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top five overated and underated metal bands

[Aug 7,2005 8:10am - brokenclown ""]


cradle of filth
dimmu borgir

[Aug 7,2005 9:49am - dreadkill ""]
mercyful fate
iron maiden

limp bizkit
[Aug 7,2005 10:18am - jesus_slavesNLI  ""]
um.....i think you mixed up your over and under understanding. i dont think you mean that korn and limp bizkit are underrated.
[Aug 7,2005 10:27am - jesus_slavesNLI  ""]

Arch Enemy
Cradle of Filth
The Black Dahlia Murder
Children of Bodom


Dimmu Borgir
Old Man's Child
Black Harvest
[Aug 7,2005 11:12am - Cecchini ""]
Lamb of God
3 Headed Monster

Jag Panzer
Old Mans Child
Dark Tranquility
3 Headed Monster
[Aug 7,2005 11:24am - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
cradle of filth
killswitch engage

(i could go on wiht this side of the list forever)
[Aug 7,2005 11:26am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

child pornography
[Aug 7,2005 11:30am - dreadkill ""]
jesus_slavesNLI said:um.....i think you mixed up your over and under understanding. i dont think you mean that korn and limp bizkit are underrated.

i was being sarcastic
[Aug 7,2005 12:09pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]

Morbid Angel (satan can lick my ass crack)
Cannibal Corpse


Napalm Death
Agnostic Front
Primal Fear
The Step Kings
[Aug 7,2005 12:11pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Motorhead is overrated?

It's not like they are some band that has critical acclaim, just a massive cult following.
[Aug 7,2005 12:13pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
I know lots of people will disagree with my list, just my opinion is all. Never cared much for motorhead.
[Aug 7,2005 12:23pm - blue ""]
jesus_slavesNLI said:

Dimmu Borgir
Old Man's Child
Black Harvest

youve got to be kidding me. dimmu is underrated?
[Aug 7,2005 12:28pm - xmikex ""]
Children of Bodom
Arch Enemy
Carnal Forge

The Crown
Anyone but the Black Dahlia Murder, who make Joe Christianni look like pure concentrated heterosexuality.

I'm just kidding.....Black Dahlia Murder and Joe Christianni are both obscenely fucking gay.
[Aug 7,2005 12:30pm - xmikex ""]
blue said:jesus_slavesNLI said:

youve got to be kidding me. dimmu is underrated?

Agreed. Even old Dimmu was just a rave with corpse paint. And now they're huge.
[Aug 7,2005 12:32pm - blue ""]
xmikex said:Underrated:

best thing ever said.

[Aug 7,2005 12:41pm - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
lol agnostic front is horrible
[Aug 7,2005 12:55pm - the dude  ""]
every band is overated if you think about it
[Aug 7,2005 1:13pm - Dissector ""]
Every band on Metalblade

Every band I like
[Aug 7,2005 1:36pm - BornSoVile ""]
Avenge Sevenfold
Bleeding Through

[Aug 7,2005 2:31pm - Dissector ""]
BornSoVile said:Overrated
Avenge Sevenfold
Bleeding Through


Master is probably the most underrated band.
[Aug 7,2005 2:45pm - Wha?  ""]
babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in said:overrated:
cradle of filth
killswitch engage

(i could go on wiht this side of the list forever)

Haha, Meshuggah is overrated yet Fintroll is underrated? Fuck is wrong with you fruit?

[Aug 7,2005 2:46pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
as the sun sets
bury your dead

Mouth of the Architect
Ion Dissonance
Disarmonia Mundi

[Aug 7,2005 3:14pm - BornSoVile ""]
Dissector said:BornSoVile said:Overrated
Avenge Sevenfold
Bleeding Through


Master is probably the most underrated band.

I only put Dissection cause Alex played "Thorns of Crimson Death" at HMB 2 weeks ago..I asked 8-10 people if they knew who it was and, NOBODY knew. wtf!
Oh Necrophagist is fucking boring, really really really boring songwriting, nothing particuarly memorable. I need to check out their first album, maybe that'll change my mind.
[Aug 7,2005 4:55pm - dyingmuse ""]

arch enemy
at the gates


king diamond
the third and the mortal
septic flesh
shape of despair
[Aug 7,2005 4:56pm - eddie ""]
motorhead isn't a metal band!
[Aug 7,2005 5:18pm - BornSoVile ""]
Honorable mentions for Underrated
[Aug 7,2005 5:23pm - Dissector ""]
BornSoVile said:Dissector said:BornSoVile said:Overrated
Avenge Sevenfold
Bleeding Through


Master is probably the most underrated band.

I only put Dissection cause Alex played "Thorns of Crimson Death" at HMB 2 weeks ago..I asked 8-10 people if they knew who it was and, NOBODY knew. wtf!
Oh Necrophagist is fucking boring, really really really boring songwriting, nothing particuarly memorable. I need to check out their first album, maybe that'll change my mind.

Finally somebody else agrees with my hate towards Necrophagist. He's got technicallity but the song writing is boring and it sucks.
[Aug 7,2005 5:26pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
under rated:
Order From Chaos
[Aug 7,2005 5:33pm - the kadooganator  ""]
dyingmuse said:

you're only saying that because Lord Worm called your band boring
[Aug 7,2005 5:42pm - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
Wha? said:babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in said:overrated:
cradle of filth
killswitch engage

(i could go on wiht this side of the list forever)

Haha, Meshuggah is overrated yet Fintroll is underrated? Fuck is wrong with you fruit?

fintroll is way better than meshuggah i dont know who your callin a fruit
[Aug 7,2005 5:59pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
oh yeah and Shroud of Bereavement is WWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY overrated
[Aug 7,2005 10:17pm - xmikex ""]
attendmyrequiem said:overrated:
as the sun sets
bury your dead

Mouth of the Architect
Ion Dissonance
Disarmonia Mundi

terror is easily the most overrated metal band ever.


[Aug 7,2005 10:23pm - brian_dc ""]
as the sun sets, bury your dead, terror, and throwdown....debateable whether or not any of these bands are really metal.
[Aug 7,2005 10:25pm - fizzfizzplopplop  ""]
other peoples opinions

crack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smoke crack!!!!!
[Aug 7,2005 10:25pm - eddie ""]
heavenly fucking sucks. way to make power metal gay
[Aug 7,2005 11:24pm - malettey ""]
Slayer - although highly influential in the thrash/death metal scene, in my opinion, most of slayers early material don't really hold up too well nowadays, and all of their material from 1990-present is pretty watered down. a lot of metal fans hail slayer as untouchable gods, but i usually can find something more interesting to listen to.

Mayhem - a highly influential group in the early death/black metal scene, but many groups that followed what mayhem was doing ended up doing it much much better, leaving mayhem sucking ass in comparison. plus euronymous was a big mouth weenie who thought he was some kind of great black metal leader but i don't think he really knew what the hell he was talking about/doing, he just liked attention.

Metallica - do i need to explain myself here? well, metallica was, in my opinion, one of the greatest metal bands in the 1980's. they wrote some really great songs, awesome musicianship while thrashing with the best of them. unfortunately thier commercial success led to a lot of ther old hits being horribly overplayed on the radio, plus me as a 9th grade heavy metal rookie playing their albums over and over again before discovering other groups, thus they have become, sadly, one of the most over rated bands ever.

