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MANES appreciation thread

[Jul 29,2005 2:43pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
"Under Ein Blodraud Maane" is amazing. "Maanens Natt" and "Ned I Stillheten" are absolutely essential. Don't pay attention to that latest album. They were right up in caliber with Thorns and Burzum, in my opinion, though a lot of people just didn't pay attention or didn't care.

If anyone knows where I can get the third Manes demo before the album came out, whether it be an original tape or a CD-R burn, please let me know. I"ve been looking for it for YEARS.
[Feb 2,2013 9:16pm - LucidCurse ""]
GREAT band. Under Ein undoubtedly their best
[Feb 2,2013 9:17pm - LucidCurse ""]

[Feb 2,2013 9:31pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I like the fact that this Manes and the other Manes released a split between the two Manes.

Joking aside, I'll check this out!
[Feb 3,2013 10:44pm - floatingeyecorpse  ""]
I like the D&D devils of the same name

[Feb 4,2013 9:51am - Mr. Edward  ""]
I LOVE manes.............


[Feb 4,2013 9:53am - OP is darth maul  ""]
OP is darth maul

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