freedom Trail.

The harbor ferry.

The Red Line.

The Green Line.
[Jul 28,2005 3:18pm - succubus ""]
What's the historic walk through Boston?

The Freedom Trail.

The Red Line.

The March of Dimes.

The Common.

The Waterfront
[Jul 28,2005 3:19pm - succubus ""]
What's the real name of the Cheers Pub (from the television show)?
The Bull and Finch.
Sonsie Cafe.
Pete's Bar and Grill
Sam Malone's
[Jul 28,2005 3:19pm - succubus ""]
In what city was President John F. Kennedy born?
Washington, D.C.
Hickory Hill.
[Jul 28,2005 3:19pm - succubus ""]
Which building do many Bostonians consider the ugliest monstrosity in town?
John Hancock Tower.
City Hall at Government Center.
Memorial Hall at Harvard.
Howard Johnsons Hotel in Kenmore Square.
Federal Reserve Bank.
[Jul 28,2005 3:20pm - succubus ""]
Who played on the parquet?

New England Patriots.

Boston Celtics.

New England Revolution.

Boston Bruins.

[Jul 28,2005 3:20pm - swamplorddvm ""]
The trail where I walked from o'briens to my house like three times.
[Jul 28,2005 3:20pm - succubus ""]
What's the name of the chain of parks designed by Frederick Law Olmstead that snakes through Boston?

The Green Monster.

The Common.

John Kerry.

The Emerald Necklace.

The Charles River.
What is said to be the oldest continuously operated hotel in America? It's also where John Wilkes Booth stayed shortly before assassinating President Lincoln (he took target practice down the street).
George V Hotel.
Marriot Long Wharf Hotel.
Copley Plaza Hotel.
Omni Parker House Hotel.
Hotel California.
[Jul 28,2005 3:21pm - paganmegan ""]
1. John Hancock (cock huh huh)
2.Red Line
3. Freedom Trail
[Jul 28,2005 3:21pm - succubus ""]
The last few questions are RED SOX Trivia……….Good Luck!!

10. Who is the oldest of these four Red Sox players?
A-Trot Nixon
B-Manny Ramirez
C-Bill Mueller
D-Jason Varitek

11.Which of these Sox batters is not a switch hitter?
A-Mark Bellhorn
B-Johnny Damon
C-Bill Mueller
D-Jason Varitek

12. What uniform numbers do the following players wear?
Johnny Damon
Trot Nixon
Manny Ramirez
Jason Varitek

ok that's it...
if anyone knows the right answers, please help me great people of boston
[Jul 28,2005 3:22pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
the celtics played on parquet
[Jul 28,2005 3:23pm - succubus ""]
thanks guys!
[Jul 28,2005 3:24pm - succubus ""]
i have 1 through 7 EXCEPT for 6
[Jul 28,2005 3:25pm - timma ""]
10. billy mueller, he's 34 i'm pretty sure
11. damon
12. damon - 18, trot - 7, manny - 24, vtek - 33
[Jul 28,2005 3:29pm - succubus ""]
thanks!! handing it in now!
[Jul 28,2005 3:36pm - succubus ""]

hah she got the quiz online!

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