Gwar - more known for their over the top blood-n-guts stage show and gore soaked monster costumes than for their music, gwar are actually extremely talented musicians. although their albums of the late 1990's seemed a lot of goofing off with silly country, jazz, and ska/punk songs, which i didn't care for, their talent makes, for me, their work in the early 1990's some of the best in speed/thrash metal.

My Dying Bride - these doom pioneers show you can play emotional music without prancing around on stage in girls' flare jeans, faggy studded belts, and t-shirts that would fit a 6 year old. they started as a doom/death metal band, but eventually progressed into a slightly more gothic sound. not always what i am in the mood for, but when i feel like listening to slow, painful, depressing doom, my dying bride definitely makes a fine choice.

Cock and Ball Torture - i am listing this german porno/gore grind band because they are one of the only bands i've heard who really know how to slam some truly brutal and insanely catchy breakdowns. not to mention they have some of the funniest death metal vocals ever, the lowest most gurgly sewer grunts ever! to me, this band is truly under rated!

sorry, but it's getting late, and three is all i can come up with for each right now!
[Aug 7,2005 11:30pm - anonymous  ""]
babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in said:overrated:
cradle of filth
killswitch engage

(i could go on wiht this side of the list forever)

how can you say cradle of filth is overrated? your whole band is a buncha mallmetal kids.

[Aug 7,2005 11:32pm - anonymous  ""]
babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in said:lol agnostic front is horrible

hmm big jeans, dyed hair, hot topic or EBAYED metal shirts and crappy music....oh yeah BLOODSTRUCK HORRIBLE fucking band.
[Aug 8,2005 10:40am - Jesus_Slaves ""]
i believe Dimmu is underrated simply because of the amount of shittalking they receive. they have been considered a joke and i cannot figure out how anyone who claims to be into "black metal" doesnt like them. they have released 7 of the most amazing albums in history. every person is super talented at what they do. some of the fastest guitar and drum playing ever recorded. Shagrath and Vortex possess vocal chords like none other. Shagraths voice has since mutated, but it still sounds awesome. his roar on Enthrone Darkness Triumphant is unmatched. Mustis has created the most haunting soundscapes, not to mention how nauseating his talent is. even before him, Stian Aarsted wrote equally haunting pieces. there is not one single song from For All Tid to Death Cult Armaggedon that isnt astonishing in structure, production, sound, everything. Spiritual Black Dimensions was the only one that lacked in production sound, but that hardly took away from the insanity of each song from start to finish. i have heard so many assholes talk about how much they suck because they have keyboards, or they arent "true norwegian black metal" because they have so called "overproduction" or they were sold at Hot Topic. thats pretty lame for reasons as to why they "suck". i think Dimmu haters havent actually sat down and analyzed an album. or they hate them because they arent kvlt or grim enough because they werent recorded on a 4 track recorder. they deserve every ounce of credit they have, and eons more. i can understand not liking them for personal reasons, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. but to those, i say sit down and study Enthrone Darkness Triumphant. open your mind, they are the best of the best.
[Aug 8,2005 10:47am - Christraper ""]
nah they suck
[Aug 8,2005 10:55am - babyshaker ""]
another dickless anonymous faggot keep it comin pal
[Aug 8,2005 1:51pm - yodaslab  ""]
Underrated: Byzantine, Meshuggah, GWAR, Heaven Shall Burn, Glass Casket

Overrated: Slayer, Metallica, Ozzy, Hatebreed, system of a down (a.k.a. the entire lineup of ozzfest, almost)
[Aug 8,2005 1:57pm - Dissector ""]
babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in said:lol agnostic front is horrible

Early Agnostic Front is amazing.
[Aug 8,2005 2:22pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
xmikex said:attendmyrequiem said:overrated:
as the sun sets
bury your dead

Mouth of the Architect
Ion Dissonance
Disarmonia Mundi

terror is easily the most overrated metal band ever.


it was quite obvious that i was too stoned to remember that it was metal bands and not just bands. either way you tried to argue as the sunsets being grindcore... enough said.
[Aug 8,2005 2:31pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
yodaslab said:Underrated: Byzantine, Meshuggah, GWAR, Heaven Shall Burn, Glass Casket

Overrated: Slayer, Metallica, Ozzy, Hatebreed, system of a down (a.k.a. the entire lineup of ozzfest, almost)

byzantine live...ehhh
[Aug 8,2005 2:34pm - Hooker ;laskjfoiwje  ""]

Most Robotic or Willowtip bands


[Aug 8,2005 2:59pm - Thenamesfro ""]
Overrated -
Children of Bodom
Lamb of God
Avenged Sevenfold
Arch Enemy

Underrated -
The Great Redneck Hope
(old) As the Sun Sets
Insane Clown Posse(couldn't think of anyone else)
[Aug 8,2005 3:15pm - BornSoVile ""]
Jesus_Slaves said:i believe Dimmu is underrated simply because of the amount of shittalking they receive. they have been considered a joke and i cannot figure out how anyone who claims to be into "black metal" doesnt like them. they have released 7 of the most amazing albums in history. every person is super talented at what they do. some of the fastest guitar and drum playing ever recorded. Shagrath and Vortex possess vocal chords like none other. Shagraths voice has since mutated, but it still sounds awesome. his roar on Enthrone Darkness Triumphant is unmatched. Mustis has created the most haunting soundscapes, not to mention how nauseating his talent is. even before him, Stian Aarsted wrote equally haunting pieces. there is not one single song from For All Tid to Death Cult Armaggedon that isnt astonishing in structure, production, sound, everything. Spiritual Black Dimensions was the only one that lacked in production sound, but that hardly took away from the insanity of each song from start to finish. i have heard so many assholes talk about how much they suck because they have keyboards, or they arent "true norwegian black metal" because they have so called "overproduction" or they were sold at Hot Topic. thats pretty lame for reasons as to why they "suck". i think Dimmu haters havent actually sat down and analyzed an album. or they hate them because they arent kvlt or grim enough because they werent recorded on a 4 track recorder. they deserve every ounce of credit they have, and eons more. i can understand not liking them for personal reasons, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. but to those, i say sit down and study Enthrone Darkness Triumphant. open your mind, they are the best of the best.

They're in it for the money. They exploited the shit out of black metal. Though they are talented, they completly lost the orginal intention of black metal - total hatred and isolation from mankind. For All Tid and Stormblast are solid albums, however you cannot deny that they have adjusted their sound to stimulate more profits in hopes pleasing the masses. It's a disgrace to the genre and the people who hold black metal close to them. Listen to Nokturnal Mortum, that band is everything that Dimmu Borgir should have been. As far as the over produced arguement, hating them for that is really no different than hating a band for being underproduced, it's just a question of heart and feeling. I've anaylzed several of their albums throughly and thoughtfully, all I hear is a carnival of ideas which stagnant opposite to the intentions of the genre. They have all the credit in the world for being the prime example of black metal, yet there are countless bands who destroy their stance, that's why they're over rated to me. There are so many more better bands in black metal than that, refusing to explore the genre is pure ignorance, and that's that.
[Aug 8,2005 3:20pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
holy fuck, that was incredibly well put!
[Aug 8,2005 3:37pm - BornSoVile ""]
malettey said:OVER RATED:
Slayer - although highly influential in the thrash/death metal scene, in my opinion, most of slayers early material don't really hold up too well nowadays, and all of their material from 1990-present is pretty watered down. a lot of metal fans hail slayer as untouchable gods, but i usually can find something more interesting to listen to.

Mayhem - a highly influential group in the early death/black metal scene, but many groups that followed what mayhem was doing ended up doing it much much better, leaving mayhem sucking ass in comparison. plus euronymous was a big mouth weenie who thought he was some kind of great black metal leader but i don't think he really knew what the hell he was talking about/doing, he just liked attention.

I found these two explanations to be interesting. I understand where you're comming from but I disagree simply for the reason that without these bands there won't be much of a metal scene today. Not only is it human nature to evolve stronger and more resistant to the past but very well is the nature of music. Slayer's material post Divine Intervention is an easy target for this accusation of being over rated. However, they're older material, imparticuarlly Show No Mercy is completly unacknowledged nowadays and when you anaylze the album as a whole it completly massacres most of today's popular metalcore acts. It's all about roots. If you cut down this tree, how many seeds are you depriving the earth of??
As for Mayhem, I can't see eye to eye with you on that at all. These fuckers have actually evolved quite well (excluding declaration), executing each album with more precision, conceptual grace and determination than each preceding work. Now that Attila is back in the fold, I doubt few bands will be able to top the virtuosity and madness which they possess.
[Aug 8,2005 3:39pm - BornSoVile ""]
dyingmuse said:overrated

Dan, please clarify this.
[Aug 8,2005 4:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
Oh and one local band that is greatly overlooked who pratically started the wave of melodic metal in MA/NE, The Year of Our Lord.
[Aug 8,2005 4:39pm - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
Dissector said:babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in said:lol agnostic front is horrible

Early Agnostic Front is amazing.

only really heard the knew shit off of somthings gotta give so you might just be right
[Aug 8,2005 4:43pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
dimmu rocks

i don't know how you can say they changed to be more profitable...did they ever say that to you? do you know them personally? it may seem that way but what if they just wrote the music they felt like writing?
[Aug 8,2005 4:48pm - BornSoVile ""]
it's obvious just listen to their records. analog vs. digital. no colours to sony. the proof is in the pudding, just taste it. i know how you can say they havn't changed to be more profitable. they're too big rockstars for me to talk to or know personally. if they just felt like writing the music they felt like writing, it's crystal clear that they're overrated.
[Aug 8,2005 4:54pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
well i'd like to think that a genre of a music doesn't have borders of success

they're all still really fucking talented and i personally think they write damn good music...granted Death Cult Armageddon isn't straight black metal but no band should have to write the same thing over and over just because some people like nothing that isn't "underground"
[Aug 8,2005 4:56pm - Hooker ;laskjfoiwje  ""]
cradle is overrated.
dimmu is just big. i think they put out some solid albums.
their kvltness notwithstanding.
[Aug 8,2005 4:58pm - swamplorddvm ""]
iron maiden
craddle or poop

Ancient rites

[Aug 8,2005 5:00pm - cdan ""]
xmikex said:overrated:
Children of Bodom
Arch Enemy
Carnal Forge

good work
[Aug 8,2005 5:07pm - intricateprocess ""]
since when is HIM metal? I must have missed the bulletin

i have to disagree with the Motorhead being overrated. i just dont see it.
[Aug 8,2005 5:09pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I don't think there's a conflict staying underground and writing innovative music. I mean, Deathspell Omega's Kénôse is anything but straight old school black metal but you couldn't accuse them of courting the mainstream. My problem with Dimmu(and a other bands) is that they take innovation to mean "more synths and clean vocals" Which hasn't been innovative for over a decade.
[Aug 8,2005 5:10pm - cdan ""]
swamplorddvm said:Overrated:
iron maiden
craddle or poop

Ancient rites

fuck yeah! somebody here actually appreciates Falconer?! one of my fav bands. ever get in to Mythotin? their prior Viking metal band, even sicker.
[Aug 8,2005 5:13pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Really!? I'll check them out when I can. I'm glad to see some else like Falconer too. They friggin rock!
[Aug 8,2005 5:14pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Oh yeah, I also think opeth is overrated.
[Aug 8,2005 5:37pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
opeth > dimmu

neither are overrated...they're barely rated outside of us metalheads
[Aug 8,2005 5:39pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I don't think there's a conflict staying underground and writing innovative music. I mean, Deathspell Omega's Kénôse is anything but straight old school black metal but you couldn't accuse them of courting the mainstream. My problem with Dimmu(and a other bands) is that they take innovation to mean "more synths and clean vocals" Which hasn't been innovative for over a decade.

their guitar and drum work is pretty innovative...every song has memorable melodies and the drums(puritanical and death cult in particular due to the uber-ness of nick barker) are usually not what you'd expect for the part it's being played behind besides the standard double bass stuff
[Aug 8,2005 6:03pm - BornSoVile ""]
my bible of dimmu borgir reviews,

for all tid,
"Built into this fusion is one of the oldest collaborations in rock music, between folk singsong and rhythmic speed in the style of amplified music from the industrial centers of humanity. The expressive rhythms are the interaction between strumming and the snare/bass heartbeat that blasts along behind the music's tonal avalanche. Vocals stagger the overall speed by holding rhythm or rejecting it, goading the surge or carefully denying it.

The positive side to the heavily emotional and over-expressed style of neo-opera that Dimmu Borgir offer is a compositional variation and thematic tension to each song, but the downside is that some of the judgement used to apply this principle results in staggeringly obvious musical exaggerations that will annoy the contemplative listener. The concept behind its power is the concept of atmosphere, whereby it launches into strobing riffs and alternating drumbeats very slowly while building mood with vocals and guitar melodies. "

"The more concrete elements of these songs are some amazing rhythms and tangibly powerful guitar lines that, although simple, bring the metal into this music as fundamental logic. Overall structuring while simple and frequently repetitive, brings suprises in continuity and expectations, and the pattern-level structuring of this conception provides a simple lexicon of phrase attributes which are manipulated here for ambient effect, breaking the idea of the whole through each incarnation of the many subelements (in this case, the sample of time between beat(s)).

It would be foolish not to recognize the cheese factor here, however; this can be portrayed as sappy material without damaging its essential character, but even in the language of emotional retards these individuals have managed to express something vaguely sublime in their musical meanderings. I enjoy this release and recommend it with the filter attribute of overemotionalism."

enthroned darkness triumphant,
"Veering away from the neoclassical orchestration that made Stormblåst brilliant, Dimmu Borgir instead fill a pop album with heavy metal riffs and bouncy melodies trailing happily irrelevant keyboards and black metal trappings behind. There is no sense of theme, only of rock-based song form, and all previous passion has been directed into raw speed thrills and pointless pseudo-blasphemy. With most other albums in metal being better than this one, it is impossible to imagine buying it."

godless savage garden,
"On this EP of mostly rehashed material Dimmu Borgir merge raw versions of their older music with stripped down takes from their newer style, coming up with a handy method of ripping off black metal in sound without discovering any of the musicality it once had. Although all of us "true" underground heads are in theory going to rush out and buy the "raw" Dimmu Borgir, there is nothing contributed over their first two albums and no new innovation to correct their last disaster."

spritual black dimensions,
"Everything that made later Emperor terrible and allowed Cradle of Filth to rise above worthier bands is here in this album, a rock-n-roll tour of symphonic black metal as crafted in either 1) wandering phrases that touch dissonance but spend time in consonant, pentatonic variations or 2) sudden blasting power chord riffs of meaningless, random intervals. Like other postmodern blackmetallers Satyricon, this band seem to believe that making music without sense from a collage of the past is innovation and are willing to take you along for the ride if you let them."

puritanical euphoric misanthrope,"The cheesewagon returns with this pointless detour into black metal appearance with the heart of Christian radio in making sappy, overindulgent, rehashed randomness within a rock format to convince suburban "normals" that they, too, can get into black metal. Sure there are changes in style, but for the most part, these are surface only and obscure the fact that nothing has changed throughout the Dimmu Borgir albums after Stormblåst - when mediocre artists are out of new ideas, they head for the cheese factory and ripoff their influences. This album is a great example of what not to do unless you care about nothing but money, in which case, future Marilyn Mansons of the world, feast!"


I still love this debate.

[Aug 8,2005 6:30pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I'm pretty sure DIMMU announced their commercial intentions in dozens of interviews in the EDT/GSG era, track some down if you want to see how they admittedly decided to abandon singing in Norwegian, go to Abyss studios and hone their music to be more commercially viable. It's not like it's a secret or anything.
[Aug 8,2005 6:35pm - BestialOnslaught ""]


[Aug 8,2005 6:51pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
BestialOnslaught said:if you want to see how they admittedly decided to abandon singing in Norwegian

Vredesbyrd, Allehelgens Dod I Helveds Rike
[Aug 8,2005 6:53pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
to BSV: it's understandable why they'd say all that but that's just an interpretation...a lot of those statements are circumstantial to the opinion of the listener

to each his own though
[Aug 8,2005 6:56pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
That's 2 songs in Norwegian... Between the first 2 albums and the 7" there were what, 20?
[Aug 8,2005 7:35pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
"Alive in Torment" is like wicked awesome dude! Shaped CDs are the coolest!!!

I really only listen to Spiritual, Stormblåst, and Tid anymore. Death Cult was terribly watered down and rehashed from the one before it.

Arch Enemy
Children of Bodom
whoever else is being "jocked" this week
the word "jock"

The Berzerker
[Aug 8,2005 7:45pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Yeah, SIGH is ridiculously underrated... Fucking genius.
[Aug 8,2005 7:47pm - Christraper ""]
here here! sigh rock the cock! long live sigh!
[Aug 8,2005 7:55pm - dyingmuse ""]
BornSoVile said:dyingmuse said:overrated

Dan, please clarify this.

too be quite honest, i am sick of hearing their name, yes they are freaking fast as hell, but kinda lame. yeah we played with them, but i am and never was a fan of theirs. firstly they have no hooks, and are just un interesting to me. not to say that i am better than them, or that they are bad musicians....just not my thing i guess. i would rather listen to suffocation all day long, because quite honestly they are the kings of deathmetal! and i have been a suffo fan since the early 90's.

...and it really has nothing to do with them saying anything about my band. we are on different planets musically. and i never even heard that. fags!
[Aug 8,2005 8:28pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
cdan said:


Mythotin >>

good stuff that. ya me likes.
[Aug 8,2005 8:44pm - RavenousDestruction ""]
Cradle of Filth

Blut Aus Nord
The Great Kat
[Aug 8,2005 9:13pm - cav  ""]
saxon, fuck yea
[Aug 8,2005 9:19pm - cav  ""]
underrated bands:

misery signals
despised icon
shai hulud
nodes of ranvier (due to the fact that they are a christian band i assume no one on here will know them)
deadwater drowning
dour cursiva (hehe)
your mommy sweet pink
[Aug 8,2005 9:20pm - lil_jackie ""]
cradle of filth
cannibal corpse

beneath the massacre
the taste of silver
suicide silence
human bone bicycle science industries
[Aug 8,2005 9:21pm - cav  ""]
and we all know who the overrated bands are. but as far as im concerned slipknot doesnt even have a record deal without the masks and shit. and really any other gimmiky band that gets 14 year old kids to like them because of the way they look. as well as any band that used to kick as but now sounds exactly like killswitch.
[Aug 8,2005 10:08pm - BornSoVile ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Yeah, SIGH is ridiculously underrated... Fucking genius.

Sigh and every fucking band from Japan is underrated!!!
[Aug 8,2005 10:29pm - BornSoVile ""]
I must say there Mr. Sac,
You're the only person I've met on the internet or even in the history of me going to shows, that has argued in favor of Dimmu, you got some balls kid.
[Aug 8,2005 11:19pm - malettey ""]
i don't care what anyone says, i always liked dimmu borgir. i know they aren't "true" black metal, their influence on the scene is minimal and their image is pretty lame but i think they are good at what they do. i actually like "death cult armageddon" more than some of their other albums, it's a little heavier than "spiritual..." or "enthrone..." and i think the orchestra in there sounds great with the material on that one. and i'm not even going to compare their early material ("for all tid", "storm blast") with the newer because the feeling in the music between those two eras is totally different. the band certainly is moving into a higher level of commercial success, but i think the progression is natural; they don't strike me as amatuer musicians who care only about getting rich with half-assed material and a "bad boy" image.
[Aug 8,2005 11:26pm - greggdeadface ""]
the fuzz
sin of angels

one band takes the cake on this
[Aug 9,2005 12:00am - xmikex ""]
Amen to crappy Daughters being overrated.

As far as Dimmu Borgir "Enthrone Darkness..." goes, I had that cd for a while because some magazine named it one of the top 5 most essential black metal albums. I hated it from first note to last. I ended up giving it to a friend of mine who's a lesbian, art major because the whole thing just sounded like a giant soundtrack to anything and everything that ever happened at Manray. boooo urns.
[Aug 9,2005 12:01am - BestialOnslaught ""]
xmikex said:some magazine named it one of the top 5 most essential black metal albums.

That's one shitty zine...
[Aug 9,2005 12:36am - brian_dc ""]
Daughters aren't even overrated...I write off all reviews and just adhere to the fact that Daughters are fucking annoying
[Aug 9,2005 12:38am - eddienli  ""]
malettey said:i don't care what anyone says, i always liked dimmu borgir. i know they aren't "true" black metal, their influence on the scene is minimal and their image is pretty lame but i think they are good at what they do. i actually like "death cult armageddon" more than some of their other albums, it's a little heavier than "spiritual..." or "enthrone..." and i think the orchestra in there sounds great with the material on that one. and i'm not even going to compare their early material ("for all tid", "storm blast") with the newer because the feeling in the music between those two eras is totally different. the band certainly is moving into a higher level of commercial success, but i think the progression is natural; they don't strike me as amatuer musicians who care only about getting rich with half-assed material and a "bad boy" image.

who cares if they're true or not they suck. The only thing i ever liked by them was that twisted sister cover
[Aug 9,2005 1:06am - attendmyrequiem ""]
cdan said:xmikex said:overrated:
Children of Bodom
Arch Enemy
Carnal Forge

good work

chris you're suprising me lately. you didn't like johan era arch enemy? i thought the ammotts where at their peak durring that period.
[Aug 9,2005 1:53am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
xmikex said: I ended up giving it to a friend of mine who's a lesbian, art major because the whole thing just sounded like a giant soundtrack to anything and everything that ever happened at Manray. boooo urns.

This is clearly the funniest thing I have ever read anywhere.

[Aug 9,2005 9:22am - yodaslab  ""]
dimmu rocks, this whole talk involving profits is stupid. They rock, end of story.
[Aug 9,2005 9:36am - anonymous  ""]
yodaslab said:dimmu rocks, this whole talk involving profits is stupid. They rock, end of story.

yeah rock gay cock!
[Aug 9,2005 1:13pm - Abbath ""]
overrated: Dimmu Borgir
Dark Funeral

I admit when i first got into the metals these bands (besides Dark Funeral) were great. But then again i was getting into them when they were in their early years... Dimmu Borgir is a joke now come on people, they were in it for the money since the early years. They are black metal lite if anything, but i do enjoy their first 3 albums. The same can be said about COF, i mean last night i turned on the tv and they were on Viva La Bam, ugh, i've never seen a band like them before where with each album they release gets worse and worse.
And there's the "Mighty Opeth," I was an Opeth fan... then i decided to grow up. Opeth is the perfect opener metal band for kids who want to start to get into metal. After Black Water Park i knew it was the end for them.

Underrated: Gorgoroth
Carpathian Forest/Nattefrost
My Dying Bride

Whenever i talk to black metal people i never hear a word about these two bands, which is a big shame. Gorgoroth and Carpathian Forest deserve some respect. Gorgoroth, to me, has never released a horrible album, i think they're still trying to find themselves and are not afraid to take chances. They stay within the rules of black metal but add a little twist.
[Aug 9,2005 1:25pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
i always thought of gorgoroth as one of the big black metal bands that everyone knows, mostly because of the burzum split. but they havent put out a bad album, in fact they have put out 2 of the best bm albums ever, imo
i agree with CF/nattefrost, i cant believe everyone in the world isnt up their ass.
my dying bride seems like they get enough credit...but great band none the less...

i dont really understand how dark funeral is over rated. i never knew too many people who were into them. but secret of the black arts, vobiscum satanas and the first record are all fucking awesome. i personally love diabolis, but i could see how some people might not be into them... i wouldnt put them anywhere near cof/dimmu..they sound nothing alike and arent on the same level or decline at all.

but thats just my 2 cents
[Aug 9,2005 1:29pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Nattefrost's "Terrorist" is a fucking great album.
[Aug 9,2005 1:31pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
i would put dark funeral with marduk as good bands that arent doing anything ground breaking but always have solid albums and wicked sweet merch ha
[Aug 9,2005 2:17pm - Abbath ""]
I just have a hard time getting into Dark Funeral, all i hear is that they're so great, just don't do it for me

Nattefrost's "Terrorist" album is brilliant
[Aug 9,2005 2:29pm - timma nli  ""]
Cradle of Filth
As I Lay Dying/Mechuggah (no thats not a spelling error, dick)
Dimmu Borgir
It Dies Today

Despised Icon
With Dead Hands Rising
Cryptic Warning
[Aug 9,2005 2:31pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
understandable, i feel that way about voivod and i catch endless amounts of shit over it!
[Aug 9,2005 3:42pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
BornSoVile said:I must say there Mr. Sac,
You're the only person I've met on the internet or even in the history of me going to shows, that has argued in favor of Dimmu, you got some balls kid.

haha thanks dude :doublehorns:

i never gave my list

The Dillenger Escape Plan
KSE(I like em...just WAY too overrated)
The Red Chord(was not impressed at all when i saw em)
Clutch(suck balls)

Opeth(Sure you hear about em all the time but they rule...the next Pink Floyd in my opinion) :bow:
Martyr AD
Fear Factory
Black Harvest(unnecessarily good)
Type O Negative(They get a lot of respect, but not as much as they deserve)

yea i know some of em weren't metal but whatever...i didn't put dimmu simply because i like them and don't think their rated-ness is of concern
[Aug 9,2005 3:45pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Look, I don't care if anyone likes Dimmu or even think they are a terrible band, but you really need to look no further than stuff they've said publically to see that there is a big commercial element in their approach.
[Aug 9,2005 3:47pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
give me links and i'll believe you

and either way i'll still like their music
[Aug 9,2005 4:05pm - DreamingInExile-nli  ""]
Shadows Fall
Beyond The Embrace
In Flames

Shape of Despair
Quo Vadis
Gamma Ray

I could go on with both lists, but I'll stop while I'm at 5 each.

Just because I have bands on my overrated list, does not mean that I don't like them, I happen to like all the bands that I've mentioned here, I'm just being honest and voicing my opinion on who's overrated
[Aug 9,2005 4:13pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
SacreligionNLI said:give me links and i'll believe you

[Aug 9,2005 4:21pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
uh-oh they did well
[Aug 9,2005 4:22pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
also, thats not an interview where they express there commercial intent
[Aug 9,2005 4:38pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
DIMMU BORGIR Singer To Guest On Norwegian Talk Show - Feb. 19, 2004
DIMMU BORGIR vocalist Shagrath will be a featured guest on Norway's most popular talk show, "Først & Sist". The show had previously aired interviews with such celebrities as Robbie Williams, Paul McCartney and Nicole Kidman. In addition, DIMMU BORGIR were recently featured in the biggest Norwegian newspaper with a two-page article.

[Aug 9,2005 4:55pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
anyways, im a dimmu fan. i like their newer stuff, too. but they want to be rock stars and are doing a damn good job of it...i dont see how anyone could deny that...
[Aug 9,2005 6:00pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Uh... www.metalmaniacs.com?
[Aug 9,2005 6:11pm - dwellingsickness ""]
This Thread is now overated
[Aug 9,2005 9:17pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Underrated : POSSESSED!!

both albums and the ep are amazing. essential.
[Aug 9,2005 10:03pm - anonymous  ""]
dan_bloodblister said:DIMMU BORGIR Singer To Guest On Norwegian Talk Show - Feb. 19, 2004
DIMMU BORGIR vocalist Shagrath will be a featured guest on Norway's most popular talk show, "Først & Sist". The show had previously aired interviews with such celebrities as Robbie Williams, Paul McCartney and Nicole Kidman. In addition, DIMMU BORGIR were recently featured in the biggest Norwegian newspaper with a two-page article.

no links...and that's not them saying they have commercial intent
[Aug 9,2005 10:05pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
if you're invited to do something why not do it for the fuck of it? just to be kvlt? that's like punk bands doing nothing but punk music because they don't wanna be considered not punk...when it's actually in that style to do whatever the fuck you want

also, that was me in the last post
[Aug 9,2005 10:42pm - BornSoVile ""]
SacreligionNLI said:if you're invited to do something why not do it for the fuck of it? just to be kvlt? that's like punk bands doing nothing but punk music because they don't wanna be considered not punk...when it's actually in that style to do whatever the fuck you want

also, that was me in the last post

Face it you like a shitty band that alot of people with more experience than you hate, it's okay to be wrong, just learn from your mistakes.
[Aug 9,2005 10:57pm - Dissector ""]
Under rated black metal bands:
Anciend Rites

The most under rated death metal band:
Pungent Stench

Note - There is a huge list of bands that I feel are under rated and I don't feel like picking all of them, or five of them for that matter. As for the black metal bands I listed, those are pretty much the only ones I listen to (Darkthrone too) and I never hear anything said about them.

I was going to put Impetigo under the most underrated death metal band but I realized they get all the recognizition where it's due.
[Aug 9,2005 11:31pm - silky ""]
in flames

dark funeral
abbadon incarnate
[Aug 9,2005 11:36pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
BornSoVile said:Face it you like a shitty band that alot of people with more experience than you hate, it's okay to be wrong, just learn from your mistakes. :doublehorns:

that's probably the most ignorant thing i've ever heard

[Aug 10,2005 12:05am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
CARCASS are underrated!


[Aug 10,2005 12:10am - blue ""]

90% of black metal
all of the bands that mallcore kids think are underrated (opeth, dimmu, old mans child, etc)...cus they dont listen to enough underground stuff to know that theyre overrated
[Aug 10,2005 12:47am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
they're still good though
[Aug 10,2005 12:49am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
those "mallcore" bands that is

if anythign was mallcore these days it's freakin emo...that shit's everywhere and it's obnoxious
[Aug 10,2005 12:52am - Dissector ""]
Nah those bands are overrated and they suck.
[Aug 10,2005 12:52am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
note how i could give a fuck
[Aug 10,2005 12:57am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 1:00am - Dissector ""]
SacreligionNLI said:note how i could give a fuck

You like sticking up for bands you like. I like trashing bands I don't like. It all works out.
[Aug 10,2005 1:02am - blue ""]
SacreligionNLI said:if anythign was mallcore these days it's freakin emo...that shit's everywhere and it's obnoxious

i will bet you 5 million dollars you dont have a clue who a single emo band is.

if there is anything that is mallcore these days it is definetly dimmu borgir.
[Aug 10,2005 1:02am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
works for me
[Aug 10,2005 1:03am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
blue said:i will bet you 5 million dollars you dont have a clue who a single emo band is.

by emo i mean that fuckin my chemical romance/story of the year horseshit

not glassjaw or any of that shit
[Aug 10,2005 1:04am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 1:04am - blue ""]
as long as you stop calling them underrated. anyone who has been listening to metal for longer than 10 minutes know that dimmu borgir are not underrated. how can a band be underrated when almost millions of mall goths would slit their wrists for them.
[Aug 10,2005 1:06am - blue ""]
SacreligionNLI said:blue said:i will bet you 5 million dollars you dont have a clue who a single emo band is.

by emo i mean that fuckin my chemical romance/story of the year horseshit

not glassjaw or any of that shit

so by emo you mean not emo in the slightest? ok. by the way, glassjaw is better than your favorite band.
[Aug 10,2005 1:07am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i never said they were underrated

i just disagreed with how practically everyone said they were overrated
[Aug 10,2005 1:07am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 1:08am - blue ""]
im past that now. im now focusing on the fact that you dont have the slightest clue on what emo is.
[Aug 10,2005 1:08am - Dissector ""]
Guys, obviously Dimmu Borgir, Iron Maiden, and Black Sabbath are the most underrated bands in metal history.
[Aug 10,2005 1:09am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
oh so you're "old-school" emo back when it wasn't cool to be into that shit...

sounds familiar...kinda like bashing dimmu and opeth because a lot of people like em and proceeding to call them mallcore
[Aug 10,2005 1:10am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 1:11am - eddie ""]
Dissector said:Guys, obviously Dimmu Borgir, Iron Maiden, and Black Sabbath are the most underrated bands in metal history.

maiden and sabbath own your ass!
[Aug 10,2005 1:12am - Dissector ""]
I just looked up mall core in the dictionary and this is what I got

Mall Core: see Sacreligion's influences-
Influences Anything and everything that is good...and heavy...such as Dimmu Borgir, Meshuggah, Lamb of God, God Forbid, Unearth, Pantera, Type O Negative, Satyricon, Emperor, Fear Factory, Black Harvest, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Killswitch Engage, Grave, Sepultura, etc.
[Aug 10,2005 1:13am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 1:14am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
im devastated...really
[Aug 10,2005 1:14am - blue ""]
SacreligionNLI said:oh so you're "old-school" emo back when it wasn't cool to be into that shit...

sounds familiar...kinda like bashing dimmu and opeth because a lot of people like em and proceeding to call them mallcore

im old school emo? you mean i happen to know that nothing in the past 10 years can honestly be classified as emo cus i actually know the origins of the frigging genre? just because you dont know anything about the genre doesnt really give you authority to say that i was into it when it wasnt 'cool.'

oh, and ive never liked opeth. and dimmu hasnt put out a quality album in ages. but theyre still fucking mallcore.

music that mall kids will buy in hordes = mallcore.
[Aug 10,2005 1:14am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 1:15am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i don't have time to listen to metal snobs berate me just because i like music they don't
[Aug 10,2005 1:15am - blue ""]
Dissector said:I just looked up mall core in the dictionary and this is what I got

Mall Core: see Sacreligion's influences-
Influences Anything and everything that is good...and heavy...such as Dimmu Borgir, Meshuggah, Lamb of God, God Forbid, Unearth, Pantera, Type O Negative, Satyricon, Emperor, Fear Factory, Black Harvest, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Killswitch Engage, Grave, Sepultura, etc.

i didnt want to get that harsh, but that is pretty much every huge mallcore band put into a definitive list. minus grave.
[Aug 10,2005 1:16am - eddie ""]
sepultura is good deicide as well. and pantera has like 3 good songs
[Aug 10,2005 1:16am - Dissector ""]
SacreligionNLI said:i don't have time to listen to metal snobs berate me just because i like music they don't

By responding to us all night apparently you do.
[Aug 10,2005 1:16am - Dissector ""]
blue said:Dissector said:I just looked up mall core in the dictionary and this is what I got

Mall Core: see Sacreligion's influences-
Influences Anything and everything that is good...and heavy...such as Dimmu Borgir, Meshuggah, Lamb of God, God Forbid, Unearth, Pantera, Type O Negative, Satyricon, Emperor, Fear Factory, Black Harvest, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Killswitch Engage, Grave, Sepultura, etc.

i didnt want to get that harsh, but that is pretty much every huge mallcore band put into a definitive list. minus grave.

Yeah minus Grave and old Sepultura.

[Aug 10,2005 1:16am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 1:17am - eddie ""]
but blue is right
[Aug 10,2005 1:18am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 1:18am - blue ""]
SacreligionNLI said:i don't have time to listen to metal snobs berate me just because i like music they don't

dude, you know very well that practically every person on this board dislikes all the bands you like, and have been into every band you just got into last month for years. so dont act like you wont get shit on when you talk about this stuff. anyway, its a freaking message board. its very easy to be an elitist on a messageboard. christ, i get shit on for what i listen to as well. big deal.
[Aug 10,2005 1:18am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
blue said:im old school emo? you mean i happen to know that nothing in the past 10 years can honestly be classified as emo cus i actually know the origins of the frigging genre? just because you dont know anything about the genre doesnt really give you authority to say that i was into it when it wasnt 'cool.'

so i didn't specifically mention jawbreaker or noneleftstanding...i didn't even mean to include them in that generalization but it happened on accident

granted im no emo expert...but i see a hell of a lot more of that new "emo" shit everyone's parading around than i see dimmu or opeth shirts
[Aug 10,2005 1:20am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 1:20am - Dissector ""]
Dude you're kidding me right? Three minutes ago you said you didn't have the time to listen to us and then you respond yet again.
[Aug 10,2005 1:20am - blue ""]

how can i lack sincerity when i talk about the music ive loved for over half of my life? christ, youre the one who doesnt like king diamond.
[Aug 10,2005 1:21am - eddie ""]

king diamond is good!!! good i say!!!
[Aug 10,2005 1:21am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 1:22am - blue ""]
SacreligionNLI said:blue said:im old school emo? you mean i happen to know that nothing in the past 10 years can honestly be classified as emo cus i actually know the origins of the frigging genre? just because you dont know anything about the genre doesnt really give you authority to say that i was into it when it wasnt 'cool.'

so i didn't specifically mention jawbreaker or noneleftstanding...i didn't even mean to include them in that generalization but it happened on accident

granted im no emo expert...but i see a hell of a lot more of that new "emo" shit everyone's parading around than i see dimmu or opeth shirts

hey, you mentioned jawbreaker. +10 points for you. that wasnt so bad now wasnt.

STOP CALLING IT EMO IF YOU KNOW VERY WELL ITS NOT. you just make yourself sound like you dont know what youre talking about.
[Aug 10,2005 1:22am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i like all the bands that i do because i like their music. i have not once gone on about a band that i found in the past couple months just to seem cool or anything...hell i usually just make a smart ass comment here and there

and dissector totally zinged me a couple posts back...but i didn't take it to personally until you started targeting me and my band specifically
[Aug 10,2005 1:23am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 1:24am - blue ""]
SacreligionNLI said:i like all the bands that i do because i like their music.

then dont take it so much to heart. if you like it, whats wrong with it? nothing. so dont worry.
[Aug 10,2005 1:26am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
well we were just having a debate about music and it got pretty heated(on a freakin message board) for a couple minutes...it happens...music is about emotion anyway right? it makes sense someone would be passionate about what they like...either way...work in 4 hours...now i really don't have time(no more berating has taken place...but you get my point)
[Aug 10,2005 1:27am - blue ""]
there. now lets all have sex with each other.

[Aug 10,2005 1:28am - Abbath ""]
@sac-christ dude give it a break
[Aug 10,2005 1:28am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 1:29am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 1:29am - eddie ""]
blue said:there. now lets all have sex with each other.


let all play urban dead
[Aug 10,2005 1:34am - xmikex ""]
attendmyrequiem said:xmikex said:attendmyrequiem said:overrated:
as the sun sets
bury your dead

Mouth of the Architect
Ion Dissonance
Disarmonia Mundi

terror is easily the most overrated metal band ever.


it was quite obvious that i was too stoned to remember that it was metal bands and not just bands. either way you tried to argue as the sunsets being grindcore... enough said.

i couldn't possibly care less if as the sun sets was a "grindcore" band, or a C & C Music Factory cover band in the eyes of the internet. i'm not having a music nerd, metalcore afficianado internet debate.

get a haircut.
[Aug 10,2005 1:35am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 10,2005 3:57am - dreadkill ""]
opeth is my favorite band and has been for years, and even i'd say they are overrated by now. ever since blackwater park, they've been attracting alot of the wrong kinds of fans. i still love the music they put out, but at this point, the hype built up between the real fans and the idiot fans has reached ridiculous proportions. every kid who hangs out at the mall could get into them , and as long as they still put out good music, i will still be a fan. i like the new album, so i have no problem with the possibility of them reaching killswitch-like popularity from it. i can't control it.

as for dimmu, i like some of their stuff. i think they're a good band, but they are far from one of the best black metal bands ever. i think they deserve some of the credit they get, but as far as black metal goes, there are way better bands out there.
[Aug 10,2005 4:03am - dreadkill ""]
my real list of overrated/underrated "metal" bands:

overrated: killswitch, unearth, darkthrone, lamb of god, as i lay dying, black dahlia murder

underrated: agalloch, blood duster, ephel duath, cynic, edge of sanity/dan swano, sculptured
[Aug 10,2005 5:47am - BestialOnslaught ""]
blue said:if there is anything that is mallcore these days it is definetly dimmu borgir.

Hey, there's no need to be retarded about this.
[Aug 10,2005 9:01am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Look, I don't care if anyone likes Dimmu or even think they are a terrible band, but you really need to look no further than stuff they've said publically to see that there is a big commercial element in their approach.

I interviewed Silenoz, IN PERSON, and he said right there that they wanted to be able to make a living off their music and promote themselves through as many avenues as possible. I have it on a minicassette if I can find the dang thing. That is the very definition of commercialism and there is no disputing that is what Dimmu Borgir are, a commercial black metal band, by their own admission, regardless of liking or not liking their music! So Alex is 100% correct in this statement.
[Aug 10,2005 9:09am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I actually enjoy Meshuggah a great deal. They came up with an innovative and hypnotic approach to metal, and they continue to dazzle with their lyrics and concepts. Also, it has never seemed as if they give two fucks if anyone likes them, so despite their success, I wouldn't classify them as mallcore or commercial, just because people buy their records.

It's pretty much the 'in' thing now to dislike Meshuggah, so I don't see how anyone is overrating them...

Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin sell tons of records at the mall...they are TOTALLY mallcore.
[Aug 10,2005 9:12am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Anyway...



Best post ever. Master's Hammer, Saxon, Necromantia, and Tank are TOTALLY underrated.
[Aug 10,2005 10:36am - eddie ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I actually enjoy Meshuggah a great deal. They came up with an innovative and hypnotic approach to metal, and they continue to dazzle with their lyrics and concepts. Also, it has never seemed as if they give two fucks if anyone likes them, so despite their success, I wouldn't classify them as mallcore or commercial, just because people buy their records.

It's pretty much the 'in' thing now to dislike Meshuggah, so I don't see how anyone is overrating them...

Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin sell tons of records at the mall...they are TOTALLY mallcore.

floyd and zeppelin fans are either really really into it, or complete posers. i say this because the biggest zeppelin fan in the school does not wear the shirt ever. but there are 20+ people wearing a zeppelin shirt and 2/3 of them probably don't even own any of there albums.

sadly this is becoming true of slayer and iron maiden as well.

i don't know if this generalization is true in other places but it is in my suburban hell.
[Aug 10,2005 10:54am - yodaslab  ""]
dimmu rocks, the general idea for most bands is to generate enough money to live off of and continue touring and spreading their music. Just because a band has the desire to market their music in a more profitable fashion, shouldnt necessarily condemn them to be "mall core" or "sell outs." most of us, if given the opportunity, would love to play music for a living and enjoy all the things that come along with success. Im not saying i desire to make millions of being a "rockstar" but it would be nice, as im sure most would agree, to have stability as far as income and finances are concerned and be able to play music for a living while touring, as oppossed to going to school and working in a post office as i currently am.
[Aug 10,2005 10:59am - yodaslab  ""]
Just because they are trying to "promote" themselves in all areas doesnt mean they cant still be viewed as a good band. All bands try and promote themselves whether it be through t-shirts or stickers or whatever. If i desired to dedicate my life to music and try and live off of that music, well then i would absolutley 100% try and do anything and everything i could to see to it that my goal was accomplished, including seeking out all possible avenues that may lead to that goal. Live to play and play to live.
[Aug 10,2005 11:01am - Josh_Martin ""]
A friend of mine used to work for Cradle of Filth's label. When Dimmu Borgir came out she would bitch about what a COF rip off they were.

Flash forward one year. Now she works at Dimmu Borgir's label. She complains that people who call them COF rip offs have no idea what they're talking about.

When Dimmu played the Palladium 5 or 6 years ago, another friend of mine was interviewing them for some magazine. We went to dinner with them. This was when Nick Barker and that Australian guy were in the band. This was also when Dummy Burger was the favored insult for Dimmu Borgir.
Some of us ordered hamburgers for dinner. "Dummy Burger" was brought up. The norweigan members got all annoyed and acted all serious and grim. Nick and the Australian dude were wicked cool, partied, and let me and my friend take pictures of them stuffing hamburgers in their mouths. It was the ultimate Dummy Burger picture.

[Aug 10,2005 11:16am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
No, the general idea for most bands is to make music and have fun. Since less than 1% of all bands in the world can actually accomplish enough to make a living off their music, rockstar aspirations are the stuff of 13-year old daydreams, or people who act like 13-year olds. I want people to like me! I want to be popular! I'll do whatever it takes!

Now, I never called Dimmu Borgir sell-outs, I simply said that by their own admission they were a commercial band. The reason so many people within the (2nd wave, Norway-centric) black metal community feel this way is that becoming accessible and appealing to those who haven't personally sought out this obscure form of music is admittedly diametrically opposed to the very philosophy of the genre that spawned such bands as Dimmu Borgir. This is why they take offense. Whether these aesthetics ruin anyone's enjoyment of Dimmu Borgir is entirely up to the individual. I used to own most of the DB CDs, but I personally do not enjoy the band anymore because their music bores the piss out of me, and is far too focused on big budget production instead of the aesthetics, songwriting, and philosophies I hold most dear when listening to black metal.

I don't like Shadows Fall either, not since their very early days. Does it mean I think they are 'sellouts'? Absolutely not, they worked hard to get where they are, but I do not feel their music justifies their popularity. Same with Opeth and Children of Bodom. Does insignificant me change anyone's opinion or affect the popularity of these bands? Not one iota.
[Aug 10,2005 11:19am - yodaslab  ""]
well, thas good that they were cool about it all for the most part.
[Aug 10,2005 11:23am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
The time I spoke to Silenoz, he was definitely cool.

I was kind of surprised how short that band was.
[Aug 10,2005 11:44am - dan_bloodblister ""]
anonymous said:dan_bloodblister said:DIMMU BORGIR Singer To Guest On Norwegian Talk Show - Feb. 19, 2004
DIMMU BORGIR vocalist Shagrath will be a featured guest on Norway's most popular talk show, "Først & Sist". The show had previously aired interviews with such celebrities as Robbie Williams, Paul McCartney and Nicole Kidman. In addition, DIMMU BORGIR were recently featured in the biggest Norwegian newspaper with a two-page article.

no links...and that's not them saying they have commercial intent

yeah i guess there is a big difference between them saying they have commercial intent and them appearing on a massive talk show actually showing they have comercial intent.

and theres no link, your right. i fabricated that entire article. fuckwit
[Aug 10,2005 11:48am - babyshaker ""]
enough about dimmu borgir lol
[Aug 10,2005 12:09pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hahah, I missed the whole part about how they are on a talk show. That's pretty funny.
[Aug 10,2005 12:38pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
let's discuss a new band i really enjoy - EMPEROR!

what are your sentiments on them?
[Aug 10,2005 12:47pm - niccolai nli  ""]

Are we allowed to list more then five? Because I can porbably keep that going for a while.
[Aug 10,2005 3:29pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
i think i found myself a joe nc jr.
[Aug 10,2005 4:28pm - BornSoVile ""]
SacreligionNLI said:let's discuss a new band i really enjoy - EMPEROR!

what are your sentiments on them?

haha, NEW!!?!?!
[Aug 10,2005 4:37pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Let's hear it for Lord Gore!!:NEWHORNS:
[Aug 10,2005 4:51pm - nate ""]
yay I've got poop! yay!
[Aug 12,2005 2:07pm - anonymous  ""]
dreadkill said:overrated:
mercyful fate
iron maiden

limp bizkit

That makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. agalloch is a band that i feel in underrated, Amorphis is fucking horrible, einherjer is underrated so is entombed, pig destroyer is very very much overrated, Slayer is so very much overrated.
[Aug 12,2005 5:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
BornSoVile said:SacreligionNLI said:let's discuss a new band i really enjoy - EMPEROR!

what are your sentiments on them?

haha, NEW!!?!?!

not new in the sense that they recently came out, cmon now they broke up years ago

i meant new to the argument

[Aug 12,2005 5:38pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
they rule though
[Aug 12,2005 6:01pm - dreadkill ""]
anonymous said:dreadkill said:overrated:
mercyful fate
iron maiden

limp bizkit

That makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. agalloch is a band that i feel in underrated, Amorphis is fucking horrible, einherjer is underrated so is entombed, pig destroyer is very very much overrated, Slayer is so very much overrated.

whoever you are, i definitely agree with you, except for amorphis. i put agalloch on my real list. einherjer is definitely underrated. entombed i wouldn't put in either category. pig destroyer isn't bad, but they're definitely overrated as you said. i never understood why everyone "jocked" (ha) that band so much. slayer, being slayer, is very overrated, although i do listen to them.
[Aug 12,2005 7:10pm - intricateprocess ""]
Yattering=seriously underrated
[Aug 12,2005 7:21pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Yattering isn't up to par with their Polish deathmetal brethren. They're alright but they're rated about what they're worth.
[Aug 12,2005 10:55pm - anonymous  ""]
everyone should listen to decapitated and they dont and thats GAY
[Aug 13,2005 12:57am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I agree Yattering is not quite as good as Decapitated, Behemoth, Vader, Trauma, Dies Irae, or Crionics.
[Aug 13,2005 1:01am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

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